Neutrons Definition and 226 Threads

The neutron is a subatomic particle, symbol n or n0, which has a neutral (not positive or negative) charge, and a mass slightly greater than that of a proton. Protons and neutrons constitute the nuclei of atoms. Since protons and neutrons behave similarly within the nucleus, and each has a mass of approximately one atomic mass unit, they are both referred to as nucleons. Their properties and interactions are described by nuclear physics.
The chemical properties of an atom are mostly determined by the configuration of electrons that orbit the atom's heavy nucleus. The electron configuration is determined by the charge of the nucleus, which is determined by the number of protons, or atomic number. The number of neutrons is the neutron number. Neutrons do not affect the electron configuration, but the sum of atomic and neutron numbers is the mass of the nucleus.
Atoms of a chemical element that differ only in neutron number are called isotopes. For example, carbon, with atomic number 6, has an abundant isotope carbon-12 with 6 neutrons and a rare isotope carbon-13 with 7 neutrons. Some elements occur in nature with only one stable isotope, such as fluorine. Other elements occur with many stable isotopes, such as tin with ten stable isotopes.
The properties of an atomic nucleus depend on both atomic and neutron numbers. With their positive charge, the protons within the nucleus are repelled by the long-range electromagnetic force, but the much stronger, but short-range, nuclear force binds the nucleons closely together. Neutrons are required for the stability of nuclei, with the exception of the single-proton hydrogen nucleus. Neutrons are produced copiously in nuclear fission and fusion. They are a primary contributor to the nucleosynthesis of chemical elements within stars through fission, fusion, and neutron capture processes.
The neutron is essential to the production of nuclear power. In the decade after the neutron was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932, neutrons were used to induce many different types of nuclear transmutations. With the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938, it was quickly realized that, if a fission event produced neutrons, each of these neutrons might cause further fission events, in a cascade known as a nuclear chain reaction. These events and findings led to the first self-sustaining nuclear reactor (Chicago Pile-1, 1942) and the first nuclear weapon (Trinity, 1945).
Free neutrons, while not directly ionizing atoms, cause ionizing radiation. So they can be a biological hazard, depending on dose. A small natural "neutron background" flux of free neutrons exists on Earth, caused by cosmic ray showers, and by the natural radioactivity of spontaneously fissionable elements in the Earth's crust. Dedicated neutron sources like neutron generators, research reactors and spallation sources produce free neutrons for use in irradiation and in neutron scattering experiments.

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  1. Ignorantsmith12

    B Could you help me understand this paper on the "European Muon Collaboration" effect?

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  2. S

    Equation for neutrons in a nuclear reactor

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  3. Phil App

    Termination of a nuclear reaction

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  4. Hak

    I Why Can't We Construct a Particle Consisting Only of Neutrons?

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  5. M

    FLUKA: Why Does Neutron Flux Increase When Passing Through a Moderator?

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  6. J

    B What Are the Key Safety Concerns When Building a Fusor for Nuclear Fusion?

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  7. jianggong

    14MeV neutrons in MCNP interact with carbon without producing alpha

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  8. S

    I Does antineutrino capture preferentially form neutrons?

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  9. F

    B Why don't neutrons bind into large out of control masses?

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  10. Astronuc

    I Four neutrons form a transient isolated entity - a tetraneutron?

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  11. S

    I Magnetar Mystery: How Do Neutrons Generate a Magnetic Field?

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  12. W

    I Can you tell the difference between two neutrons in an alpha particle?

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  13. elua0105

    How can I model both photons and neutrons with MCNP?

    Hello, I am a student who started studying MCNP. I'm not used to writing in English, so I'd appreciate it if you could understand even if there were grammatical errors in my thread. I want to check the energy of gamma rays from neutrons reacting with matter. So, I wrote this in the content of...
  14. j2mhall

    B Fusing Neutrons: Can It Lead to Cold Fusion?

    Hi Is it possible to get two neutrons to fuse together to form helium? If so, would it not make cold fusion possible?
  15. Mayan Fung

    A Interaction between neutrons and nuclei during scattering

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  16. A

    Creating stationary neutrons by colliding protons and electrons

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  17. S

    How many neutrons are produced in nuclear fission?

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  18. DrChinese

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  19. F

    B Neutrons, fertile, fissile and fissioning

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  20. S

    B Gravity & Neutrons: Could They be Connected?

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  21. J

    I Neutrons, fusion and efficiency

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  22. B

    I Neutrons and neutron interactions

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  23. S

    I Interaction of Neutrons with Matter

    For Elastic neutron interactions with matter, they mentioned that the neutron will collide with atomic nucleus and the recoil nuclei quickly become ion pairs and loose energy through excitation and ionization. How does this nuclei become ion pair? It is when the neutron interact with it and...
  24. J

    Fusion power generation: percentage of neutrons expected to be caught?

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  25. B

    I Why is there a limit to the number of neutrons in a nucleus?

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  26. Javier Lopez

    I Why there is a general lack of neutrons in the Earth?

    I where looking for elements that can absorpt neutrons without generating radioactive materials, and I found that most of them in Earth are suitable. I found that could work: C, O, Si, S, N, H The most common isotopes can receive one or two neutrons being stable, but if a neutron would be...
  27. R

    A Need help with the reaction of neutrons and electrons

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  28. maxd23

    A Nuclear Reaction: Determining the velocity of neutrons

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  29. J

    I If we teleport 1mm^3 of a neutron star outside it what hapens?

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  30. T

    Calculations based on Neutrons in a Gravitational field

    Hello everybody! I am TanX. I was reading about neutrons in a gravitational field, which was based on the Grenoble experiment ( Institute Laue - Langevin ) conducted in 2002. I have put a link down here to the research papers below ( Refer to page number 17 in the booklet for the important...
  31. O

    I Number of fission neutrons in ENSDF

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  32. Bikash Kumar Das

    B Meson particles emitted from neutrons and protons

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  33. Gene Naden

    I Pion decaying to two neutrons demonstrates odd parity

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  34. Pickled_Gorilla

    What Is the Width of the Region on the Detector Hit by Neutrons?

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  35. P

    Calculate the temperature of neutrons emerging from a reactor

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  36. F

    What is the Velocity of Thermal Neutrons at 25 Degrees Celcius?

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  37. axer

    How to find an isotope given mass number and neutrons?

    Homework Statement An isotope of which element has a mass number of 111 and has 5 more neutrons A- Antimonu B- Cadmium C- Iodine D- Tin E- Xenon Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I don't know where to start
  38. O

    Resonance absorbtion of neutrons

    Hi, As you may know, the following equation gives the number of neutrons absorbed per cm3/sec in a resonance region. Fa=Φav∫∑a(E) dE So, it is said in Lamarsh, introduction to nuclear engineering, that Φav depends on temperature. I do not get this because I know that the flux is something we...
  39. P

    B How do Neutrons and U235 Nuclei get out of the fuel rod

    I understand that there are fuel rods, water control rods. I also understand that fuel rods are metal tubes filled with special U235 pellets. Finally, I understand that water slows the neutrons down enough to collide. How do the neutrons and U235 nuclei get out of the metal encased fuel rod...
  40. Quantum Velocity

    B Where do neutrons in the sun come from?

    If star start from a big ball of hidrogen and the all the neutron to make helium. Thx for help!
  41. C

    I Do Neutrons Have Different Masses in Different Isotopes?

    My physics is not good, please kindly don't judge my physics. In some molecular weight calculator to get mono-isotope neutral mass for atoms listed below. In FTICR, we could find these difference. For example, m/z 101.960035, ^1H^35Cl^16O3^18O m/z 101.952838, ^1H^37Cl^16O4 Here is my question...
  42. O

    I Neutrons and strong interaction

    Is there any type interaction between neutron and matter other than strong interaction? When a neutron elastically or inelastically scattered, does the strong interaction still govern the whole process? Thank you!
  43. S

    What is the resulting product when Si28 is irradiated with fast neutrons?

    When a target material is irradiated with neutrons, a number of nuclear reactions are possible. For the slow neutron activation of 28Si, 29Si is created. Determine what is created if 28Si is irradiated with fast neutrons. Then, consult the National Nuclear Data Centre...
  44. Lacplesis

    Prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, chain reaction control

    Hello, I am reading about this and I have a question , so let me explain how I understood this and please correct where I am wrong. I will ask about nuclear reactors because obviously in bombs only prompt neutrons matter since there is no need for any control only an exponential increase in...
  45. O

    Moderating Neutrons: Strong Interaction Involved?

    Hi, As we know, neutron does not have charge so it can not interact with any other particle with coulombic force. But in the reactor core fast neutrons can be slowed down. Does strong interaction govern this slowing down process?Thank you.
  46. F

    I Fission of 238U with high energy neutrons & other questions

    Hi, I have a question related to 238U. I know of course that it can fission with neutrons above 1 MeV, but there is a elevated risk it would absorb the neutron and produce 239Pu instead. Let's assume you have a ram of metallic 238U, with perhaps 0,7% 235U, and that you collide it very very...
  47. Mary curie

    B How Does Cadmium Absorb Neutrons?

    Hello guys ! How are you ? So, I am a senior student and we're studying nuclear transformations. Well long story short our teacher tell us that in a nuclear reactor we make a surface with cadium to absorb the neutrons ! And than a problem was created in my head ! Please help ! I don't...
  48. B

    Quantum mechanics: one thousand neutrons in an infinite well

    I apologize in advance for not being familiar with LaTex. 1. Homework Statement One thousand neutrons are in an infinite square well, with walls x=0 and x=L. The state of the particle at t=0 is : ψ(x,0)=Ax(x-L) How many particles are in the interval (0,L/2) at t=3? How many particles have...
  49. A

    I Weak force - only free neutrons decay?

    Reading this article - there is a statement - "A free neutron will decay with a half-life of about 10.3 minutes but it is stable if combined into a nucleus." So is it only free neutrons that decay into protons? In...
  50. gennarakis

    I Quantum Kinetic Energy of Neutrons, Protons and Electrons

    Hi there, I have a problem to solve in Cosmology which says: "Write the formulas for the quantum kinetic energy of neutrons, protons and electrons as well as the formula for the gravitational energy for a neutron star that is comprised of free neutrons, protons and electrons in a ratio of Nn ...