Recent content by tylersmith7690

  1. T

    How do I solve a circuit with multiple nodes and loops?

    Homework Statement In attatchment Homework Equations Not sure How to come up with the other equations. The Attempt at a Solution Assuming a node is an element connected to two or more elements. 1) Moving clockwise from V i1 to i2. Node one is between the negative side of the...
  2. T

    Solving Diff EQ: y'=2cos^2x-sin^2x+y^2 w/y(0)=2

    1/ (y-sinx) = -sinx/2 + C cosx = (-sinx +2 C cos x)/2 y-sinx = 2/(-sinx +2 C cos x) y= 2/(-sinx +2 C cos x) +sin x y= [2 + sinx ( 2 cosx - sin x)]/ 2 cos x - sin x y = (2 + 2 C sin x cos x -sin^2 x ) / ( 2 cos x - sin x) y= 2+ C sin 2x - sin^2x / 2 cos x - sinx This...
  3. T

    Population Model Homework: Determine Equilibrium Solutions

    Homework Statement The simplest useful model for fisher comes from the logistic model for population growth, together with a harvest h which is proportional to the current population P, that is, h=EP, where the constant E is called the effort. E measures the fraction of the population...
  4. T

    Solving Diff EQ: y'=2cos^2x-sin^2x+y^2 w/y(0)=2

    I don't see how you get y by itself. Maybe my algebra is way off. And i believe the RHS should have a negative before the 1/2 sin x. Any help would be welcomed.
  5. T

    Solving Diff EQ: y'=2cos^2x-sin^2x+y^2 w/y(0)=2

    Homework Statement For the following differential equation: dy/dx = \frac{2cos^2x-sin^2x+y^2}{2 cosx} , -pi/2 < x < pi/2 show that the substitution y(x)=sin x + 1/u(x) yeilds the differential equation for u(x), du/dx = -u tan x - \frac{1}{2}sec x Hence find the solution y(x) to...
  6. T

    Integration via complex exponential

    Yeah looking back i see the trick is just to square the ((1/-3i_2))
  7. T

    Integration via complex exponential

    Homework Statement Using the complex exponential, nd the most general function f such that \frac{d^2f}{dt^2} = e-3t cos 2t , t all real numbers. Homework Equations I'm having a lot of trouble with this question, my thinking is to integrate once and then one more time...
  8. T

    Integral Help: Solving a Complex Problem

    Is my final answer correct? x + \frac{9}{8} log | x2+4 | - \frac{9}{4} arctan(\frac{x}{2}) - \frac{1}{4} log | x-2 | + C
  9. T

    Integral Help: Solving a Complex Problem

    Thanks for the reply, looking again at how i got C=0 was most likely due to it being very late at night :). But yes I find it easier solving for A,B,C in the system of equations. I see now that my thinking was on the right track and it was just the small error that through me off. Thanks for the...
  10. T

    Integral Help: Solving a Complex Problem

    Integral help! Homework Statement Evaluate the following inde nite integral, ∫\frac{x^3-5x}{x^3-2x^2+4x-8} dx Homework Equations I think I am right until i get to equating the equations when I do it the method I am taught in class I get c=0 and I don't think that is right. However when...
  11. T

    Solve Indefinite Integral: ∫1/sqrt(x2-1)^5 dx

    Homework Statement Sorry for the poor use of Latex, I have tried to get it to work but it seems to never come out as I would like. Using a trigonometric or hyperbolic substitution, evaluate the following indfe nite integral, ∫\frac{1}{\sqrt{(x^2-1)^5}} dx Homework Equations I...
  12. T

    Limiting Logarithm: x→0+ log(x-1+√(x^2+1))-logx

    would i use the l'hopital rule in my working out? and what is the usual expansion?
  13. T

    Limiting Logarithm: x→0+ log(x-1+√(x^2+1))-logx

    So if I end up with log(1) = 0, Would that mean I was right? or do i have to do some algebra first to solve the stuff inside the bracket?
  14. T

    Limiting Logarithm: x→0+ log(x-1+√(x^2+1))-logx

    Sorry for the headache, my second attempt above at working out had a + instead of a - after the first x in the bracket. It should read (x-1 + ...)/x Because the function log is continuous. we get limx→0+ (\frac{x-1+\sqrt{}x^2+1}{x}) = \frac{0-1+1}{0} which is \frac{0}{0} indeterminate form...
  15. T

    Limiting Logarithm: x→0+ log(x-1+√(x^2+1))-logx

    Would i make the original equationin into limx→0+ log ((x-1+\sqrt{x^2+1})/x)) = limx→0+ log( 1 - \frac{1}{x} + \frac{\sqrt{x^2+1}}{x}) And then can i say that because log is continuous when x>0, that i can then put log(limx→0+ 1 - limx→0+\frac{1}{x} + lim x→0+ \frac{\sqrt{x^2+1}}{x})...