Recent content by B3NR4Y

  1. B3NR4Y

    Finding the Magnetic Field Due to a Wire stretching from Infinity to 0

    Homework Statement An intensity current I descends down the z-axis from z = \infty to z = 0, where it spreads out in an isotropic way on the plane z = 0. Compute the magnetic field. Homework Equations The only relevant equation I can think of is Ampere's Law, \oint_\gamma \vec{B} \cdot...
  2. B3NR4Y

    Two-Level Quantum System, Need help Finding State at time t

    Okay I have that |1> can be written: |1\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}i} \left(|a\rangle-|b\rangle\right) With this I apply H, which I can use the schrodinger equation to find. The only thing I am uneasy on now is that I think the coefficients will be imaginary, and I am not sure how to reconcile...
  3. B3NR4Y

    Two-Level Quantum System, Need help Finding State at time t

    I see, that is shockingly easy. So once I have that I should compute <1|\hat{H}|1> and the coefficient of each term is the probability of that energy?
  4. B3NR4Y

    Two-Level Quantum System, Need help Finding State at time t

    Yeah my assumption about the basis was stupid. I did some extra reading to refresh my memory from my first quantum course and realized that. Since |1> and |2> are any two linearly independent vectors, then an arbitrary state |ψ> can be written c1 |1> + c2 |2>. In the case that part c says, c2...
  5. B3NR4Y

    Two-Level Quantum System, Need help Finding State at time t

    Homework Statement |1> and |2> form an orthonormal basis for a two-level system. The Hamiltonian of this system is given by: \hat{H} = \epsilon \begin{pmatrix} 1 & i \\ -i & 1 \end{pmatrix} a.) Is this Hamiltonian hermitian? What is the significance of a hermitian operator? b.) Find the...
  6. B3NR4Y

    Spectator Ions and Molarity Questions

    Homework Statement An aqueous solution of silver nitrate, AgNO3, reacts with an aqueous solution ammonium carbonate, (NH4)2CO3. What are the spectator ions for the reaction? AgNO3 (aq) + (NH4)2CO3 -> A 17.5 mL sample of hydrochloric acid HCl solution required 29.6 mL of 0.250M Ba(OH)2 for...
  7. B3NR4Y

    Studying Need help finding an ok sleep schedule while in school

    This isn't true, sleep isn't just 8 hours. You can stay up later for two hours, and sleep in for two hours and still feel tired. The best is to have a natural sleep/wake time. I go to bed at 20, wake up at 4:30. Get to school at 5, and get work done before my classes and after classes. I go home...
  8. B3NR4Y

    Prove an infinite sum exists and its sum

    Homework Statement Let {b k } be a sequence of positive numbers. Assume that there exists a sequence {a k}, such that a k is greater than or equal to 0 for all k, a_k is decreasing, the limit of a_k is 0 and b_k = a_k - a _(k+1). Show that the sum from k=1 to infinity of b k exists and equals...
  9. B3NR4Y

    Showing a limit exists using differentiability

    Ok so applying the mean value theorem, there is an x in (am,an) so that ## \frac{f(a_m) - f(a_n)}{a_m - a_n} = f'(x) ## taking the absolute value of both sides, ## |f(a_m) - f(a_n)| < |a_m - a_n| ##. Since an is convergent, |am - an| is always less than some epsilon greater than zero (because it...
  10. B3NR4Y

    Showing a limit exists using differentiability

    Homework Statement Assume f:(a,b)→ℝ is differentiable on (a,b) and that |f'(x)| < 1 for all x in (a,b). Let an be a sequence in (a,b) so that an→a. Show that the limit as n goes to infinity of f(an) exists. Homework Equations We've learned about the mean value theorem, and all of that fun...
  11. B3NR4Y

    Using the mean value theorem to prove the chain rule

    Homework Statement I and J are open subsets of the real line. The function f takes I to J, and the function g take J to R. The functions are in C1. Use the mean value theorem to prove the chain rule. Homework Equations (g o f)' (x) = g'(f (x)) f'(x) MVT The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I know...
  12. B3NR4Y

    Proof that an even degree polynomial has a minimum

    Okay I think I am able to prove it using what SteamKing said, but I see what axmls means by some of the lower power terms may overcome the upper power terms. That's why I preferred writing it as $$p(x) = x^{2n} (a_{2n} + ... + \frac{a_1}{x^{2n-1}} + \frac{a_0}{x^2n} ) $$ it seems to show that...
  13. B3NR4Y

    Proof that an even degree polynomial has a minimum

    Unfortunately that's not an assumption I can make, I have to prove everything.
  14. B3NR4Y

    Proof that an even degree polynomial has a minimum

    Homework Statement Let $$p(x) = a_{2n} x^{2n} + ... + a_{1} x + a_{0} $$ be any polynomial of even degree. If $$ a_{2n} > 0 $$ then p has a minimum value on R. Homework Equations We say f has a minimum value "m" on D, provided there exists an $$x_m \in D$$ such that $$ f(x) \geq f(x_m) = m $$...
  15. B3NR4Y

    Proving things for an arbitrary rigid body with an axis of symmetry

    Okay, so for the next parts I'm thinking I should follow in the same way, but it seems to be redundant to continue in the same direction for the two directions orthogonal to the ##\hat z##. I was thinking maybe multiplying by the rotation matrix but that seems silly to do, but also not silly to...