Recent content by xenogizmo

  1. X

    So, What is the Dimension of the Subspace of Matrices with Trace 0?

    Hey Everyone, I have this question on my assignment that's confusing me, I think I have the logic right, but for some reason I am getting the wrong answer.. Anyways the question states: If S is the subspace of M5 (R) consisting of all matrices with trace 0, then dim(S) = ? Now, I know...
  2. X

    Linear Algebra: Projection Theortical Problem

    Hmmmm, yes you are right, if it is in the plane it's impossible. Im really sorry for all your trouble, I really appreciate your help! But assuming V is not in the plane, would it be possible? :smile:
  3. X

    Linear Algebra: Projection Theortical Problem

    That's not really what's being asked in the question, we don't want the projection of A onto V, we just want an a general expression for projecting A on the plane by just adding a multipe of V to it. Any ideas? :frown:
  4. X

    Linear Algebra: Projection Theortical Problem

    Hey Everyone, I have this question that's been giving me a hard time, I don't really know how to do it. "Let A be an arbitrary vector. It may be projected along a direction V on the plane P with normal vector n. What is its image A` ?" I know that A + lamda*V = A` , and that we have to...
  5. X

    Optics Problem: What am I doing wrong?

    btw, the answer I got when I did this was 2.313x10^8 m there's a hint on that question but it made sense to me.. Here it is just in case: "What is special about the case R2 > n*R1? "
  6. X

    Optics Problem: What am I doing wrong?

    Hey Everyone.. I'm having trouble with this question, I think I have this question figured out but my answer is coming out incorrect... Tell me if there is a flaw in my logic.. question is: "Suppose that a luminous star of radius R1=1.74×108 m is surrounded by a uniform atmosphere...
  7. X

    Exploring the Power of Euler's Formula: e^(2*pi*i)

    How does that evaluate 1?? e^(2*pi*i)
  8. X

    Linear and Angular Momentum Problem

    Hey Everyone, I have this physics problem, and I'm not really sure how to solve it using linear and angular momentum, I know it can be solved otherwise in different methods, but I'm interested in this one.. The question is: "A bowling ball is given an initial speed of 5 m/s on an alley...
  9. X

    Is binding energy positive or negative?

    Hey Everyone, This is a quick question.. is binding energy positive or negative? I'm pretty confused now, because in some places the definition was: The energy released when the nucleus of an atom is formed by combining neutrons and protons. And in other places: the energy required to...
  10. X

    Understanding Matrix Powers: Explained for Linear Algebra Students

    Hey guys, This is just a quick question.. I have a question on my linear algebra assignment that I don't understand.. What does it mean when you're given a 2x2 matrix M and told to "find formulas for the entries of M to the power of n, where n is a positive integer" The assignment is about...
  11. X

    Seeing Polarized Images: A Puzzling Phenomenon

    In the chemistry lab, the demonstrator had a black picture, that showed a different picture under normal light and polarized light
  12. X

    Seeing Polarized Images: A Puzzling Phenomenon

    hey guys I think I might have said the question in a wrong way or something.. the phenomenon I'm talking about is not 3D.. :frown: It's just a 2D picture, only difference than any normal picture is that it ONLY appears under polarized light.. Helpful? :confused:
  13. X

    Seeing Polarized Images: A Puzzling Phenomenon

    No, not really.. It's like a picture, if you look at it with the naked eye, you see nothing, but if you shine polarized light on it you see the picture.. What's the explanation of this?