Recent content by Gondur

  1. G

    What Does an Occluded Front Indicate on a Synoptic Chart?

    Hello, I wonder if you might be able to help me understand what's happening on this synoptic chart? What I can see, there appears to be an occluded cyclone in the Atlantic moving North/Eastwards. I'd like to know why there is an extended cold front and warm front merging in the centre of the...
  2. G

    Can Bees See Time? A Window Experiment.

    For the past two weeks, I've been sitting on my chair next to a window. On the windowpane is a palm tree plant. At precisely 6 PM over the past two weeks, I have noticed a bee attempting to fly into the window to land on the plant. It obviously cannot fly through the clear glass and soon flies...
  3. G

    I What Is the Equation Relating Wind Erosivity to Velocity and Air Density Called?

    wind velocity E = V3rho, where E is erosivity , V is velocity and rho is air density thus the erosivity of wind is an exponential function of wind velocity, i.e. if the wind velocity doubles, the wind is 8X more erodible or, if it triples, the wind is 27 times more erodible that is why we...
  4. G

    Pressure of 11,000m Water Column: Crushing or Equal to Bottom of Ocean?

    Suppose a cylinder was made. It is the same height as the deepest part of the ocean to the ocean surface - about 11,000 metres and about 1 metre wide. The cylinder was filled with water right to the top and stood on the Earth's surface. A small hole at the bottom of the cyclinder was opened...
  5. G

    Surviving the Pressure: Trapped Inside a Sinking Ship

    If you were trapped inside water tight chamber inside a sinking ship, would you survive all the way to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? Or would the pressure crush the walls of the chamber at some depth?
  6. G

    B How Did the Big Bang Happen If the Speed of Light Is a Limit?

    Hello, If the speed of light is the maximum speed limit in our universe, how was the big bang event possible because surely the expansion would have been constrained by the speed of light?
  7. G

    I If Earth collided with another planet

    A rocky Earth like exoplanet drifts into our solar system and will collide with Earth. It is 3 times the mass and diameter of Earth. We build a spacecraft to drill into the core of the Earth prior to the impact. Assume our craft can withstand 'infinite' pressure and temperature and is...
  8. G

    Could 'aliens' already know there's life on Earth?

    We can indirectly measure the atmospheric composition of worlds outside our solar system. Suppose there are aliens out there. On their world, they use the same technique we use to measure the atmospheric composition of worlds. Suppose they turn their telescope on Earth. Is it possible they...
  9. G

    I Do Black Holes Have Walls? Exploring the Unknown

    I was asked this question... Honestly I do not know! Imagine a black hole. You get sucked inside the singularity Yes, you'd die instantly, but suppose you lived. Where would you end up in space & time if, when inside the singularity, you float to a wall containing it and pierced it and traveled...
  10. G

    B Exiting Wormhole Prematurely: Where Does Your Ship End Up?

    Suppose there was a wormhole connecting two points in space A and B. Your ship enters at A. Half way through journey inside the tunnel, your ship suddenly makes a sharp right turn and penetrates the wall of the tunnel and leaves the wormhole -failing to complete the full journey to point B Where...
  11. G

    'Alien' biosphere immune system effects

    Hello, Suppose we humans traveled in a spacecraft to another Earth like planet with the same gravity and atmospheric composition as our own Earth. Suppose we landed on the surface. Suppose we opened the door of the craft, and walked onto the planet surface. Suppose we did not wear a...
  12. G

    I How 'big' is the present moment in terms of time?

    Time can be divided three ways Time in the future Time in the present Time in the past We are living in the 'present'. My question: how 'big' is this present time? It might help if you think of a pen placed on a white sheet of paper. The pen represents our present time. The white space above...
  13. G

    I Opening a Jar: Physics Behind Jar Lid's Resistance to Opening

    Hello, I bought a jar of sauce today. I tried to open the top, but I couldn't - it wouldn't budge at all. Then I shook the jar - so the sauce inside moved around. I tried again and I effortless opened the jar. Now - this got me thinking, why when I shook the jar did it open easily? prior to...
  14. G

    I Scale Factors: Is a 10x Bigger Earth Possible?

    Hello, Not really sure where this belongs (more sci fi) But, suppose the Earth were 10 times bigger. Would it be possible for everything on Earth to scale with this increase - Earth systems, land masses, trees etc (but also remain unchanged to us (except everything everything would be bigger)...
  15. G

    Two Planets Touching: Is it Possible?

    Hello, This may not be possible But, suppose there were two planets about the same size as Earth. Suppose both planets touched each other. Think of sticking two balls of ice cream together with an ice cream scoop. Imagine walking on the surface of one planet up to the point where the two...