Isomorphism Definition and 321 Threads

In mathematics, an isomorphism is a structure-preserving mapping between two structures of the same type that can be reversed by an inverse mapping. Two mathematical structures are isomorphic if an isomorphism exists between them. The word isomorphism is derived from the Ancient Greek: ἴσος isos "equal", and μορφή morphe "form" or "shape".
The interest in isomorphisms lies in the fact that two isomorphic objects have the same properties (excluding further information such as additional structure or names of objects). Thus isomorphic structures cannot be distinguished from the point of view of structure only, and may be identified. In mathematical jargon, one says that two objects are the same up to an isomorphism.An automorphism is an isomorphism from a structure to itself. An isomorphism between two structures is a canonical isomorphism (a canonical map that is an isomorphism) if there is only one isomorphism between the two structures (as it is the case for solutions of a universal property), or if the isomorphism is much more natural (in some sense) than other isomorphisms. For example, for every prime number p, all fields with p elements are canonically isomorphic, with a unique isomorphism. The isomorphism theorems provide canonical isomorphisms that are not unique.
The term isomorphism is mainly used for algebraic structures. In this case, mappings are called homomorphisms, and a homomorphism is an isomorphism if and only if it is bijective.
In various areas of mathematics, isomorphisms have received specialized names, depending on the type of structure under consideration. For example:

An isometry is an isomorphism of metric spaces.
A homeomorphism is an isomorphism of topological spaces.
A diffeomorphism is an isomorphism of spaces equipped with a differential structure, typically differentiable manifolds.
A permutation is an automorphism of a set.
In geometry, isomorphisms and automorphisms are often called transformations, for example rigid transformations, affine transformations, projective transformations.Category theory, which can be viewed as a formalization of the concept of mapping between structures, provides a language that may be used to unify the approach to these different aspects of the basic idea.

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  1. jv07cs

    I Do Metric Tensors Always Have Inverses?

    I am reading about musical isomorphisms and for the demonstration of the index raising operation from the sharp isomorphism, we have to multiply the equation by the inverse matrix of the metric. Can we assume that this inverse always exists? If so, how could I prove it?
  2. K

    I ##\mathbb{C}\oplus\mathbb{C}\cong\mathbb{C}\otimes\mathbb{C}##

    Hello! Reading book o Clifford algebra authors claim that ##\mathbb{C}\oplus\mathbb{C}\cong\mathbb{C}\otimes_{\mathbb{R}}\mathbb{C}## as algebras. Unfortunately proof is absent and provided hint is pretty misleading As vector spaces they are obviously isomorphic since ##\dim_{\mathbb{R}}...
  3. PragmaticYak

    Fixed point free automorphism of order 2

    I did not use the hint for this problem. Here is my attempt at a proof: Proof: Note first that ##σ(σ(x)) = x## for all ##x \in G##. Then ##σ^{-1}(σ(σ(x))) = σ(x) = σ^{-1}(x) = σ(x^{-1})##. Now consider ##σ(gh)## for ##g, h \in G##. We have that ##σ(gh) = σ((gh)^{-1}) = σ(h^{-1}g^{-1})##...
  4. L

    I Anyone knows why musical isomorphism is called so?

    Anyone knows why musical isomorphism is called so? Why is it musical?
  5. C

    Existence of isomorphism ϕ:V→V s.t. ϕ(ϕ(v))=−v for all v∈V

    Problem: Let ## V ## be a vector space over ## \mathbb{F} ## and suppose its dimension is even, ## dimV=2k ##. Show there exists an isomorphism ## \phi:V→V ## s.t. ## \phi(\phi(v))=−v ## for all ## v \in V ## Generally that way to solve this is to define a basis for the vector space ## V ##...
  6. L

    MHB Is G/G isomorphic to the trivial group? A proof for G/G\cong \{e\}

    Reorder the statements below to give a proof for G/G\cong \{e\}, where \{e\} is the trivial group. The 3 sentences are: For the subgroup G of G, G is the unique left coset of G in G. Therefore we have G/G=\{G\} and, since G\lhd G, the quotient group has order |G/G|=1. Let \phi:G/G\to \{e\} be...
  7. K

    I Understanding the concepts of isometric basis and musical isomorphism

    Im very new to the terminologies of isometric basis and musical isomorphism, will appreciate a lot if someone could explain this for me in a simple way for a guy with limited experience in this field. The concrete problem I want to figure out is this: Given: Let ##v_1 = (1,0,0) , v_2 = (1,1,0)...
  8. F

    F is an isomorphism from G onto itself,...., show f(x) = x^-1

    i) Proof: Let ##a, b \in G## ##(\Rightarrow)## If ##G## is abelian, then ## \begin{align*} f(a)f(b) &= a^{-1}b^{-1} \\ &= b^{-1}a^{-1} \\ &= (ab)^{-1} \\ &= f(ab) \\ \end{align*} ## So ##f## is a homomorphism. ##(\Leftarrow)## If ##f## is a homomorphism, then ## \begin{align*}...
  9. F

    I Classify the isomorphism of a graph

    N and k are positive integers satisfying $$ 1<=k < n$$ An undirected graph $$G_{n,k}= (V_{n,k} ,E_{n,k})$$ is defined as follows. $$V_{n,k}={1,2,3,...n}$$ $$E_{n,k}={\{\{u,v\}|u-v \equiv k \, (mod \, n) \, or \, u-v \equiv -k \, mod \, n}$$ However, $$x \equiv y \, (mod \, n) $$ indicates...
  10. E

    MHB Isomorphism of logic, arithmetic, and set theory

    Has anybody ever heard of this? I learned about it in a discrete math class in grad school, and I've never heard of it anywhere else !? For example, logical disjunction (OR) and set-theoretic UNION are isomorphic in this sense: 0 OR 0 = 0. {0} UNION {0} = {0}. Similarly, logical AND & set...
  11. GlassBones

    Isomorphisms preserve linear independence

    Homework Statement Let ##T:V \rightarrow W## be an ismorphism. Let ##\{v_1, ..., v_k\}## be a subset of V. Prove that ##\{v_1, ..., v_k\}## is a linearly independent set if and only if ##\{T(v_1), ... , T(v_2)\}## is a linearly independent set. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution...
  12. S

    Proof of isomorphism of vector spaces

    The theorem is as follows: All finite dimensional vector spaces of the same dimension are isomorphic Attempt: If T is a linear map defined as : T : V →W : dim(V) = dim(W) = x < ∞ & V,W are vector spaces It would be sufficient to prove T is a bijective linear map: let W := {wi}ni like wise let...
  13. Mr Davis 97

    Showing isomorphism between fractions and a quotient ring

    Homework Statement For a commutative ring ##R## with ##1\neq 0## and a nonzerodivisor ##r \in R##, let ##S## be the set ##S=\{r^n\mid n\in \mathbb{Z}, n\geq 0\}## and denote ##S^{-1}R=R\left[\frac{1}{r}\right]##. Prove that there is a ring isomorphism $$R\left[\frac{1}{r}\right]\cong...
  14. Alex Langevub

    An exercise with the third isomorphism theorem in group theory

    Homework Statement Let ##G## be a group. Let ##H \triangleleft G## and ##K \leq G## such that ##H\subseteq K##. a) Show that ##K\triangleleft G## iff ##K/H \triangleleft G/H## b) Suppose that ##K/H \triangleleft G/H##. Show that ##(G/H)/(K/H) \simeq G/K## Homework Equations The three...
  15. A

    Isomorphism of dihedral with a semi-direct product

    Homework Statement Let m ≥ 3. Show that $$D_m \cong \mathbb{Z}_m \rtimes_{\varphi} \mathbb{Z}_2 $$ where $$\varphi_{(1+2\mathbb{Z})}(1+m\mathbb{Z}) = (m-1+m\mathbb{Z})$$ Homework Equations I have seen most basic concepts of groups except group actions. Si ideally I should not use them for this...
  16. A

    Is fλ an Automorphism of the Rational Numbers Group?

    Homework Statement *This is from a Group Theory class **My secondary aim is to practice writing the math perfectly because I tend to loose a lot of points for not doing so in exams... Let λ ∈ Q* fλ : Q → Q defined as fλ(x) = λx a) Show that fλ is and automorphism of the group of rationals...
  17. QuasarBoy543298

    I Why are linearly ordered R and R/{0} not isomophic?

    i saw a proof that said “in R/{0} , the set [-1,0) has an upper bound ,but no least upper bound. no such set exists in linearly ordered R” ,but i could not understand it.
  18. H

    MHB Is ψ an Isomorphism from H to G?

    I'm trying to figure out how to prove this, but I'm unsure how to approach it. Let G and H be groups, let ϕ: G → H be an isomorphism, and let ψ be the inverse function of ϕ. Prove that ψ is an isomorphism from H to G. any help? thanks
  19. T

    ##\phi(R_{180})##, if ##\phi:D_n\to D_n## is an automorphism

    Homework Statement Determine ##\phi(R_{180})##, if ##\phi:D_n\to D_n## is an automorphism where ##n## is even so let ##n=2k##. The solutions manual showed that since the center of ##D_n## is ##\{R_0, R_{180}\}## and ##R_{180}## is not the identity then it can only be that...
  20. Mr Davis 97

    1st Isomorphism thm for dihedral gps

    Homework Statement Prove that ##D_\infty/\langle R^n \rangle\cong D_{2n}##, where ##D_\infty=\langle R,S \mid S^2=e, SRS=R^{-1}\rangle##. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Pick ##g:\{R,S\} \to D_{2n}## such that ##g(R) = r## and ##g(S) = s##. We note that ##g(S)^2 = 1## and...
  21. Mr Davis 97

    Is the First Isomorphism Theorem Applicable to this Complex Number Group?

    Homework Statement ##(\mathbb{C}^\times,\cdot)/\mu_m\cong (\mathbb{C}^\times,\cdot)## for any integer ##m\geq 1##, where ##\mu_m=\{z\in \mathbb{C} \mid z^m=1\}##. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Here is my idea. Consider the map ##f: \mathbb{C}^{\times} \to \mathbb{C}^{\times}##...
  22. Mr Davis 97

    Having all subgroups normal is isomorphism invariant

    Homework Statement A group is called Hamiltonian if every subgroup of the group is a normal subgroup. Prove that being Hamiltonian is an isomorphism invariant. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Let ##f## be an isomorphism from ##G## to ##H## and let ##N \le H##. First we prove two...
  23. Mr Davis 97

    I Showing that inverse of an isomorphism is an isomorphism

    Let ##G## and ##H## be groups, and let ##\phi : G \to H## be an isomorphism. I want to show that ##\phi^{-1} : H \to G## is also an isomorphism. First, note that ##\phi^{-1}## is clearly a bijection as ##\phi## is its inverse. Second, let ##a,b \in H##. Since ##\phi## is surjective, there exist...
  24. D

    I How Does Zero Characteristic Influence the Structure of Prime Subfields?

    I am interested in the following theorem: Every field of zero characteristics has a prime subfield isomorphic to ℚ. I am following the usual proof, where we identify every p∈ℚ as a/b , a∈ℤ,beℕ, and define h:ℚ→P as h(a/b)=(a*1)(b*1)-1 (where a*1=1+1+1... a times) I have worked out the...
  25. A

    I State Vectors vs. Wavefunctions

    Hi physicsforums, I am an undergrad currently taking an upper-division course in Quantum Mechanics and we have begun studying L^2 space, state vectors, bra-ket notation, and operators, etc. I have a few questions about the relationship between L^2, the space of square-integrable complex-valued...
  26. Math Amateur

    MHB Third Isomorphism Theorem for Rings .... Bland Theorem 3.3.16 .... ....

    I am reading "The Basics of Abstract Algebra" by Paul E. Bland ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 3: Sets with Two Binary Operations: Rings ... ... I need help with Bland's proof of the Third Isomorphism Theorem for rings ... Bland's Third Isomorphism Theorem for rings and its proof...
  27. Math Amateur

    I Third Isomorphism Theorem for Rings .... Bland Theorem 3.3.16

    I am reading "The Basics of Abstract Algebra" by Paul E. Bland ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 3: Sets with Two Binary Operations: Rings ... ... I need help with Bland's proof of the Third Isomorphism Theorem for rings ... Bland's Third Isomorphism Theorem for rings and its proof...
  28. Math Amateur

    MHB Second Isomorphism Theorem for Rings .... Bland Theorem 3.3.15 .... ....

    I am reading "The Basics of Abstract Algebra" by Paul E. Bland ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 3: Sets with Two Binary Operations: Rings ... ... I need help with Bland's proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorem for rings ... Bland's Second Isomorphism Theorem for rings and its proof...
  29. Math Amateur

    I Second Isomorphism Theorem for Rings .... Bland Theorem 3.3.1

    I am reading "The Basics of Abstract Algebra" by Paul E. Bland ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 3: Sets with Two Binary Operations: Rings ... ... I need help with Bland's proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorem for rings ... Bland's Second Isomorphism Theorem for rings and its proof...
  30. J

    MHB Verifying Answers to "Zero Divisors & Isomorphism Theorem"

    I have gotten the following answer to (a) and (b) which require verification on them. I have also attached the theorem for reference. (a) Z x Z => have zero divisors The matrix has no zero divisors (no nonzero matrix when multiplied to the matrix gives zero element) Hence not...
  31. J

    MHB Verifying Solutions to Isomorphism Problem: Need Help!

    Hi, I have attached the question and the solutions to part a and b of this question. Would like someone to verify if I have done anything wrong. Greatly appreciate it! Thanks. Would also like to check if there is a simpler method to prove f is an isomorphism? Thanks
  32. M

    Show isomorphism under specific conditions

    Homework Statement Let ##A,B## be subgroups of a finite abelian group ##G## Show that ##\langle g_1A \rangle \times \langle g_2A \rangle \cong \langle g_1,g_2 \rangle## where ##g_1,g_2 \in B## and ##A \cap B = \{e_G\}## where ##g_1 A, g_2 A \in G/A## (which makes sense since ##G## is abelian...
  33. Mr Davis 97

    I Why must an isomorphism between 2Z and 3Z result in mu(2) = +/- 3?

    My book is trying to show that the rngs ##2 \mathbb{Z}## and ##3 \mathbb{Z}## are not isomorphic. It starts by saying that if there were an isomorphism ##\mu : 2 \mathbb{Z} \to 3 \mathbb{Z}## then by group theory we would know that ##\mu (2) = \pm 3##. It then goes on to show that this leads to...
  34. H

    Determine rank of T and whether it is an isomorphism

    Homework Statement T((x_0, x_1, x_2)) = (0, x_0, x_1, x_2) Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I'm getting hung up on definitions. My book says that T is an is isomorphism if T is linear and invertible. But it goes on to say that for T of finite dimension, T can only be an...
  35. Mr Davis 97

    Isomorphism between HK and H x K

    Homework Statement H and K are normal subgroups of G such that the intersection of H and K is the identity. Also, G = HK = {hk | h in H and k in K}. Find an isomorphism between G and H x K Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I was thinking that an isomorphism could be ##\mu : G...
  36. binbagsss

    A Isomorphism concepts,( example periods elliptic functions )

    Hi, I have the following: Let ##\Omega ## be a discrete subgroup of ##C##, the complex plane. If: i) ##\Omega = \{nw_1 | n \in Z\} ##, then ##\Omega ## is isomorphic to ##Z##. ii) ##\Omega = \{nw_1 + mw_2 | m,n \in Z\} ## where ##w_1/w_2 \notin R ## , then ##\Omega## is isomorphic to ##Z## x...
  37. M

    MHB Is $\Phi|_{U_2}$ a Vector Space Isomorphism?

    Hey! :o Let $V$ be the real vector space $\mathbb{R}[X]$ and $M \subset \mathbb{R}$ a set with $d$ elements. Let $$U_1 := \{ f \in \mathbb{R}[X] | \forall m \in M : f(m) = 0\}, \ \ U_2 := \{ f \in \mathbb{R}[X] \mid \deg(f) \leq d − 1\}$$ be two vector spaces of $V$. Let $\Phi: V\rightarrow...
  38. jk22

    I Complex Isomorphism Error in Lorentz Transform

    I felt upon a mistake I made but cannot understand. I consider the following rotation transformation inspired from special relativity : $$\left(\begin{array}{c} x'\\ict'\end{array}\right)=\left (\begin {array} {cc} cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) \\ sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) \end...
  39. M

    I A regular matrix <=> mA isomorphism

    Hello all Let ##m_A: \mathbb{K^n} \rightarrow \mathbb{K^n}: X \mapsto AX## and ##A \in M_{m,n}(\mathbb{K})## (I already proved that this function is linear) I want to prove that: A regular matrix ##\iff m_A## is an isomorphism. So, here is my approach. Can someone verify whether this is...
  40. PsychonautQQ

    Isomorphism to certain Galois group and cyclic groups

    Homework Statement Let c be a pth root of unit where p is prime. Then the Galois group G(Q(c):Q) is isomorphic to Z_p*. Show that if there is some m that divides p-1, then there is an extension K of Q such that G(K:Q) is isomorphic to Z_q* Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I suspect...
  41. M

    I Is Every Isomorphism in Vector Spaces Reflexive?

    Hello all. I have a question about a reflexive relation. Consider ##1_V : V \rightarrow V## with ##V## a vector space. Obviously, this is an isomorphism. My book uses this example to show that V is isomorphic with V (reflexive relationship). However, suppose I have a function ##f: V\rightarrow...
  42. M

    Isomorphism between so(3) and su(2)

    Homework Statement How do I use the commutation relations of su(2) and so(3) to construct a Lie-algebra isomorphism between these two algebras? Homework Equations The commutation relations are [ta, tb] = i epsilonabc tc, the ts being the basis elements of the algebras. They basically have the...
  43. M

    MHB Is φ a bijective homomorphism between simple $R$-modules?

    Hey! :o Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unit and $M$ be a $R$-module. Let $\phi : M\rightarrow M'$ be a non-zero homomorphism of simple $R$-module. I want to show that $\phi$ is an isomorphism. To show that we have to show that $\phi$ is bijective, right? (Wondering) What exactly is...
  44. lep11

    When is this linear transformation an isomorphism?

    Homework Statement Let L: ℝ2→ℝ2 such that L(x1, x2)T=(1, 2 ; 3, α)(x1, x2)T=Ax Determine at what values of α is L an isomorphism. Obviously L is given in matrix form. The Attempt at a Solution First of all a quick check, dim (ℝ2)=dim(ℝ2)=2 Ok. An isomorphism means linear transformation which...
  45. Geofleur

    A Isomorphism between a linear space and its dual

    I have been trying to prove the following theorem, for a finite dimensional vector space ## X ## and its dual ## X^* ##: Let ## f:X\rightarrow X^* ## be given by ## f(x) = (x|\cdot) ##, where ## (x|\cdot) ## is linear in the first argument and conjugate linear in the second (so I am using the...
  46. RJLiberator

    Proving a function is an isomorphism

    Homework Statement Let G be a finite abelian group with no elements of order 2 Show that the function φ: G-> G defined as φ(g) = g^2 for all g ∈G, is an isomorphism.Homework Equations Abelian group means xy = yx for all x,y∈G Isomorphic if there exists a bijection ϒ: G_1 -> G_2 such that for...
  47. RJLiberator

    Abstract Algebra: Bijection, Isomorphism, Symmetric Sets

    Homework Statement Suppose X is a set with n elements. Prove that Bij(X) ≅ S_n. Homework Equations S_n = Symmetric set ≅ = isomorphism Definition: Let G and G2 be groups. G and G2 are called Isomorphic if there exists a bijection ϑ:G->G2 such that for all x,y∈G, ϑ(xy) = ϑ(x)ϑ(y) where the...
  48. RJLiberator

    Isomorphism is an equivalence relation on groups

    Homework Statement Prove that isomorphism is an equivalence relation on groups. Homework Equations Need to prove reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity for equivalence relationship to be upheld. **We will use ≅ to define isomorphic to** The Attempt at a Solution Let G, H, and K be groups...
  49. E

    Is Isometry the Same as Isomorphism?

    I have read a definition of isomorphism as bijective isometry. I was also showed a definition that isomorphism is a bijective map where both the map and its inverse are bounded (perhaps only for normed spaces??). This does not seem to be the same thing as an isometry. For example, the poisson...
  50. S

    Understanding Isomorphisms for Linear Transformations

    Homework Statement I have a question about isomorphisms -- I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this in though. A linear transformation is an isomorphism if the matrix associated to the transformation is invertable. This means that if the determinant of a transformation matrix = 0...