What is optics problem: Definition and 59 Discussions

In physics, physical optics, or wave optics, is the branch of optics that studies interference, diffraction, polarization, and other phenomena for which the ray approximation of geometric optics is not valid. This usage tends not to include effects such as quantum noise in optical communication, which is studied in the sub-branch of coherence theory.

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  1. S

    Fresnel Lens - Solve for Lithography & Power

    For the first part, I got correct: M = (lambda*f)/r_n Converting units to meters (m) then plugging them in: (550x10^-9 m) * (0.67 m)/(0.0125 m) = 2.948x10^-5 or 29.48x10^-6 m or 29.48 nm This checked out. For the second part, using the information from the first part: f = r^2/(n*lambda) =...
  2. blank44544

    Finding focal length from di v. M graph

    I tried di= f +fM, but that would mean slope and y int is the same when it’s not.
  3. Mubeen

    A Collimation of a Gaussian beam

    Hi, i would like to design a optics in zemax for collimation of guassian beam. The collimation is to be done for the beam for off axis rays. Attached the foto of what i would like to achieve.
  4. Florian Geyer

    Where Did I Go Wrong in My Refraction Problem Solution?

    Hello esteemed members, I hope this message will find you well, I have encountered this problem in Serway and Jewitt 9e. My problem is only with parts (d) and (e). I tried to solve the problem in two ways, one is based on intuition, and the second is based on the equations, but the two method...
  5. S

    I Optics: infinite light source illusion question - can you help?

    Hi. I’m trying to solve an optics problem and really struggling. The problem is best described as follows… Imagine you have a section of a wall that you want to look like a window on a spaceship. So you want to look at this “window” and see through it some “stars” (i.e. pinpoints of light) that...
  6. Marioweee

    What is the focal point of a lens in a geometrical optics problem?

    I have recently started with geometric optics and I do not quite understand what this problem asks of me. According to the statement, the focal point of the lens would be -25.5cm, right? That is, it is only a problem of concepts where it is not necessary to take into account the radii of the...
  7. B

    Solid angle in an optics problem (artificial irradiance of the Earth)

    The actual problem can be found as #2 on this link: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mechanical-engineering/2-71-optics-spring-2009/assignments/MIT2_71S09_ups1.pdf I rewrote the problem above with the solar irradiance data that they give. My interpretation is of a square 1 m x 1 m plane sitting...
  8. P

    Position of the object and image in this optics problem

    I know how to solve the problem but the only thing that's bothering me is what is A? According to me A is should be 2F ie 2 times the focal length distance. I thought of it like this: 1. First there will be an image formed due to the lens. 2. The image will be formed below the lens but the...
  9. e101101

    Optics Problem: What optical instrument does this?

    Im thinking that this is a telescope, but I am having a lot of trouble answering this question. If the plane waves arrive at different angles, wouldn't the image be distorted?Would the lenses possibly be spherical because of this?
  10. B

    Optics Problem with a Double Lens System

    Homework Statement An object is 25.0 cm to the left of a lens with a focal length of + 15 .0 cm. A second lens of focal length +15.0 cm is 30.0 cm to the right of the first lens. Find the location of the final image and draw it out. Homework Equations 1/f = 1/di + 1/do The Attempt at a...
  11. M

    Image Formation in Galilei Binoculars: Solving for the Image Position

    Homework Statement A galileibinocular consists of two lenses with ƒobjective = +30 cm and ƒokular = -10 cm. The distance between the lenses is 30 cm and the binocular is aimed at an object 90 cm away from the objective lens. Where is the image of the object seen through the binoculars? (the...
  12. DylanXO

    Contact Lenses Optics Problem (Two-Parts)

    I believe I have answered the first question correctly (although I am not certain of this). And I'm struggling with grasping how to approach the second part of the question. Any guidance or recommedations on reading material would be greatly appreciated. Homework Statement Contact lenses are...
  13. Altagyam

    Help with optics problem involving diopters

    Homework Statement A nearsighted man uses his ideally prescribed contact lenses that have a refractive power of −3.60 diopters. He would like a prescription for eyeglasses. What is the correct eyeglasses prescription if he wears his eyeglasses a distance of 2.30 cm from his eyes? Homework...
  14. T

    Optics Problem -- possible values for the object distance?

    Homework Statement An object and its lens-produced real image are 2.4 m apart. If the lens has 55-cm focal length, what are the possible values for the object distance? Homework Equations 1/s+1/s'=1/f The Attempt at a Solution The object and the image are 2.4m apart so I thought "Hey, that...
  15. marcis

    Optics problem --- absorbtion index

    Hello I have an optic problem I want to calculate absorbtion index I know transmittance by 90% ;refraction index to material 1.586 ; thickness 2 mm ; power of source 21 lm
  16. A

    Simple Optics Problem (plane mirror and lens)

    Homework Statement A plane mirror is placed at the origin. A converging lens with a focal length of 5.00m is located at x=12.50m. A object is placed at x=22.5m Find the final location of the image in terms of its X coordinate & magnification. Homework Equations 1/q + 1/p = 1/f (lens)...
  17. G

    Unclear geometry in optics problem

    Homework Statement [/B] A parallel quadratic slab of glass (n = 1.55 and thickness d = 2 cm, L = 21 cm) rests on a large slab of glass (n = 1.55). To prevent the optical contact weld forming between the two polished surfaces, a small teflon ball (D = 1 cm) is inserted between the slabs on one...
  18. A

    Optics Problem: A real object and a converging lens

    Homework Statement A real object is placed 9.00 cm from a converging lens that has a focal length of 24.0 cm. The image is________. My classmate answered "14.4 cm from the lens, virtual, and enlarged," but apparently this is incorrect. I solved it out and chose the option "14.4 cm from the...
  19. T

    Solving Ray Optics Problem 2: Mirror Positions and Image Formation

    Hi friends, Please help me in answering this problem The problem is as follows, https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s480x480/11130_2937865262994_1085043361_n.jpg Well, Friends when the lower mirror would be at position 'A', which is moving in the upward direction...
  20. T

    Solving Ray Optics Problem: Understanding Refraction and Deviation

    Hi friends, Please help me in answering this problem The problem is as follows, https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s480x480/557923_2937818221818_1718139220_n.jpg Well, As far as I am concerned, When white light fall on the first surface, after refraction...
  21. T

    Optics Problem: Solving for Refraction on a Spherical Surface

    Hi friends Please help me in solving this issue too. The problem is as follows : https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/526477_2890689763636_1631084369_n.jpg As it seems that the rays are striking on the the spherical surface parallel to the principal axis so u → ∞...
  22. T

    Solving an Optics Problem: Convex Lens, Plane Mirror, and Virtual Image

    Hi friends, I am sticking in a problem of Geometrical OPTICS, The problem is as https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/285225_2890687243573_1306065782_n.jpg Attempt - Here for the convex lens applying the lens formula 1/v - 1/u = 1/f so, 1/v = 1/u + 1/f 1/v = -...
  23. D

    Optics Problem (Curved Mirror + Lens)

    Homework Statement A convex mirror with a focal length of -20 cm is 18 cm from a convex lens whose focal length is 6.0 cm. An object is located between them, 10 cm from the mirror and 8.0 cm from the lens. The object will produce two images, one from the light which just goes through the...
  24. T

    Optics problem (myopia, glasses)

    A person with myopia is standing 50 cm in front of a mirror with glasses on (-1.75 dpt). Will he be able to see himself clearly? 1/f = 1/v + 1/b I get that b = 26 cm. However my teacher says it should be 100. Is this correct?
  25. AntSC

    Optics Problem - Maximum Dipole Emission

    I am stuck with considering a problem. I don't even really know where to start so any pointers would be a great help. I am considering a semi-analytic model for some data i have. The situation is looking at how light propogates from a point source in diamond to air. At the surface of the...
  26. B

    How Do You Solve a Complex Optics Problem Involving Cartesian Ovals?

    Homework Statement A point source of light P that is located in a medium 1 with refractive index n1, and its image O in the medium 2 with refractive index n2 > n1. The boundary between the two media crosses the plane of the drawing along the curve B. Taking the position of the image as an...
  27. A

    First order coherence classical optics problem

    Homework Statement Hi, I am trying to work through exercise 2.1 on page 37 of Microcavities (by alexy kavokin, jeremy baumberg, guillaume malpuech and fabrice laussy) the problem is to prove | g^{(1)}(\tau) | = | cos( \frac{1}{2}(\omega_1 - \omega_2)\tau) ) | where...
  28. M

    Optics Problem: Duplicating Newton's Results with Lens and Prism

    We wish to attempt to duplicate some of Newton's results with a lens and prism. A lens with focal length 10cm is placed in a ray of sunlight, and a prism is placed at the "downstream" focal point of the lens. The light passing through the prism is broken into its component colors. If it is an...
  29. T

    Optics problem, adding quantities

    Homework Statement -Find the sum of the two quantities: Y1=sin(Wt) Y2=sin(Wt+30 degrees) Homework Equations Y(x,t)=AsinK(kx+Wt) <------- not sure if this is relevant W=2(3.14)f , where f=frequency The Attempt at a Solution sin(Wt) + sin(Wt+30) = sin(Wt) + sin(Wt) +...
  30. T

    Optics problem involving a converging lens

    Homework Statement An Object and a screen are located a fixed distance D apart. (A) Show that a converging lens of focal length F placed between the object and screen will form a real image on the screen for two positions that are separated by a distance d=(D(D-4F))^1/2 (B) Show that...
  31. P

    An optics problem - elliptical lens and plane waves

    Homework Statement I must show that a point source placed at one of the focii will produce a plane wave (or vise versa) when the light is refracted through the interface. This problem is really kicking my ***, I've spent at least three hours trying to figure out different ways to do it...
  32. C

    Optics problem: concave or convex

    Homework Statement A dentist uses a curved mirror to view teeth on the upper side of the mouth. Suppose she wants an erect image with a magnification of 2.00 when the mirror is 1.25 cm from a tooth. (Treat this problem as though the object and image lie along a straight line.) What kind of...
  33. D

    Accommodation and Diopters Range for Bifocal Optics

    Homework Statement A woman is wearing bifocals that have one-half of the lens with a power of -1.2 D and the other with a power of 1.8 D. A lens provides her with a far point set at infinity and other will give her a near point of 25 cm. Where are her near point and far point WITHOUT her...
  34. S

    Optimal Mirror Width for Complete Face Reflection: Solving with Ray Optics

    Homework Statement A young lady wants to see herself in a small mirror, the ear to ear width of her face is 6 in and eye to eye is 4 in. What should be the minimum width of a mirror so that she can see her face completelyHomework EquationsThere a few equations which when directly applied give...
  35. M

    Optics Problem - light passing through 3 mediums

    1. Light propagating from water into air is incident on the water surface at the angle of total internal reflection. (a-int = 48.75 degrees) A plane parallel glass plate (n-glass = 1.5) is brought into contact with the surface of the water. Calculate the angle 'alpha-external' (a-ext for...
  36. J

    How Far Must Someone Fall in a Cylinder to See the Entrance as a Dot of Light?

    Draw a cylinder, with diameter D and length/height infinity, mark the top point Y and the bottom point Z Now Say a person falls into this cylinder/hole. (there are equal sources of light emitting into each end of the tube) From the falling person's perspective the point Z looks like an...
  37. S

    Calculate Incident Angle for Snell Optics Problem | n1=1, n2=1.5

    Homework Statement The block of glass n = 1.5 shown in cross section in the figure (Intro 1 figure) is surrounded by air. A ray of light enters the block at its left-hand face with incident angle Θ1 and reemerges into the air from the right-hand face directed parallel to the block's base...
  38. O

    Angle Of Deviation - An Optics Problem, help needed in optics

    hello, how can i find out the angle of deviation for plano-concave lenses. thanks
  39. R

    Ray Optics: Examining Meter Stick in Tank

    Homework Statement The figure shows a meter stick lying on the bottom of a 100-cm-long tank with its zero mark against the left edge. You look into the tank at a 30^\circ angle, with your line of sight just grazing the upper left edge of the tank. 1)What mark do you see on the meter stick...
  40. E

    Solve Optics Problem: Diameter of Star Imaged w/ 18" Telescope

    Optics Problem( pleasez help me) Consider a telescope with an aperture of 18 inches and focal length of 120 inches. what is the diameter of the star imaged in focal plane of telescope? Take the image diameter to be associated with the first minimum in the diffraction pattern of the image. Use...
  41. B

    How Does a 30-Degree Tilted Mirror Affect Viewing a Full Body Image?

    Homework Statement If a plane mirror is hung at an angle of 30 degrees from the vertical toward the viewer. what is the minimum length that will allow the viewer to see the full body image if the line of vision can not be depressed below the horizontal. you may assume that the eyes are at the...
  42. E

    Solving Optics Problem: Position of Image of Face Due to Reflection

    Homework Statement Consider a bathroom mirror with a glass sheet of thickness d and an index of refraction n. Your face is located at a distance h from the front surface of the galss sheet. a a. find the position of the image of your face that you see due to the reflection from the front...
  43. W

    How Does Light Reflect Between Two Mirrors Angled at 60.5 Degrees?

    Homework Statement A pair of vertical plane mirrors stands with an angle of = 60.5 degrees between them. A pencil of light approaches in a direction parallel to one of them, as shown. After the pencil has left the mirrors, in which direction will it be going? (Give your answer as the angle...
  44. W

    What is the Critical Angle for Light Passing Through a Contaminated Lake?

    Homework Statement A point source of light is located 3.56 m below the surface of a large lake of clear, but contaminated, water (Lake Ontario, where n = 1.28). Find the area of the largest circle on the lake's surface through which light coming from the source can emerge into the air...
  45. I

    Laser beam spreader optics problem

    Homework Statement Two positive lens are to be used as a laserbeam expander. An axial 1mm diameter beam enteres a short focal length positive lens, which is followed by a somewhat longer focal length positive lens from which it emerges with a diameter of 8mm. Given that that first lens has a...
  46. R

    Hard Optics Problem: Calculate Magnification & Image Distance

    1. An object (height o) is placed at an object distance S in front of a converging lens. The lens is placed at a distance d<Si (image distance) in front of a very thick glass plate (index of refraction n, thickness larger than image distance). The surface of the glass plate is perpendicular to...
  47. A

    Troubleshooting Multiple Optics Problems: Finding the Final Image Location

    Homework Statement A plane mirror is located at the origin. A converging lens with focal length 5.00m is located at x=1m. An object is placed at 31m. What is the location of the final image, as seen by an observer looking toward the mirror through the lens? Homework Equations 1/f = 1/s...
  48. N

    Need help understanding wording of simple geometric optics problem

    I understand the material this problem is based on very well, but I feel very sad when I read this problem because it makes very little sense to me. I'm hoping it's just me that's confused by it and not everyone else - because in that case I should be able to get help here. Here is the...
  49. B

    Index of refraction optics problem

    Hey , I need some indication to solve this problem: A ray light impinges at a 60 degres angle of incidence on a glass pane of thickness 5mm and index of refraction of 1.54. the ligth is reflected by a mirror that touches the back of the pane. By how much is the beam displaced compared with...
  50. F

    Determine the largest value of angle optics problem

    A ray of light is normally incident on the face PQ of a plastic prism with an index of refraction n=1.25 as shown in Figure 1. Determine the largest value of angle \theta so that the ray is totally reflected at the face PR. I just want to know whether the sum of the incidence and reflection...