Creation Definition and 323 Threads

Creationism is the religious belief that nature, and aspects such as the universe, Earth, life, and humans, originated with supernatural acts of divine creation.
In its broadest sense, creationism includes a continuum of religious views, which vary in their acceptance or rejection of scientific explanations such as evolution that describe the origin and development of natural phenomena.The term creationism most often refers to belief in special creation; the claim that the universe and lifeforms were created as they exist today by divine action, and that the only true explanations are those which are compatible with a Christian fundamentalist literal interpretation of the creation myths found in the Bible's Genesis creation narrative. Since the 1970s, the most common form of this has been Young Earth creationism which posits special creation of the universe and lifeforms within the last 10,000 years on the basis of flood geology, and promotes pseudoscientific creation science. From the 18th century onward, Old Earth creationism accepted geological time harmonized with Genesis through gap or day-age theory, while supporting anti-evolution. Modern old-Earth creationists support progressive creationism and continue to reject evolutionary explanations. Following political controversy, creation science was reformulated as intelligent design and neo-creationism.Mainline Protestants and the Catholic Church reconcile modern science with their faith in Creation through forms of theistic evolution which hold that God purposefully created through the laws of nature, and accept evolution. Some groups call their belief evolutionary creationism. Less prominently, there are also members of the Islamic and Hindu faiths who are creationists. Use of the term "creationist" in this context dates back to Charles Darwin's unpublished 1842 sketch draft for what became On the Origin of Species, and he used the term later in letters to colleagues. Asa Gray published a 1873 article in The Nation saying a "special creationist" who held that species "were supernaturally originated just as they are, by the very terms of his doctrine places them out of the reach of scientific explanation."

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  1. joshcitylife

    B Pressure on creation of the Universe

    I had a question today as a part of my studies which was 1) If space is ever expanding what is the pressure on the creating space (universe) upon creation and 2) at what rate might you assume the quantum field is also being created and is it being affected by this pressure of creation. This is...
  2. M

    I Why on Earth do we not see older stars close to us?

    Phares as pragmatically as I can, thus leaving aside observational issues such as light speed, Universe expansion, moving apart galaxies and the Universe having no edge. Focusing on the fact that an observer on Earth looking deep into space can effectivly see the oldest stars formed during the...
  3. E

    "Big Bang" according to the 19th century poet ("Science-v-Poetry")

    TL;DR Summary: the cosmology of Poe's "Eureka" vs "Genesis from the Spirit" of J.Slowacki Polish poet Juliusz Słowacki [1809-1849] wrote a mystical prose poem (or a prayer) entitled "Genesis from the Spirit". If we omit the mystical parts in the poem and leave only the purely material...
  4. G

    I General argument that entanglement can only be created locally

    Hi. As far as I know, entanglement can initially only be created locally, for example by creating two photons at one place in a crystal, or by local forces. Sure, there's entanglement swapping, but the initial entanglement was still created locally. But I only know examples. Is there a general...
  5. DiracPool

    B Particle creation and annihilation

    I read somewhere that when, say, an electron and positron annihilate, they create two photons which travel in opposite directions in order to conserve linear momentum. Is this true? What about pair production. Do you likewise need two photons to do this? Or, can you do it with one photon...
  6. joneall

    I Where does the QM creation operator get its energy?

    We are all familiar with ladder operators, such as QM harmonic oscillators or in QFT to produce energy states which are interpreted as particles. But when a creation operator raises the energy level of a system, where does that energy come from?
  7. shivajikobardan

    Comp Sci Shouldn't this be "chunk deletion" instead of "chunk creation"?

    Every sites is writing the same, so I think it's not an error. Source-: The detailed explanations isn't available in much English...
  8. A

    3D electrical discharge creation (Zap Energy's Z-pinch)

    This is less of a nuclear physics question and more of an EE one, but I think this is the right place for it. There is a startup called Zap Energy and their approach to fusion is to create a inertial confinement pinch with an electrical discharge. This is a bit similar to what the Sandia labs...
  9. Bruno Cardin

    A Expectation value in Heisenberg picture: creation and annihilation

    So, I have a hamiltonian for screening effect, written like: $$ H=\sum_{k}^{}\epsilon_{k}c_{k}^{\dagger}c_{k}+ \frac{1}{\Omega}\sum_{k,q}^{}V(q,t)c_{k+q}^{\dagger}c_{k} $$ And I have to find an equation for the time evolution of the expected value of the operator ##c_{k-Q}^{\dagger}c_{k}##. I...
  10. J

    B Nuclear Fission & Creation of Plutonium

    Just joined the forum after youtubes algorithm suggested a story documenting the ‘Chicago Pile’. I ended up watching a bunch of other power plant videos becoming more confused with each one. I apologize up front as I know nothing about the field of nuclear physics and not even sure if I’ll even...
  11. N

    B EM radiation creation within stars

    Having had a look at the following video of the dipole antenna and the creation of EM radiation, which I completely understand, I had a look at the link and the hydrogen fusion process within a star. Looking at the process how do...
  12. E

    I Black holes and relation to creation

    Are there any papers or articles that reference black holes being the creations of the big bang or being considered in creating universes in alternate dimensions? Thanks for the help.
  13. BWV

    B Creation and distribution of elements - looking for recommendations

    Looking for good sources, something beyond typical popular science but readable for a layperson that details current thinking on how various elements get created and distributed over time (supernova, neutron star mergers etc) and implications for evolution of life. Any recommendations?
  14. Astronuc

    B - Carbon creation finding set to rock astrophysics Back in 2016 - Recent results in nuclear astrophysics From the abstract -
  15. chocopanda

    Quantum Mechanics: creation and annihilation operators

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm struggling with the mathematical formalities in quantum mechanics. $$\langle n+1|b^\dagger bb^\dagger + \frac 12 |n \rangle = \langle n+1|b^\dagger bb^\dagger |n \rangle + \langle n+1| \frac 12 |n \rangle $$ $$ = \langle n+1|b^\dagger b \sqrt{n+1} |n+1...
  16. A

    I Particle Creation function of beam energy

    This seems like it should be an easy and obvious thing to look up, but I had the hardest time finding it. Is there any graph which shows, as I increase the beam energy of a particle accelerator, what particles can be produced at each energy? Just looking for something ballpark here. Obviously...
  17. A

    I CMB creation, distance measurement question

    How do we know it;s redshift for certain? because unlike with stars the CMB doesn't have spectral lines nor other "similar" objects to compare to as it is everywhere and the same. From what I understand first came the theory and model of the Big bang, then Hubble saw that distant galaxies are...
  18. pelinkovac

    I Gravitational Wave Creation: Is a Stationary Wave Possible?

    Hello, Apart from the graviton postulate, which would permit such a mechanism, my question is: would a similar mechanism be possible with a stationary wave? (the simplest scenario I can immagine is of two opposing waves). My background is in DSP and Acoustics so I might get things wrong (a...
  19. R

    A Commutation between spin-operator and creation operator(QFT)

    Hi, so I'm currently reading the book "QFT for the gifted amateur", and doing the exercises. In exercise 14.2, which in itself is fine, the authors say that you can show using Noether's theorem that for a transverse polarized photon of momentum q, the z-component of the spin operator obeys the...
  20. Ackbach

    LaTeX Experience Mathpix Snip: Effortless $\rm\LaTeX$ Equation Creation

    The Mathpix Snip tool is quite impressive. I recommend you check it out! It could save you a lot of effort in trying to write $\rm\LaTeX$ code.
  21. S

    Does the brain play a part in Magno and Parvo channel creation

    Regarding human vision and the retina: Where are these channels produced? To put it simply, is it produced in the eye or in the brain. For example; does light enter the eye, hits the retina and it applies a series of filters to produce these 2 different channels (the parvo and magno) and it...
  22. H

    Importance of negentropy in the creation of life

    Summary: A supply of negentropy into a system is necessary to create states of higher order and complexity. Since the origin and evolution of life involves the creation of ever more complex molecular arrangements of atoms, life could not start without a sufficient supply of negentropy. So when...
  23. Luke Tan

    Solving Creation Operator Equation: Find Error in Calculation

    I have written the equation, with an unknown constant $$a^\dagger \lvert n\rangle = C_{n+1}\lvert n+1 \rangle$$ I then take the adjoint to get $$\langle n \rvert a = \langle n+1 \rvert C_{n+1}^\text{*}$$ I then multiply them to get $$\langle n \rvert aa^\dagger \lvert n \rangle = \langle n+1...
  24. Q

    A Explicit form of annihilation and creation operators for Dirac field

    I'm unclear on what exactly an annihilation or creation operator looks like in QFT. In QM these operators for the simple harmonic oscillator had an explicit form in terms of $$ \hat{a}^\dagger = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(- \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}q} + q \right),\;\;\;\hat{a} =...
  25. I

    Is gravity a result of composition and temperature? Share your thoughts!

    I have this theory; gravitation is a result of the right composition and amount of elements, combined with the right temperature with a flux of course. This means there are many possibilities to create gravity, and anti-gravity if switched 180 degrees. Am I far out? what's your thoughts?
  26. entropy1

    I Creation of our universe from zero energy?

    If the creation of our universe went alongside with creation of a second universe wherein each particle in our universe had a counterpart particle in it with opposite momentum, could those universes (our+second one) be created from zero energy?
  27. G

    I Annihilation vs. Creation Operators: What's the Difference?

    Cohererent states are defined as eigenstates of the annihilation operator. Never the creation operator is referred to. Is this just a convention or is more behind? What is the essential difference between eigenstates of the annihilation- versus the creation operator? Thank you very much in...
  28. C

    I Is there a mechanism for creation of negative energy density

    Excuse me for bad wording in the title, but there is only so much you can do with the character limit. So, has there ever been a proposal for a mechanism through which negative energy density could be created? Or the only possibility considered so far was that it would have been created in the...
  29. M

    Creating Reaction Mass with Electron-Positron Pair Production for Rocket Thrust

    Given a large enough energy source (nuclear?)... can I build a rocket that creates its own reaction mass via electron-positron pair production, and then derive thrust by accelerating the charged particles out the back with a magnetic nozzle?
  30. D

    What is the Effect of the Number Operator on a Given Wavefunction?

    Homework Statement Consider the state $$\psi_\alpha = Ne^{\alpha \hat a^\dagger}\phi_0, $$ where ##\alpha## can be complex, and ##N = e^{-\frac{1}{2}|\alpha|^2}## normalizes ##\psi_\alpha##. Find ##\hat N \psi_\alpha##. Homework Equations $$\hat N = \hat a^\dagger \hat a$$ $$\hat a\phi_n =...
  31. Paul Colby

    I Gluon creation and annihilation operators

    Hi, When one quantizes EM the resulting gauge boson, the photon, ends up being its own antiparticle. From what I read of gluons, they have anti particles. I can follow how anti particles come about quantizing a complex-valued field like that for electrons. For the spin 1/2 case non-interacting...
  32. J

    I Particle creation, energy density and the Compton wavelength

    The Compton wavelength of a particle is given by $$\lambda=\frac{h}{mc}.$$ One can construct an expression for the energy density ##\rho## of a particle of mass ##m## given by $$\rho = \frac{mc^2}{\lambda^3}=\frac{m^4 c^5}{h^3}.$$ What is the physical significance of the mass scale ##m## in the...
  33. RicardoMP

    Bosonic annihilation and creation operators commutators

    Homework Statement After proving the relations ##[\hat{b}^{\dagger}_i,\hat{b}^{\dagger}_j]=0## and ##[\hat{b}_i,\hat{b}_j]=0##, I want to prove that ##[\hat{b}_j,\hat{b}^{\dagger}_k]=\delta_{jk}##, however I'm not sure where to begin. 2. The attempt at a solution I tried to apply the...
  34. M

    When is ordering not optional in index creation?

    red marker part in my book is very confusing. It says you will not succeed to create index by that. Is it trying to say that if we have two tables and there is a FK relation in them , then I won't be able to create index in either table? Can you please help with an example exactly when I...
  35. Sophrosyne

    B Creation and annihilation operators in particle physics

    I was recently reading about annihilation and creation operators in particle physics using the model of an harmonic oscillator, and then quantizing it. This is fine. I can understand it. But how does this quantization of the energy of the harmonic oscillator manifest physically? Is it that only...
  36. M

    Creation and Annihilation operators on photons

    Homework Statement The possible (normalized) eigenstates of a photon in a given system are written as: $$|\psi_1>,|\psi_2>,...|\psi_m>$$ Let another state be $$|\phi> = \frac{|\psi_1>+|\psi_2>+...+|\psi_m>}{\sqrt{m}}$$ and denote: $$|n>=|\psi_1>|\psi_1>...|\psi_1>$$ which represent a state...
  37. O

    I Creation of matter in the big bang

    Hi, The website given above says that the matter was created via pair production process (like electron anti-electron...
  38. Umaxo

    I Exploring the Possibility of Wormhole Creation: A Scientific Perspective

    Hi, if i understood correctly from pop-science literature, there is theoretical possibility of formation of wormholes like in this picture: bud you need some exotic particles (i think it means negative energy?). Now what i really don't...
  39. BadgerBadger92

    B How large was the Universe at its moment of creation?

    How large was the universe at its moment of creation? Do we have a real answer for this? If so, how was this found out?
  40. Jackson Smith

    B Creation of PE - WHEN is it created?

    Generally, a change in altitude within a gravitational field is said to increase or decrease PE. I posit that the change in PE never occurs UNTIL there is a change in KE. Thus, in the case of an object with a constant velocity UP, there is no gain in PE until the instant that the thrust no...
  41. PeterDonis

    A Does the MWI require "creation" of multiple worlds?

    From another thread: I see this claim made fairly often, but it does not seem correct to me. According to the MWI, the dynamics of the wave function is always unitary (there is no collapse), and a unitary process cannot "create" or "destroy" anything. All it can do is entangle things. So, for...
  42. amjad-sh

    A How Does Spin-Dependent Chemical Potential Generate a Spin Current?

    Hello In a paper I am working we have a two metal connected to each other, Within the ballistic approximation we adopt the Landauer approach and generate a pure spin current by applying a spin bias that is modeled as difference of spin-dependent chemical potentials across the interface. Can...
  43. dave202

    B Has anyone seen this logarithmic spiral creation before?

    <Moderator's note: Image added because otherwise the thread might once become unreadable.> I have reason to believe this could have applications in physics, but right now it's just a mathematical result I came across recently. Either way, I think it is very interesting and fun to look at. This...
  44. SemM

    I Solving the Schrödinger eqn. by commutation of operators

    Hi, I noticed that the raising and lowering operators:\begin{equation} A =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\big(y+\frac{d}{dy}\big) \end{equation}\begin{equation} A^{\dagger}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\big(y-\frac{d}{dy}\big) \end{equation}can be used to solve the eqn HY = EY However I am curious about something...
  45. F

    I How does QFT handle particle creation and conversion?

    I was reading this thread by stevendaryl I have two questions 1. which QFT picture are those, Schrodinger, path integral or Heisenberg. 2.In QM the creation/annihilation operators raise and lower energies...
  46. C

    B Particle pair creation probability

    I know that a high frequency light beam is more likely to generate a virtual electron-positron pair than a low frequency one. Can this probability depend on the reference frame? It seems there is a paradox. How do we explain it?
  47. ISamson

    B Antimatter Creation: Michio Kaku's High School Experiment

    Hello, I have read that Michio Kaku has made antimatter and photographed it when he was only a high schooler. I have read that the used Sodium-22 to produce positrons. How does that happen? I could not find some good sources of answers... Thanks.
  48. B

    I Probability of creation of virtual particles

    Is it correct to assume that all known particles may be created as virtual particles in the vacuum? If so, is there a higher probability of a particular particle being produced than say some other particle type. For example, is an electron more likely to be created as a virtual particle than a...
  49. Y

    B Does this paper disprove the possibility of a new universe creation?

    My question has multiple parts, does the following paper: Disprove the possibility of creation of another universe through quantum fluctuations if heat death occurs? If it does could another universe still be created through quantum tunneling? Can quantum...
  50. DeathbyGreen

    I Creation operator and Wavefunction relationship

    Hello, I've noticed that some professors will jump between second quantized creation/annihilation operators and wavefunctions rather easily. For instance \Psi_k \propto c_k + ac_k^{\dagger} with "a" some constant (complex possibly). I'm fairly familiar with the second quantized notation, and...