Recent content by Navin

  1. Navin

    Are There Dative Bonds In Isocyanides ?

    Oh and that's not all We represent the Nitro group(-NO2) the same way too, istead of showing charges, we show one dative bond with one oxygen and a double bond for the other There were some other compounds too, i can't recollect though. Basically all those compunds with formal charges were...
  2. Navin

    Chemistry How to Synthesize Alkenes Using Corey House Reaction?

    Who are you posing the question to, me or the Op ?
  3. Navin

    Are There Dative Bonds In Isocyanides ?

    Ah, okay . So we can use a dative bond, but it aint a common format right ? Also thank you for explaing the structure of the molecule, i have a tendency of getting confused with the nitrogen lone pair while solving reaction based questions, this helped clear some doubts about it
  4. Navin

    Chemistry How to Synthesize Alkenes Using Corey House Reaction?

    Well good news , you are correct , the Double bond is attacked by the ##CH_3## group of the gilmanns reagent. This is because if you draw the resonance structure of the cyclohexane, you will get a electron deficient carbon At the beta position to the carbonyl carbon.(thats fancy english for the...
  5. Navin

    Are There Dative Bonds In Isocyanides ?

    Okay guys, i had a question. Now in many indian publications and lecture rooms they say that we can represent HNC and isocyanides with a dative(coordinate) bond, but when i looked it up online, almost no one used such a structure. Wikipedia, Quora, Chem libre texts, etc, they describe it having...
  6. Navin

    Chemistry How to Synthesize Alkenes Using Corey House Reaction?

    Could you please show us what u have tried ? Even if it sounds particularity stupid, no problems. we can take it from there. Dont worry, don't give up yet, we can do this K ? If you want a hint , try finding the difference between a reaction of an unsaturated cyclic ring with grignards reagent...
  7. Navin

    Is Lowering School Starting Age To 3 A Good Idea

    Here in India the average age for Nursery(Elementary) School is 3. Well then again India is crazy level competetive. like to get into university , kids in fifth grade join coaching prepare for an exam they won't anwer in anpther 7 years or so...yea But getting back on...
  8. Navin

    Announcement Contest to rename "PF Lounge" category

    Oh my gosh, how could i not think of this one Inn-flux !
  9. Navin

    Announcement Contest to rename "PF Lounge" category

    How abt Flux Station Fir november
  10. Navin

    Movies that you watch over and over again

    The Grand Budapest Hotel, Moonrise Kingdom...argh Any Wes Anderson Film, Annie Hall, Amélié, The Breakfast Club, Lost In Translation...yea list goes on
  11. Navin

    Chemistry Compare the Bond lengths of IO2F2 and IOF3

    I agree with this, but they gave the structure like that in the question. (Im beginning to think this is a horribly framed question...Good job publishers ! Making us students life easier)
  12. Navin

    Chemistry Compare the Bond lengths of IO2F2 and IOF3

    EDIT#1 - THe Question is to compare Average bond lengths of IO2F2- and IOF3There is an error in the Orignal post where i forgot to add the "-" superscript, sorry for the inconvinience
  13. Navin

    Chemistry Compare the Bond lengths of IO2F2 and IOF3

    The question was just compare average bond lengths. They didnt specify which bonds to compare And yes, I am sorry the copound was IO2F2- Im so sorry for that error
  14. Navin

    Photo Contest - What Time Is It? (9/28-10/4)

    The grim reapers personal collection. Get your capped watch now ! Stocks limited
  15. Navin

    Chemistry Compare the Bond lengths of IO2F2 and IOF3

    Okay So our Chemistry Professor gave us the answer as the following IO2F2 has a larger bond length than IOF3 The reason being is once you draw the structures of the compounds IO2F2 has more number of double bonds that the later hence it shall have more p charecter than IOF3...hence it will...