Uncertainty Principle & an Atomic Nucleus

In summary, the strong nuclear force binds neutrons in an atomic nucleus when they are within a distance of about 1 fm from each other. To determine the approximate kinetic energy of a neutron within this region, we use the equation \DeltaX\DeltaP = h/4\pi and the rest energy of a neutron, 939 MeV. Assuming \DeltaP ~ P, we can solve for the kinetic energy with the given information and find an answer to 2 significant figures. Some classmates have questioned this assumption, but it is likely made due to the small magnitude of the Planck constant and the uncertainty principle within a nucleus.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A neutron in an atomic nucleus is bound to other neutrons and protons in the nucleus by the strong nuclear force when it comes within about 1 fm of another particle . What is the approximate kinetic energy in MeV of a neutron that is localised to within such a region? Take delta(x)*delta(p) = h/(4pi) and rest energy of neutron to be 939 MeV. Give your result to 2 significant figures.

Homework Equations

[tex]\Delta[/tex]X[tex]\Delta[/tex]P = h/4[tex]\pi[/tex]
KE = P2/2m

The Attempt at a Solution

We know [tex]\Delta[/tex]X = 1x10-15m and we know E0 = 939MeV and [tex]\Delta[/tex]P can be easily determined. However, I don't know how to continue because I don't think we're given enough information. A couple people in my class have mentioned that we should assume [tex]\Delta[/tex]P ~ P in which this would make the question simple. I don't understand this since our [tex]\Delta[/tex]X is very small so our [tex]\Delta[/tex]P would be very large. But the uncertainty in this case is just a number so it could be anything so how is it at all related to P hence why the hell can we just assume [tex]\Delta[/tex]P ~ P?? Or are my classmates wrong like I think they are :wink:
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  • #2
Well, the Planck constant is of the order 10-34 so the [itex]\Delta[/itex]P is of the order 10-19 which is not large in my book.

As to why this assumption is to be made my best guess would be that within a nucleus the particles are considered still in respect to one another, just a small vibration whose magnitude is given by the uncertainty principle with the lower bound being 0 (and so the upper bound is the magnitude of the uncertainty).
  • #3
ojs said:
Well, the Planck constant is of the order 10-34 so the [itex]\Delta[/itex]P is of the order 10-19 which is not large in my book.

As to why this assumption is to be made my best guess would be that within a nucleus the particles are considered still in respect to one another, just a small vibration whose magnitude is given by the uncertainty principle with the lower bound being 0 (and so the upper bound is the magnitude of the uncertainty).

I don't completely understand but if you're saying that assuming [itex]\Delta[/itex]P ~ P is okay then that's good enough for me. We've been getting heaps of these dodgy questions lately and they're starting to annoy me lol. Thanks.

FAQ: Uncertainty Principle & an Atomic Nucleus

1. What is the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle, also known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be known simultaneously with absolute certainty. In other words, the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa.

2. How does the Uncertainty Principle apply to an atomic nucleus?

The Uncertainty Principle applies to all particles, including those found in the atomic nucleus. Due to the small size of the nucleus and the high speeds at which its particles move, the uncertainty in their position and momentum is relatively large. This uncertainty is an important factor in understanding the stability and behavior of atoms.

3. Can the Uncertainty Principle be violated?

No, the Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics and cannot be violated. It is not a limitation of our ability to measure particles, but rather a fundamental property of the universe.

4. How does the Uncertainty Principle affect the measurement of particles in the nucleus?

The Uncertainty Principle affects the measurement of particles in the nucleus by placing limits on the precision with which we can measure their position and momentum. This can make it difficult to accurately determine the exact properties and behavior of particles in the nucleus.

5. What are the implications of the Uncertainty Principle in nuclear physics?

The Uncertainty Principle has significant implications in nuclear physics, as it affects our ability to accurately predict and measure the behavior of particles in the nucleus. It also plays a role in understanding the stability of atoms and the processes of radioactive decay and nuclear reactions.

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