Recent content by BlueScreenOD

  1. B

    Which Compound Is More Soluble in Water: Heptanoic Acid or 1-Octanol?

    Thanks for your reply Cronxeh. I know they're both soluble, but what I need to know is which is MORE soluble.
  2. B

    Which Compound Is More Soluble in Water: Heptanoic Acid or 1-Octanol?

    Homework Statement Which compound would you expect to be more soluble in water: heptanoic acid or 1-octanol? Which of the compounds has the greater solubility in water and why? 2-Propanone or 1-Propanol Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I believe for the first question that the...
  3. B

    How do I determine a camera projection matrix?

    I'm an undergraduate computer-science student doing research in the field of computer vision, and one of the tasks I've been charged with is calibrating the camera on a robot. I understand the basic principles at work: a vector in 3D world coordinates is transformed into homogeneous 2-space...
  4. B

    Why are my T1 and T2 values so different if they are both unbiased estimators?

    Homework Statement See attached. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no issues with part A. I simply took the expected value of T1 and T2 and everything turned out fine. What I'm having issues with is part B. I have: T1 = (4 / n) * 1997 - 2 = 0.08075 T2 = (4 / n) * 32 =...
  5. B

    Estimating Geometric Distribution

    Homework Statement We return to the example concerning the number of menstrual cycles up to pregnancy, where the number of cycles was modeled by a geometric random variable. The original data concerned 100 smoking and 486 nonsmoking women. For 7 smokers and 12 nonsmokers, the exact number of...
  6. B

    Calculating Joint Distribution

    Homework Statement Let X and Y be two random variables, with joint distribution given by the following table: a b 1 2 3 4 -------------------------------------- 1 16/136 3/136 2/136 13/136 2 5/136 10/136 11/136 8/136 3...
  7. B

    Using uniform distribution to determine the side of a die

    Homework Statement Let U have a U(0, 1) distribution. a. Describe how to simulate the outcome of a roll with a die using U. b. Define Y as follows: round 6U + 1 down to the nearest integer. What are the possible outcomes of Y and their probabilities? Homework Equations A continuous...
  8. B

    Probability Mass Function For Winning the Lottery

    Homework Statement You decide to play monthly in two different lotteries, and you stop playing as soon as you win a prize in one (or both) lotteries of at least one million euros. Suppose that every time you participate in these lotteries, the probability to win one million (or more)...
  9. B

    Discrete Random Variable Probloem

    Thanks for your help! The terminology and the notation are really what get me. I'll have to keep working on it. Thanks again!
  10. B

    Discrete Random Variable Probloem

    Homework Statement Let X be a discrete random variable with probability mass function p given by: a ...| -1 .| 0 ..| 1 ..| 2 -----+-----+-----+-----+--- p(a) | 1/4 | 1/8 | 1/8 | 1/2 and p(a) = 0 for all other a. a.) Let random variable Y be defined by Y = X^2. Calculate the...
  11. B

    Help with conditional probabilty

    I ended up with the same answers. Thank you both for your help! I haven't learned that technique yet, but I'll have to look into it.
  12. B

    Help with conditional probabilty

    Wow, that's a much simpler calculation. Thanks for your help!
  13. B

    Help with conditional probabilty

    Thanks for your reply Mapes! This is what I have so far, could be kind enough to tell me if this looks right? I'll use ^ for the intersection operator. P(A | B) = 1 - P(A | complement B) because P(complement A | complement B) = 1 - P(A | complement B) P(A ^ B) / P(B) = 1 - P(A ^...
  14. B

    Help with conditional probabilty

    I've been struggling for a good couple hours on the below, and I was hoping someone might be able to push me in the right direction... "A" represents the event "the breath analyzer indicates the suspect is drunk" and "B" represents the event "the suspect is drunk." On a given Saturday night...