Who Has the Best Communication Skills on Physics Forums?

  • Thread starter heman
  • Start date
In summary: Lesser?In summary, the best communication skills on PF seem to be those of Moonbear, Clausius, Astronuc, and Danger. These individuals are approachable, have a unique style, and are funny. Evo and brewnog are also good communicators, but Moonbear and Clausius stand out the most.
  • #106
Pengwuino said:
*hands honestrosewater a welcome bag*
Um, I think there's been a mistake - there's nothing in here but lingerie and chocolate syrup.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #107
honestrosewater said:
Woohoo! :biggrin: GD is totally rotting my brain - it's worse than daytime TV! I can't even understand the posts in the normal forums anymore. I can only think of smart@$$ replies to them. My blossoming mind is wilting from the stupid quetions and sexual innuendo. :frown:
I know. A Dangerous place, GD.
  • #108
arildno said:
I know. A Dangerous place, GD.
You're one of the worst, mister. How do you manage to still think clearly when you leave here? I gave up halfway through SEND + MORE = MONEY. :rolleyes:
  • #109
honestrosewater said:
Um, I think there's been a mistake - there's nothing in here but lingerie and chocolate syrup.

I dunno, smurf personally bagged it
  • #110
honestrosewater said:
Um, I think there's been a mistake - there's nothing in here but lingerie and chocolate syrup.
  • #111
*honk honk*
  • #112
loseyourname said:
I used to be a great communicator until I began posting in General Discussion. Since then, the quality of my posts has dramatically declined.
honestrosewater said:
Woohoo! :biggrin: GD is totally rotting my brain - it's worse than daytime TV! I can't even understand the posts in the normal forums anymore. I can only think of smart@$$ replies to them. My blossoming mind is wilting from the stupid quetions and sexual innuendo. :frown:
These two posts merit reiteration.
  • #113
zoobyshoe said:
These two posts merit reiteration.
reiterwhat? Dumb it down a little, Einstein.
  • #114
Yeah! we're in GD here, no words longer than 8 letters!
  • #115
honestrosewater said:
reiterwhat? Dumb it down a little, Einstein.

go to dictionary.com >:( roar!
  • #116
What's dictionary? That's more than 8 letters too! DAMN PEOPLE FOLLOW THE RULES!
  • #117
What are you talking about :D
  • #118
Pengwuino said:
What are you talking about :D
Sorry, you're not killing this that easily. :-p
  • #119
im still lost :(
  • #120
Pengwuino said:
im still lost :(
  • #121
honestrosewater said:
reiterwhat? Dumb it down a little, Einstein.
You POOR, fallen woman!

"Oh, what a noble mind is here, o'erthrown!"
  • #122
Ive never seen any large letters carved into the ground north of my city...
  • #123
heman said:
Who do you think has got the best communication skills on PF!

These are the names which come to my mind,

ok, what have you learned from Moonbear ?

How do the communication skills of these two people differ from each other. Where are they alike ?

If you want to make a claim, than tell us why you think something like that ? Explain your point. that is what good communication is all about. Remember to illustrate your point with examples, like extracts from posts of these people.

Good Luck

  • #124
zoobyshoe said:
You POOR, fallen woman!

"Oh, what a noble mind is here, o'erthrown!"
And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, that suck'd... what was it? ... sweet balls jangled... harsh... blown youth... blasted with ecstasy... man, Shakespeare was naughty. Get her to a nunnery indeed!
  • #125
honestrosewater said:
And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, that suck'd... what was it? ... sweet balls jangled... harsh... blown youth... blasted with ecstasy... man, Shakespeare was naughty. Get her to a nunnery indeed!
:smile: :smile:
  • #126
arildno said:
:smile: :smile:
I just realized you would make the perfect Horatio: rational, refined, well-spoken, very 'close' with Hamlet :wink:
  • #127
One thing which is very clear,you have won a nice Fan "Marlon" who just supports you blindly! :smile:

outsider said:
heman, may I know what culture you are from?

First tell me,which planet are you from?? :confused:

outsider said:
I ask this because you may derive from a culture where being "right"
is a matter of friendship.

Ohh Really! :biggrin:
interesting man,interesting talks! :smile:
I think you need a much greater degree of introspection and observation before you can occupy the higher moral and intelligent ground to mount such an question on me! :-p
Signature statement of Les Sleeth suits here:
"Introspectionists should make sense!" :smile:

outsider said:
In a post that says that someone is right because the source is a
friend, you have justified that your friends can do no wrong. (This relates to
another active thread "source vs. content")

An example of a culture that uses a similar way of judgment is Vietnamese people.
In my experiences speaking with them, they tend to listen, agree and edify wiser,
more powerful and prominent people in order to get friendly with them. Often, it
appears to be a sign of respect and this respect is soley based on

Well i know Marlon for around a year,i have discussed lots of things with him and i think i know about him as much as any Pf'er knows! :smile:
I was not attracted by his intelligence but rather by his bold attitude,he is such a great entertainer! :smile:

Well it simply looks to me that you are thinking 1much,2much,3much,...etc.etc. to dazzle and amuse the onlookers
with your 'Extra High'(think right word for it! :biggrin: ) level of intelligence! :biggrin:
There is no need to add undesirable information

Instead of being intelligent you have acted philosphical on occasions to launch a series of devastating arguments,criticisms and counter examples and i am seriously not going to do all that because it will not be constructive for me. :smile:

I stress you to have more broadness of situation before adding complexities into it. :biggrin:

outsider said:
This is more of a political way of thinking and is valid as a decision making process.

The purpose of this example is not to confuse or compare you with another culture,
however it is to depict an observation which I think would provide much insight into
where your justifications derive.

So heman, what is your cultural background?

I will not reveal you anything because you did not even reveal your profession/age or anything to Marlon ( :smile: ),i know what reason you gave, that's just **GRRRRRRR**! :biggrin:

Your path has been simply invisible from the road and on the ground of Smurf you entered into arguments with me,may be this could be your stunt for maximizing personal gain by increasing your image on Pf in lesser time and i you have succeeded in impressing Marlon,Smurf etc.etc.or it can be a noble cause(lesser probability! :bugeye: ) too but it seemed to me
that your objective was to prove yourself extraordinarily intelligent rather than proving me a laff.

You seemed to me worshipping intelligence but listen,
there are other things which when combined with intelligence gives proper meaning and alone intelligence can't do wonders!

You need to observe these too:
forbearance,gentleness,respect for others,philosphic

Recognize several instances when you have drawn conclusion in absence of complete information.Recognize the necessity of using only words of prior defintion,rooted in ground realities and please avoid misleading me by being a technical jargon.Please Please stop using words worth of 50$ to prove a point which is worth of some cents!It simply looks to me that you are either an Politican or armchair philospher who has expertised in rotating arguments always in his favour either by hook or by crook!

Most important thing, Spellings,prounciation,grammatical mistakes are trivial in comparsion to the power to think .Conceptual understanding is rather most important. :smile:

Please stop playing Tennis in Cricket Field ! :smile:
You have done a blunder by taking my childlike giddiness so seriously! :smile:
Utilise your creative energy in something worthwhile rather than arguing me! :smile:
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  • #128
outsider said:
clearly well respected on these PF boards. .

Are you sure?? :smile:

outsider said:
I want to induce thinking and understanding among all people...

really! :smile:
what is context of using the word 'induce',
and Why you are destined for such great work?? :biggrin:
  • #129

I will not bother to quote you as you clearly are too easily offended.

You escape answering questions and rarely base your opinions on anything solid (as it seems anyway). Your opinion of me is simply due to my putting screws on you for not making a point which makes me guilty of nothing more than being heman unfriendly.

I have nothing to prove as I have nothing to gain. I don't care who is the best or the worst (if you refer to my other posts in Canadians on PF) as best vs. worse creates useless anamosity.

My educators have taught me to make a point when I speak... and if there is no point then perhaps nothing should be said or done. And challenge / question what does not make sense (and that is why I often question you).

I believe that everything counts. So when you are example of a fool, I must contain your foolishness and not allow others to follow suit. I am open to ridicule when I post and I welcome any questions but as I stated before I prefer to remain anonymous as we are sharing ideas which should not be wrongfully adapted merely because of an influential source nor discounted if from a less prominent source. You can judge me based on a 14 year old child if that will satisfy your need to label me.

You have put me in a place where I did not wish to be on this board which is on a defensive stance, however I hope you realize that this is just to satisfy you as you insist on making this personal.

I may be on PF only a short time and may move on soon, but for the time that I remain here, I will share my opinions and what life lessons that I have learned for nothing more than mutual exchange with other like minds.

When you imply that my purpose here is to impress Smurf or Marlon rather than a noble cause, I feel that may be closer to your approach than mine. I do not know the identities of anyone on PF, nor do I need to. There is no actor but the action... no thinker but a thought. Unlike you, I do not care to immortalize myself. Being immortal to humanity is worthless to the cause. Immortality is nothing but a biproduct which no one cashes in on for themselves.

Unfortunately, I am not one privileged to speak openly to others close to me in such a candid way about such ideas. I have been on other juvenile boards which do not facilitate the exchange which I seek and therefore I am here. Although beating you down with some words adds an element of fun I must admit. :)

Sure you have been here for a long time, but that is really irrelevant to the amount of respect that you have earned.

Yes, I have been an armchair philosopher my whole life and have no shame in it as this was not my choice. Perhaps you share this curse?

I've sought a greater understanding of your way of thinking, however you consistently avoid helping others see you, so it still makes no sense or logic to me. I will say it again to you as a student to another student, that you need to ground your opinions and be shameless about confronting issues. People formulate who you are based on your opinions or lack thereof. You seem afraid of being wrong, or judged and this is your biggest weakness among an arsenal of other weaknesses that you will need to train in hopes to become a better communicator. As proof, your communication lacks integrity due to the fact that you mask your true emotions with false emoticons.

This is my observations of your communication skills (as that is the purpose of your thread) 1. Your words do not match your emotions. 2. You dodge questions without justification. 3. You don't make strong arguments (because 4. you lack a passionate opinion). 5. You are good at stroking others who make good arguments and 6. you turn defensive when people call you out on whatever you say.

Do not talk about how to perform, but rather perform. You cannot replace pure understanding with textbook ideas.

I sincerely believe you have much potential, but that is up to you. If you wish to keep your intelligence to yourself and not share it with the forum then that is your choice. If you play giddy as a sort of fake to redirect others, then that is your plot and prerogative. I realize that your deep insecurities have taught you to act this way, and I encourage you look deep within yourself.

Enjoy what you do.
  • #130
Can we get back to what arildno and Hamlet were doing in his mother's closet? :-p

Ah, I revel in the ambiguity. :biggrin:
  • #131
arildno said:
I horatioed the prince. (horated??) :confused:
If we're keeping the same paradigm, yes it would be horated. And good for you - a prince, no less! :biggrin: Get him to build you a bridge connecting Denmark and Norway. You will name it after me, right? o:)

Really, you need to stop deleting your posts! :-p It was delicious.
  • #132
honestrosewater said:
And good for you - a prince, no less! :biggrin:
Yes, it was great! :smile:
  • #133
honestrosewater said:
If we're keeping the same paradigm, yes it would be horated. And good for you - a prince, no less! :biggrin: Get him to build you a bridge connecting Denmark and Norway. You will name it after me, right? o:)
There's already one of those, and it's not named after you.
  • #134
Smurf said:
There's already one of those, and it's not named after you.
What bridge?
  • #135
The bridge across Hog's Creek, of course..
  • #136
arildno said:
The bridge across Hog's Creek, of course..
This isn't funny; I don't know enough about the world outside of the US. :frown:
The bridge would span Skagerrak Strait.? Is there a bridge there from Norway to Denmark?
  • #137
honestrosewater said:
This isn't funny; I don't know enough about the world outside of the US. :frown:
The bridge would span Skagerrak Strait.? Is there a bridge there from Norway to Denmark?
My fault;, honestrosewater.
I was thinking of the recently upgraded bridge between Norway and Sweden.. :redface: :redface: :redface:
There isn't any between Norway and Denmark.

Geography was never one of my strong subjects..how embarassing.
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  • #138
arildno said:
My fault;, honestrosewater.
I was thinking of the recently upgraded bridge between Norway and Sweden.. :redface: :redface: :redface:
:smile: Why would you need a bridge between Norway and Sweden?!? People don't like using land? Is there really a bridge between them? I can't believe anything you say now. :rolleyes:

Is there really a Hog's Creek?

Okay, I see, the SVINESUND?
  • #139
There's a river defining the boundary between Norway and Sweden; it's outlet region is called Hog's Bay (SVINESUND), so I called the river (whose name I can't remember) for Hog's Creek.
  • #140
Astronuc said:
Perhaps it would have been better to ask - "who communicates well".

I realized that later.Well i was continuosly stretching the topic like a rubber but at that point i did not realize that,when i will free my hand it will come and hit me with greator intensity!

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