What happens to the total power dissipated in the circuit ?

In summary, the power dissipated in the circuit stays the same when the switch is closed. The resistance across the battery decreases when the switch is closed, but the total voltage remains the same.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What happens to the total power dissipated in the circuit once the switch is closed?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

V total and I toral remain the same so the power dissipated by the circuit stays the same...?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why do you think Itotal remains the same? What is the resistance across the battery with the switch open and with it closed?
  • #3
Can you show some equations to back up your guess?
  • #4
phyzguy said:
Why do you think Itotal remains the same? What is the resistance across the battery with the switch open and with it closed?

Well...for the current, it's current conservation. Switch open: I total goes through A, B and C ( they're in series) and then goes back to the battery. Switch closed: I total goes through A then B then splits into let's say I1( through the middle resustless wire) and I2 ( through C) at the upper junction. Then it becomes I total again at the lower junction. I think the closed switch short-circuits C but I am not sure this means I2 is null...As for the voltages, I think the voltage across C has to decrease once the switch is closed ( V=IR, I decreases; V decreases). But the total voltage has to stay the same ( equal to the voltage provided by the battery) so the voltages across A and B have to increase...but that would mean that the current through A and B increases...?!?
  • #5
gneill said:
Can you show some equations to back up your guess?
I got his from my textbook. We haven't learned it in class yet, so I am confused about it and the textbook does not help..
  • #6
What happens to the total resistance of the circuit when the switch is closed?
  • #7
kamhogo said:
But the total voltage has to stay the same ( equal to the voltage provided by the battery) so the voltages across A and B have to increase...but that would mean that the current through A and B increases...?!?
  • #8
cnh1995 said:
But how is that possible? A and B are right after the positive terminal of the battery so no matter the situation they should receive I total...?
  • #9
kamhogo said:
But how is that possible? A and B are right after the positive terminal of the battery so no matter the situation they should receive I total...?
cnh1995 said:
What happens to the total resistance of the circuit when the switch is closed?
  • #10
kamhogo said:
But how is that possible? A and B are right after the positive terminal of the battery so no matter the situation they should receive I total...?

Of course A and B receive all of Itotal, but Itotal is different when the switch is closed than when it is open.
  • #11
l think I see. Itotal=Vtotal*Req. Switch open: Req =3R (the bulbs are identical and in series). Switch closed: Req is smaller than 3R (C is now in parallel with A and B). So I is smaller when the switch is closed. Correct?


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  • #12
kamhogo said:
Switch closed: Req is smaller than 3R
kamhogo said:
C is now in parallel with A and B).
No. C is eliminated from the circuit. Look up the term "short circuit".
kamhogo said:
So I is smaller when the switch is closed.
Are you sure? Equivalent resistance decreased after closing the switch.
  • #13
kamhogo said:
I=V/R and not V*R.
  • #14
cnh1995 said:
I=V/R and not V*R.
True! So the current increases.

FAQ: What happens to the total power dissipated in the circuit ?

What is power dissipation?

Power dissipation is the process by which electrical energy is converted into heat energy in a circuit. It is measured in watts (W) and is the product of voltage and current.

What is the total power dissipated in a circuit?

The total power dissipated in a circuit is the sum of all the power dissipated by each individual component in the circuit. This can be calculated by adding up the power dissipation values for each component.

How is power dissipation affected by resistance?

The higher the resistance in a circuit, the more power will be dissipated. This is because resistance causes a decrease in current flow, which leads to an increase in voltage and therefore an increase in power dissipation.

What happens to power dissipation in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the power dissipation is shared among all the components in the circuit. This means that each component will dissipate less power compared to if it were in a circuit by itself. The total power dissipation in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the power dissipation of each component.

What happens to power dissipation in a parallel circuit?

In a parallel circuit, the power dissipation is not shared among the components. Each component will dissipate the same amount of power as it would in a circuit by itself. The total power dissipation in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the power dissipation of each individual component.
