Nuclear Definition and 997 Threads

Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions to produce electricity. Nuclear power can be obtained from nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion reactions. Presently, the vast majority of electricity from nuclear power is produced by nuclear fission of uranium and plutonium in nuclear power plants. Nuclear decay processes are used in niche applications such as radioisotope thermoelectric generators in some space probes such as Voyager 2. Generating electricity from fusion power remains the focus of international research.
Civilian nuclear power supplied 2,586 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity in 2019, equivalent to about 10% of global electricity generation, and was the second-largest low-carbon power source after hydroelectricity. As of January 2021, there are 442 civilian fission reactors in the world, with a combined electrical capacity of 392 gigawatt (GW). There are also 53 nuclear power reactors under construction and 98 reactors planned, with a combined capacity of 60 GW and 103 GW, respectively. The United States has the largest fleet of nuclear reactors, generating over 800 TWh zero-emissions electricity per year with an average capacity factor of 92%. Most reactors under construction are generation III reactors in Asia.
Nuclear power has one of the lowest levels of fatalities per unit of energy generated compared to other energy sources. Coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydroelectricity each have caused more fatalities per unit of energy due to air pollution and accidents. Since its commercialization in the 1970s, nuclear power has prevented about 1.84 million air pollution-related deaths and the emission of about 64 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent that would have otherwise resulted from the burning of fossil fuels.
Accidents in nuclear power plants include the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union in 1986, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, and the more contained Three Mile Island accident in the United States in 1979.
There is a debate about nuclear power. Proponents, such as the World Nuclear Association and Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy, contend that nuclear power is a safe, sustainable energy source that reduces carbon emissions. Nuclear power opponents, such as Greenpeace and NIRS, contend that nuclear power poses many threats to people and the environment.

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  1. redflactober

    Physics [Nuclear Experiment vs Nuclear Theory] [National Lab/General Outlook]

    Hello all, I have a question for those with knowledge of Nuclear Physics career outlook. I am at a point where I need to decide soon. I know I want to go to grad school, I know I want to study Nuclear Physics, but I'm a little torn between which method of study to undergo. I would not mind...
  2. T

    radioactive iodine - risk of exposure

    Hello, I recently had radioactive iodine treatment for thyroid cancer. Took 98.9 mci of RAI on 8/28. I was away from my children for 4.5 days and kept the appropriate amount of distance from my husband in the first few days of isolation (not sleeping in the same bed, six or more feet away from...
  3. U

    B When is the force of strong nuclear interaction repulsive?

    In what cases the force of the strong nuclear interaction (between nucleons or between quarks) is the force of repulsion? Thank you.
  4. Frabjous

    Grow to High Energy, Nuclear and Mayonnaise, Particle Physics subforum

    PF should keep up with the times :wink:
  5. L

    A Lyman-Series: calculating the nuclear mass of an isotope

    Assuming I have a given wavelength λ of the hydrogen spectrum and I want to calculate the nuclear mass of the isotope, is my approach correct? Rydberg-formula: $$\frac{1}{\lambda} = R_M \left( \frac{1}{n_1^2} - \frac{1}{n_2^2} \right)$$ with $$R_M = \frac{R_\infty}{1 + \frac{m_e}{M}}$$...
  6. BillTre

    What's Going on with the Rostov Nuclear Power Plant?

    There are reports of a series of problems at the Rostov Nuclear Power Plant. Shutdowns, regional power outages, radiation releases, and runs on iodine. Is 1.5 million curies a lot to release?
  7. L

    New member interested in next generation nuclear power

    Joining this forum to learn and talk about next generation nuclear. I'm a chemical engineer currently in pharma (process R&D for small molecule drugs, a rather different field, at a Japanese company) interested in contributing to next generation nuclear. Especially interested in chemistry...
  8. R

    Why Are Burnup Numbers Identical for Different Fuels in MCNP?

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to compare 3 different fuels and MCNP and I want to recover the burnup of each. When I do that however, I get identical numbers for burnup, which doesn't make sense to me, as they have different materials (LEU vs LEU+ vs a thorium-based fuel). Does anyone know what...
  9. slowclone

    Graduate Studies in Nuclear/Plasma Physics Abroad or in the U.S.?

    I hope this is the right forum right now I’m a 2nd year physics student in the United States and I’m really interested in nuclear/plasma physics. The thing is that I know the U.S. has great national labs to do internships at and good graduate schools here but I’m also interested in studying...
  10. B

    Nuclear Macroscopic cross-section

    This question is in the book " Introduction to nuclear engineering by Lamarsh" Chapter3: I think it's pretty basic but I couldn't find the proper way to prove it, and now I even suspect that it's not a correct question. My attempt solution: I would very much appreciate your help. Thanks in...
  11. Z

    Programs From a Nuclear Engineering BS, will I be able to do MS & PhD in Physics?

    Yes,, I know, it may not be the most obvious route but I had already submitted the subject preference list to the university and there is no way to change it. (Therefore, I beg you to not make me regret my choice, since, there is just no way to revert it) . The math I am going to learn from...
  12. Field physics

    Next steps toward my PhD in research in Nuclear Medicine and Physics

    I'm taking my next steps as my main dream is to have a pHD work in a research setting like a lab that's harder said then done. I got accepted into a BS program that's nuclear medicine and I'll be doing some more physics as well so hopefully the goal is to learn more physics and there...
  13. Sargon38

    Old engineer and physicist...

    I've been a long-standing member of PF a few decades ago, and now I take up things again after more than 10 years of absence. I'm into nuclear scientific instrumentation, with a special interest in theoretical physics (but not as theoretical as in my younger years). I've a degree in electrical...
  14. eneacasucci

    B Conservation of charge in a nuclear reaction

    Conservation of charge: The sum of the charges on all the particles before and after a reaction are the same I was considering this reaction: n + 3 He → 3 H + p + 0,764 MeV Making the charge balance I have: 0 + 0 (2protons + 2 electrons) → 0 (1proton + 1electron) + 1 (proton) There is...
  15. NullSector

    Programs Pros and Cons of Nuclear Engineering

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  16. T

    What does lambda in nuclear decay mean if it is big?

    I am thinking about lambda, the nuclear decay constant and what it actually means. I have built spreadsheet models looking at decay using lambda to determine the decay for each time period and then comparing the number left to that determined by using e ˆ- lamda x time. These are my...
  17. ohwilleke

    B Any big HEP conferences coming up in 2024?

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  18. S

    Why Is Energy Released in Nuclear Decay Equal to Change in Binding Energies?

    If we consider a nuclear decay in which element X decays into Y and an alpha particle, we can see that the total energy released is ##c^2(-m(\alpha) -m(y) + m(x))##. If we replace ##m(alpha)## with ##s(alpha) - be(\alpha)/c^2##, and similarly for the other particles, X and Y, we can see that...
  19. gleem

    New Salt Cooled Nuclear Reactor Approved by NRC

    A California company Kairos has received a permit to build a non power producing salt cooled nuclear reactor at Oak Ridge Tennessee.The reactor is considered safer since it uses a low-pressure mixture of molten fluoride salts of Lithium and Beryllium called FliBe. Molten salt reactors are not...
  20. S

    I Conductors and circuits for nuclear force

    Is it possible to create something like a circuit powered by the strong nuclear force rather than the electromotive force of a battery? If so, what would be examples of some conductors and resistors that could go in such a circuit?
  21. M

    How Does a Nuclear Engineer Combine Passion for Energy and Photography?

    Blogger about nuclear energy and enthusiastic amateur photographer.
  22. bhobba

    Can Any Country Achieve Net Zero Without Nuclear?

    If you are lucky enough to have copious amounts of hydropower, you may be able to. But aside from that, I can't see how it can be done. In Australia, we have a policy of net zero by 2050, but it is beyond me how you can do it without nuclear. However, Australia has banned nuclear...
  23. physics32123

    Physics Realistic to switch from atomic to nuclear or high-energy theory?

    Is it realistic to switch from atomic theory to nuclear or high energy theory?
  24. Mathiasrd

    Need help ordering parts for a nuclear fusion reactor

    Sorry for bad english, does anyone know where I can purchase a spherical vacuum chamber made from metal, that preferably ships internationally ?
  25. gmax137

    NuScale, UAMPS terminate small modular reactor project in Idaho Published Nov. 9, 2023
  26. N

    A Complete list of known fissionable materials?

    I am looking but I could not find the complete list of fissionable and fissile isotopes. Do you know where I could look?
  27. Anisur Rahman

    Question about Source Probability in MCNP

    Here, SP stands for source probability. But probability needs to be normalized. Here values in SP3, SP4 are larger than 1, It means that SP is not ordinary probability here. But what actually SP represent here?
  28. T

    Need Recommendations for Nuclear Reaction Modelling Software

    Working on a project where I need to model nuclear reactions with different fuel pellet shapes. Does anyone have recommendations for software that's good for this? Any advice or experiences are also welcome!
  29. cormsby

    A Looking for info on the Betatron nuclear trigger from the early 1950s

    A colleague (PhD Physics, no weapons experience) asked me (MA Physics, with DoD work experience) about the Betatron nuclear trigger in the early Fifties. I know it used a toroidal accelerator to produce an electron beam impacting a Beryllium target, but I don't remember (and cannot find) any...
  30. Vanadium 50

    I LHC High L pp run ends for 2023

    A bellows failed at the LHC near IP8 (LHCb). It has been replaced and the sector is cooling. Beam is expected on or near September 11. There will not be enough time to return to high luminosity pp running, so the run plan for the rest of the year is low luminosity special pp running and heavy...
  31. E

    Revisiting MCNP: Refreshing Skills for a New Job in Nuclear Engineering

    Hello, After some time away I've gotten back into MCNP. I've been in the field of Nuclear Engineering for over ten years, but I recently changed jobs and need to use MCNP. I'm trying to get my skills back up, since I haven't been using it as much in my old job. Looking forward to some great...
  32. S

    MCNP: How to display particles outside the source?

    Particle display in visual editor of mcnp input file only shows particles inside source, I am interested to see particle path towards tally region. Plz guide thanks
  33. Graham87

    Troubleshooting nuclear decay, electron binding energies, internal contributions

    How do you know which binding energy shell to use? In the solution it uses K and L2. Why specifically L2 and not L3 or L1 for example? And what should I do with the information to omit electrons lower than 20kev? I initially thought that meant to omit the electron binding energies lower than...
  34. B

    I How to depict a nuclear magnetic octupole

    Hello! I am not sure if this is the best place for this question, but I want to make a simple illustrative drawing (for a presentation given to people both with and without physics knowledge) of a nuclear magnetic octupole moment. For example for a magnetic dipole I can use a magnet as a...
  35. Graham87

    Troubleshooting Nuclear Reactions: Decay, Gamma Rays & More

    The problem comes with solutions. However, I dont get the 3 steps in the solutions. Why do they calculate decay for 120min in step 3? And why is only the daughter nuclide relevant and no granddaughter? There might be something lacking in my knowledge about nuclear reactions. Also, I don't know...
  36. .Scott

    B Canadian Antineutrino Detector detects Nuclear Power Plants from 240km

    The SNO+ Experiment in Canada is still in development, but analysis of early antineutrino detections as published in Physics Review Letters and as referenced in the SNO+ results page are believed to be from appear to be the from Ontario reactors 240Km away.
  37. K

    How Do You Calculate m3 and m4 in Nuclear Reaction Equations?

    En=0 Ek(B)=0 Q=Ek3(α)+Ek4(Li) --Q=Ek3(1+m3/m4) (1) p3=p4 /^2 -- 2*m3*Ek3=2*m4*Ek4 --- Ek4=m3/m4 * Ek3 (2) (1) and (2) Ek4= m3/(m3+m4) * Q, but I'm not sure how to find m3 or m4 and if this is true
  38. emilmammadzada

    Radionuclides used in nuclear medicine

    From which site and article can I find a table or information about alpha emitting radionuclides used in nuclear medicine?
  39. patric44

    Definition of angular frequency in nuclear structure

    Hi all I am a little bit confused about the definition of angular frequency in the context of nuclear rotation, some times its defined in the regular way as $$ E=\hbar \omega $$ and other time from the rigid rotor formula $$ E=\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2I} J(J+1) $$ where ##I## is the moment of inertia...
  40. M

    A Nuclear moments in molecular spectroscopy

    Hello! I saw many paper extracting the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of the nuclei by performing RF/microwave spectroscopy on the rotational levels of a molecule. However, I can't seem to find paper measuring higher order moments. For example, the magnetic octupole moment has...
  41. emilmammadzada

    FRENDY nuclear code -- Where to download it? (for ubuntu 22.04)

    I want to compare njoy2016 and frendy codes.If anyone is using frendy nuclear, I wanted to get information about how to download it for ubuntu 22.04 version?
  42. Astronuc

    Modeling and Simulation in Nuclear Energy

    Modeling and simulation, or computational physics/chemistry, is a large and important part of engineering. In nuclear energy, there are applications of finite element methods (and occasionally finite different or finite volume depending on the problem) applied to nuclear plants, nuclear...
  43. L

    Are spent nuclear fuel rods radioactive?

    Are spent fuel rods radioactive and are the spent fuel rods cooling pools discharging radioactive water (tritium) into the environment?
  44. mark_bose

    Searching for a single and complete resource about nuclear fuels

    Hello, I am looking for a comprehensive resource (paper, book or any kind of document) that contains the most relevant properties of most nuclear fuels. To be more specific, the information i am looking for are thermophysical properties, chemical compatibility with other materials and...
  45. M

    Cylindrical and Symmetrical Nuclear Fusion Reactor

    Hello ! I would like to consult you about this cylindrical nuclear reactor model that I have been thinking of with the idea of reducing the friction of the plasmas with the walls of the Toroidal nuclear fusion reactors that causes the plasma temperature to drop and the nuclear reactions to stop...
  46. emilmammadzada

    How to Simulate Charged-Particle Energy-Loss Straggling in MCNP5?

    How can I make a sample code or a simulation about mcnp5 charged-particle energy-loss straggling?How can I find sample examples?
  47. thewowsignal

    Nuclear fusion and anti-nuclear technology

    I want to start a serious discussion here about our future on this small planet. This thread is especially dedicated to those of you, who are enthusiastic about atomic energy and energy crisis.
  48. Marioweee

    Nuclear shell model of double magic nucleus 132Sn

    The independent particle energies for protons and neutrons around the exotic doubly magic core 132Sn are shown in the figure below, where π refers to protons and ν to neutrons. Using the nuclear shell model and using this figure as a guide, answer to the following questions: a)Estimate Jπ...
  49. M

    Would wearing sunscreen help during a nuclear disaster/attack?

    So as I understand it, there are five types of radiation: alpha particles, beta particles, sub-red light, visible light, and above-violet light. Sub-red light is basically like Superman's heat vision, while above-violet light includes UV light like the UV-A and UV-B that sunscreen protects you...