Recent content by hyurnat4

  1. H

    I How to find the inverse of an integral transform?

    I'm trying to find the distribution of a random variable ##T## supported on ##[t_1, t_2]## subject to ## \mathbb{E}[V(t', T)] = K, \forall t' \in [t_1, t_2]##. In integral form, this is : $$ \int_{t_1}^{t_2} V(t', t).f(t) \, dt = K,\forall t' \in [t_1, t_2], $$ which is just an exotic integral...
  2. H

    Engineering How important is classification of degree (engineers)?

    Once you've got your first job, they won't care. Of course, graduate roles are competitive and your first job can impact hugely upon your career.
  3. H

    Will a random walk hit every point infinitely often?

    Ah thank you. Does the result have a name?
  4. H

    Will a random walk hit every point infinitely often?

    Sorry, it was a bad title. I meant 'cross every bound' infinitely often.
  5. H

    Will a random walk hit every point infinitely often?

    Well, not quite a random walk. The steps aren't necessarily ±1, but they have mean 0 and will take values >ε with positive probability. It seems intuitive that such a process will be unbounded and will cross this bound infinitely many times (in 1D). Does anyone know of a result that says this?
  6. H

    Why is there circulation around a wing?

    Homework Statement From my notes: "In an irrotational flow, Γ = 0 for any curve lying wholly within the fluid. But circulation around a wing (airflow) is possible! Why?" The Attempt at a Solution The obvious answer is that the air around the wing isn't irrotational. But that seems a bit too...
  7. H

    Mass-Energy Equivalence and Storng Nuclear Force

    This really isn't a homework question per se, but I really don't want to post in the big boys' fora. I am learning about basic modern physics at school, as the title suggests, but I am very confused on one matter. Take the tritium nucleus as an example. If tritium nucleons are separate...
  8. H

    What Determines the Shape of an Atom?

    This isn't exactly homework, but I'm still in high-school and I feel guilty posting in the big guys' forums. I've recently learned about the shapes of spdf orbitals and the way they interact to form different bonds. This is completely different to the nice spherical atoms we were shown back...
  9. H

    Exact formula of tetra-amine-zinc complex

    Sorry this post doesn't look beautifulized and pretty; its 23.00 here. When ammonia is added to hexaaquazinc ions, the NH3 acts as a base and forms [Zn(H2O)4(OH)2], better known as Zinc hydroxide. However, in excess NH3, the ppt will redissolve as a tetraaminezinc complex. My question is: is...
  10. H

    Basic chemistry: sulphur dioxide shape?

    Oh... That seems... unfair. Why does chemistry have to be more complicated than it already is? Thanks for the help anyway guys, this is probably a bit beyond what I'm supposed to learn but it's good to know how the molecule works. :frown:
  11. H

    Basic chemistry: sulphur dioxide shape?

    Still trying to get my head round this... I don't get the 'partially double bond' bit. Isn't sharing a pair of electrons by definition a single bond? Thanks for the reply.
  12. H

    Basic chemistry: sulphur dioxide shape?

    Basic chemistry: sulphur dioxide shape??! I realize this isn't homework, but it's so basic I'm ashamed of putting it in the chemistry section. I'm trying to self-teach here, but my textbook is awful and I'm even worse. Question: Workout the shape of SO2. Step 1: Draw lewis diagram to work out...
  13. H

    Which is More in Demand: Actuary or Pharmacist?

    Actuary has only garnered attention recently, since it has been topping the "top X jobs" lists. Therefore a whole swath of fresh-faced math geniuses have clogged up the available jobs. It's still a great career, but a very competitive one.
  14. H

    Opinions on Medicine, Actuarial science and Biomed?

    Thanks guys! I'm going to kind of leave off the decision until my senior year. I've just finished my 3rd to final year of high school and I'll leave all my options open next year, but I'm kind of tending towards medicine. Thanks for all the advice it was really helpful!
  15. H

    Opinions on Medicine, Actuarial science and Biomed?

    Yeah, they do contrast a bit don't they? (And there is no top 25 jobs list; I despise those things.) Basically, I've always been looking at medicine, partially because my mum was a GP, but mainly because it has always fascinated me. It's a massive field, I know, but I'm kind of reluctant to...