Recent content by The_Thinker

  1. T

    Lift a weight up with an EM switch

    Hello, My question is simple. Let's suppose you have an electromagnetic coil with a magnetic weight in the center of it. This coil is energized, and the weight is lifted up vertically. Now, my weight is 30 kgs. I want to lift it to a height of 1 meter. How do I calculate how much power is...
  2. T

    What happens when an electron is hit by a laser beam?

    Light sails use mirrors, I was aware of them before. But I am specifically asking what direction an electron would be scattered in, in the presence of a laser. Can a laser be used to guide an electron for instance? Or does the scattering take place in all angles?
  3. T

    What happens when an electron is hit by a laser beam?

    Just a quick question. We know that an accelerated electron shoots out light, and light that falls on an electron in an atom, excites it. But what happens to an electron in vaccum, when it encounters a laser beam? If an electron beam from an electron microscope, were to to intercept a laser...
  4. T

    Does light affect the magnetization of a material?

    My question is really basic, and I've ended up getting a bit confused because of it. My understanding is that magnetism of a material is based upon the intrinsic electron spin, the rotation of the electron around an atom, and the movement of electrons within a material, i.e- current. So...
  5. T

    Maximum distance of quantum tunneling using an STM

    Okay. That's brilliant. Thanks a lot soothsayer. You've been a great help. Kudos to you. :)
  6. T

    Maximum distance of quantum tunneling using an STM

    Hey! Thanks for the replies, you two. But the thing is, the image resolution is not so important for me here. The purpose for which I aim to use the STM in this instance, doesn't demand that. All I need is a tunneling current from the tip of my STM and a metallic conductor that is separated by...
  7. T

    Maximum distance of quantum tunneling using an STM

    Hey there, I'm pursuing a degree in Msc. Nanoscale science, and I've been studying about Scanning tunneling microsopes that use Quantum tunneling to study the surface struture of materials. My question is: What is the maximum distance between the surface that's been studied, and the STM tip...
  8. T

    Master in Physics vs. Bachelors in Engineering?

    First of all, is a course in Nanotechnology or Nanoscience worth it or is it just a lot of hype? What can I do after a masters in Nanotech/science? Is it better to do it in UK or in USA? USA has only two colleges that offer this course, namely Rice and SUNY-Albany. But, there are a lot...
  9. T

    Publishing a Book: Tips and Tricks from Experienced Authors

    ah.. okay... cool... :smile:
  10. T

    Amplitude of Electromagnetic wave?

    How come the energy of an electromagnetic wave depends only on its frequency? Given by E = hf. How come the energy depends only on the frequency of the wave and not on the magnitude of the E component of the wave? Doesn't the energy depend on the amplitude? Or is there no such thing?
  11. T

    Publishing a Book: Tips and Tricks from Experienced Authors

    Nah, it is not about the Idea itself. Its just a fun read. Anyway, I was asking about query letter tips and the like. For example, check this site out: anyway... thx. Let's see how it goes.
  12. T

    Exploring the Role of Electrons in Atomic Structure: An Unanswered Question?

    Hmmm... that is a good Idea. Ill try ignoring the equations. I am not going to study physics in coll anyway. I just have an interest. Anyway... thanks...:approve:
  13. T

    Publishing a Book: Tips and Tricks from Experienced Authors

    ha, lol. That I know, I am fully aware of vanity publishers. And naw, its nothing about physics at all. Its just story about a guy who just gets out of college and tries an Idea about some software. He then realizes that things are not that easy and basically what happens after that. Its a...
  14. T

    Exploring the Role of Electrons in Atomic Structure: An Unanswered Question?

    Hmmm... Well, I did read the brief history of time. It was interesting, but it didn't seem tough. But I guess as ZZ said, only someone who knows physics would be able to understand why its tough. I have a long way to go. Consequently, I got the Feynman series of lecture books and although...