Recent content by Allen_Wolf

  1. Allen_Wolf

    B Can Entanglement be Used for Faster-than-Light Communication?

    Let us say we have an entangled pair of photons with opposite spin, which we want to use to transmit information at a speed greater than the speed of light. One of the spins could be assigned as YES (1) and the other as NO (0). We keep one photon and send the other to the receiver. In case out...
  2. Allen_Wolf

    B Does Observing an Entangled Particle Affect Its Superposition?

    Simply, can an already observed particle return to superposition when we stop observing it?
  3. Allen_Wolf

    B Does Observing an Entangled Particle Affect Its Superposition?

    Consider two virtual entangled particles (+ve & -ve particles) which emerged out of nothing. We keep +ve and -ve in two different boxes. If the box containing +ve particle is closed and we do not observe the particle, then it is said to be in a superposition of +ve and -ve, Right? After some...
  4. Allen_Wolf

    B Quantum Superposition: Is It Limited or Unlimited?

    Is Superposition of the position of particle limited to a certain area or is it unlimited? Like, an electron: Can an electron on Earth be like in Jupiter or proxima centauri due to superposition? I mean, such vast distances?
  5. Allen_Wolf

    B Do bodies lose mass due to gravity?

    Thanks a lot. It was really helpful☺
  6. Allen_Wolf

    B Do bodies lose mass due to gravity?

    But there is a transfer of energy from , let's say the earth, when attracting a ball.Some of the energy of the Earth is tranferred to the ball and then transforms to kinetic energy. That means that the amount of energy possesses by the Earth now is less than the original value, right?
  7. Allen_Wolf

    B Do bodies lose mass due to gravity?

    Energy is required to make a body fall towards its surface i.e. to produce acceleration. That means energy will be lost by the body causing it. Energy is equivalent of mass. Therefore a loss in energy would mean a loss in mass. Right? I most sincerely apologise of I am wasting your time by...
  8. Allen_Wolf

    B Exploring the Possibility of Negative Mass: Implications and Limitations

    If we imagine two particles A and B. A has positive mass and B has negative mass and initial velocity 0. This happens in a non interfering environment . If both theses has opposite and equal value of mass, shouldn't they be repelling each other? F=G. (M.-m)/r^2. Value of F should be negative.
  9. Allen_Wolf

    Single Ray of Light: Visible from All Angles?

    So light will be invisible unless one stands in its path (of in the above environment)?
  10. Allen_Wolf

    Single Ray of Light: Visible from All Angles?

    IMAGINE an infinitely large space where there exists no particles or energy fields at all. If we introduce a single photon or a single ray of light, will it be visible from all angles?
  11. Allen_Wolf

    B Exploring Hawking Radiation: A 10th Grader's Curiosity

    Recently I was actually stuck on a thought about hawing radiation. If quantum fluctuations cause virtual particles to occur from space. So, to maintain the balance of mass in the universe, the particle with -ve energy should be having -ve mass, right? If so, by Newton's equation of gravitation...
  12. Allen_Wolf

    B Acceleration of Particles: Black Holes & Speed of Light

    So what happens when a body accelerates to 99.9% the speed of light? Will some of the matter get converted to energy or something?
  13. Allen_Wolf

    What fantasy universe would you live in?

    I'd love to live in the harry potter world. You muggles have no idea how it will be.
  14. Allen_Wolf

    B Acceleration of Particles: Black Holes & Speed of Light

    I have a little doubt to get cleared. Gravity of the Earth causes an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 which increases the velocity of a body at free fall. So for a very massive body like a black hole FOR INSTANCE, the acceleration due to gravity on a body will be very high, right? So if a body falls...
  15. Allen_Wolf

    Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus of an atom?

    I have a simple doubt to keep things clear. Why doesn't electrons fall into the nucleus of an atom? Is it because of the high velocity of electrons? If so, at what velocity will the electron be slow enough to collapse into the nucleus?