Recent content by Le Luc

  1. L

    Please check my math about this engine efficiency calculation

    Oh. I said that because of electrical resistance. Sorry for not stating that. Since temperature affects electrolysis, then my missing 42 kJ was probably from using the wrong temperature for water. Finally. I think I get it now. Thank you very much.
  2. L

    Please check my math about this engine efficiency calculation

    Thank you very much. Since the energy I get out of combustion needs to be less than the energy I put in through electrolysis, would that mean that I would need to have more than 60060 kJ of input to get 60060 kJ of output, since step 7 without Avagadro's number is 105*572 = 60060 kJ? In step...
  3. L

    Please check my math about this engine efficiency calculation

    Hello. I wanted to see how much more efficient a car would be if hydrogen and oxygen (created through electrolysis of water) were injected into the engine alongside gasoline. I got lost when I found out that I would need 241.8 kJ/mol of water to electrolyze it...
  4. L

    Why Do I Need So Many Resistors? Is It Possible to Reduce?

    Hello. I wonder if I can take some of these resistors off and make the signal stronger without breaking the rest of the components. Is this possible? Also why are the non-trimming capacitors needed? I have a picture attached. Thank you!
  5. L

    Sprockets, chains, and gears question

    Thank you very much! Do you know what the S means in 40BS13 3/4? Thank you!
  6. L

    Sprockets, chains, and gears question

    hello. I'm tring to find a compatible sprocket for my chain. I need to know what these abbreviations mean here: For...
  7. L

    How to attach wheel to axel? and how to choose motor

    My plans already have changed. I planned on using 3" schedual 40 pvc pipe for the tank. My vehicle will probably be using electricity from now on.
  8. L

    How to attach wheel to axel? and how to choose motor

    I need to know how to attach a wheel to an axel, but first of all, i need an axel with a gear pre-built into it. The axel needs to be over 20 inches long (because that is the width of my vehicle) and support bicycle/tricycle wheels. Does anyone know of such wheels and axels? (The wheels have...
  9. L

    B Calculating Speed and Distance for a Pneumatic Tricycle

    As for the first part, I don't know much math. For the second part, the cylinder is fed air and pushes (i have no clue why it pushes less than half of the pressure in there, but that's what the people doing the store videos said) the rod out. I will attach the device to the tricycle so that it...
  10. L

    B Calculating Speed and Distance for a Pneumatic Tricycle

    Hello. I am working on planning to build a small pnumatic tricycle. I got far in my calculations, but not quite finished because I am stuck. If someone could check my math, that'd be great, but my problem starts at the second line. ______________________________________________ 1. Let's say...