Mathematics Definition and 995 Threads

  1. I

    MHB Statistsics Mathematics Problem: Linear Regression

    Find the equation of the regression line for the given data. then construct A SCATTER PLOT of the data and draw the regression line. (each pair of variables has a significant correlation.) then use the regression equation to predict the value of y for each of the given x- values, if meaningful...
  2. J

    The Mathematics Genealogy Project I just found this, and it's really cool. It has most people with PhDs in math, and their advisers. You can follow people back by PhD adviser. It's surprising how everyone is connected. If you enter in anyone you know, and follow it back, you can...
  3. W

    What are the main areas of physics and mathematics for aerospace engineer?

    Hello. I'm not a mechanical or aerospace ingineer, but it's interesting for me. What are the main areas of physics and mathematics for aerospace engineer? It seems to me, that main areas of maths are calculus and differential equations, maybe some linear algebra. And I think, that main areas of...
  4. M

    What Are Good Electives To Take During Undergrad? (applied mathematics)

    I have 24 more upper division math courses to complete over 3 more semesters. I want to go full time which means I need to at least take 12 units (4 classes) of whatever I want. As someone who doesn't know what they want to do with an applied mathematics degree after I graduate, what sort of...
  5. N

    Can someone explain the mathematics of this formula for Venus' orbit

    I've always been interested by the pattern within venus' orbit around the sun. I found this image and the formula of its retrograde motion in the upper right hand corner which confused me. What does it mean? can someone break this down in layman's terms...
  6. moriheru

    What Are Some Recommended Post A-Level Mathematics Topics?

    I have did my A-level mathematics a long while ago and I did QM for about three to four months and got to Bosonic String theory now, but I would like to do some mathematics beside String theory. I do not know if differential equations are coverd in university but I did them to and I know how to...
  7. Alexandre

    What's the difference between principle, law, rule, theorem and equation?

    Well, I do understand what mathematical theorem means, and I also know what differential equation is but I don't really get why sometimes certain things are called "equations" instead of "law" (Maxwell's equations, nobody calls it Maxwell's laws) and conversely some equations are called laws...
  8. K

    Progression in Mathematics for Physics

    Hello all, this is my first post. Any help will by greatly appreciated! I just started reading a degree in physics at imperial college. I just want to ask how should I progress through the mathematics for physics. I've worked through Mary Boas' book from chapter 1 to 8. Is it a good time now to...
  9. Mark Harder

    What are some potential applications of Mathematica in solving physics problems?

    Just joined. I've been slowly working my way through Susskind's Theoretical Minimum books, so I'll be looking for discussions of those and his lectures on the same topics. I have a lot of scientific interests, including fundamental physics, mathematical biology, economic geology, electronics...
  10. I

    Which Mathematics Books are Essential for Studying Physics?

    Hey there PF, I'm currently a high school student and I'm planning to do physics in college when I get there. However, I want to get my math up to scratch before I go deeper into it. I do have undergraduate level texts for physics but not for mathematics. I have managed to borrow 2 books...
  11. _N3WTON_

    Applied Mathematics Graduate Degree

    Hello all, I am currently pursuing an undergrad degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. I choose to major in MechE because it seemed to me to be the most broad of the engineering disciplines and because I've heard the career prospects for people with engineering degrees are...
  12. muraii

    Open-Source Curricula for Self-Study & Collaboration

    A few months ago I asked for recommendations for textbooks on generalized linear models. (Nevermind that I seem not to have actually asked anything.) I'm still in the same boat but am considering a different approach. I mention in that I felt approaching practical (mostly work) and theoretical...
  13. I

    Self-teaching General Relativity Mathematics for non initiates

    I am 72 and my background is in the humanities (I read classic authors in Latin and Greek, which I learned in high school in Italy, I love history and I have a more recent M.A. in Philosophy from a Canadian University). Over the last few years, though, I developed a strong (and totally...
  14. S

    "Repräsentation der Imaginären der Plangeometrie" by Sophus Lie

    I am looking for the translation in English of the "Representation der Imaginiren der Plangeometrie" by Sophus Lie. If anyone knows where can I find it I will very much appreciate it. Thank you.
  15. emanoelvianna

    Natural deduction sets (Rules of nature deduction)

    Hello fine. I'm studying logic and great difficulties to understand its principles, and should prove some theories involving the laws of identity of sets of mathematics using the method of natural deduction, they are: a) A ∪ ∅ = A b) A ∩ ∅ = ∅ I am trying as follows, but I can not solve...
  16. thegreengineer

    Derivative as a rate of change exercise

    Homework Statement A police car is parked 50 feet away from a wall. The police car siren spins at 30 revolutions per minute. What is the velocity the light moves through the wall when the beam forms angles of: a) α= 30°, b) α=60°, and c) α=70°? This is the diagram...
  17. T

    MHB Learning calculus through discrete mathematics

    Hello, Are there any free online textbooks or resources that teach calculus through discrete mathematics or does that not exist?
  18. UUCCO

    Mathematics Major: Career Options for a Frustrated Physics Student

    :mad: I can't stand physics anymore, I'll change my major to Mathematics. Anyone knows the careers for Mathematics major?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  19. T

    What does "not suitable" mean? [for a mathematics journal]

    Sigh. A couple of days ago my first paper got rejected. The editors claimed that " the experts we consulted felt that the paper is not suitable for the journal". A few days later I wrote them back requesting them to elaborate on where my paper had failed to meet their expectations and that any...
  20. petormojer

    Schools Questions about physics and mathematics majors in college and courses?

    1. Is it hard to get 2 masters degrees (applied mathematics and chaos physics). 2. Do you need to take english and history when getting your bachleors degree? masters degree? 3. What courses would you have to take if you need to get those degrees? 4. What are your advice to succeed in getting...
  21. petormojer

    What branches of mathematics do I need to know to make AI algorithms?

    I am in high school and I don't know much math. By AI I mean Artificial Intelligence. And by AI algorithms, I mean like algorithms that can allow a program to distinguish object from object in a picture, what key word to use based on data from the past, "learns" you and other objects, and etc.
  22. petormojer

    Is there a way to apply mathematics to this?

    What I mean by this is the following: -know what the inside of a closed shape (defined by an equation) is -recognize objects in a picture (2d plane?) using parameters -know the relations of a certain variable in a group -a system in which the input changes the output but at the same time changes...
  23. M

    MHB Master Thesis in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics

    Hey! :o What topics for master thesis could someone do at the field theoretical mathematics and what at the field applied mathematics?? At the field Theoretical Mathematics there are the subjects: Basic subjects: Algebra, Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds, Functional Analysis, Complex...
  24. PhysicsKid0123

    Programs Applied mathematics and physics major.

    I'm currently a double major in applied mathematics and physics, but I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing after I graduate. I will graduate in about 2 more years give or take, and I just started my 4th year in college (I transferred into UT so things are taking longer but this was my...
  25. B

    Programs Deciding Double Major with Mathematics and Microbiology

    Hello! I am a sophomore with a major in microbiology; my future goal is to attend the graduate school with virology/medical microbiology program and become a virologist specialized in the influenza & VHF viruses. Currently, I am taking the Organic Chemistry I, Immunology (graduate-level), and...
  26. W

    Modular mathematics - what is 7^(-1) mod 10

    Sorry, This isn't a homework question. I'm just having trouble understanding some of the notes I've taken down.I'd really appreciate if some of you could help me understand this. ________________ 1/3 is that number with the property (1/3)(3) = 1 ... what is 7^(-1) mod 10? 7^(-1)...
  27. P

    Advanced mathematics in theoretical physics

    Hi everyone, Please refer me to a very advanced mathematical physics reference that has applications in theoretical particle physics. I have seen the book Howard Georgi in Lie Algebras in particle physics but want more advanced ones. Any ideas would be very appreciated.Paul
  28. A

    Usefullness of Web Development in Applied Mathematics

    Hello. Would web development be useful towards my career in applied mathematics ? The full story: I'm starting my MS in applied mathematics in one year. I would like to pick up a skill that would be useful to my career. I came across this program and seems quite interesting...
  29. K

    How Can I Visualize the Correct Learning Path for Advanced Mathematics?

    I am trying to visualize the correct learning curve for mathematics. Currently I know a Calculus 1 and 2 and basic linear algebra. But as far as post-secondary math courses go, that is all I have taken. I want to advance my knowledge of mathematics to the point where I can look at math...
  30. T

    Starting my Self-Study of Rigorous Mathematics

    Hello everyone! I'm new here. I'm starting a self-study of more rigorous mathematics. My background is I have a B.S. in Mathematics(class of '14) and have had rigorous classes but they were, in my opinion, sub-par and not taught as rigorously as they should have been. Truth be told, I...
  31. Demystifier

    What is the mathematics analogue of the Nobel Prize?

    You have probably heard many times that the closest analogue of the Nobel Prize for mathematics is the Fields Medal. But today I realized that it is not. There is a much closer analogue - the Abel prize. In particular, both the Nobel and the Abel prize are about $1.5 million, while the Fields...
  32. Shablong

    Physics Vs. Mathematics, you decide

    Hello everybody! I am going to be heading to university in the spring and I am having a lot of trouble deciding on my potential major. I plan on attempting to experience research in both areas while I'm in college, but not knowing exactly what I want to do is killing me. Since the beginning of...
  33. P

    So do you think using modern physics creates new areas in mathematics?

    Hello people, I just joined the physics forum and it's great to see that they're other physics enthusiasts on the internet! The reason why modern physics is appreciable for me is that it creates new areas in mathematics like this for example brought up from Michio Kaku... "String theory...
  34. S

    Spin-Orbit Interaction - Meaning and Some Mathematics

    Hi, In many quantum physics books I see questions such as "what is the spin-orbit interaction in this case?" Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but what do they mean by this? Do they mean the ENERGY of the spin-orbit interaction or something else? Also, could anyone give (or write a...
  35. B

    Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics/Thermodynamics/Statistical Mechanics

    Hello! I am a rising sophomore with a major in microbiology. Although my main interest is in the microbiology and biochemistry, I am also deeply fascinated by the atomic/quantum physics, relativity, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics. I will be taking those courses later on. I wrote...
  36. chisigma

    History Mathematics can help solve the riddles of history? ....

    As I wrote above, together with mathematics, historical analysis has always been a passion of mine and when possible I have tried to combine the two. Recently, while I'm writing a historical text about the First World War, I had to deal with one of the most complex events of the nineteenth...
  37. Math Amateur

    MHB How Can Pi Be Represented as a Continued Fraction?

    Iam reading Julian Havil's book, The Irrationals: A Story of the Numbers You Can't Count On. In Chapter 3 Havil is writing about progress in the eighteenth century in determining the nature of \pi and e through the use of continued fractions. He writes (pages 92 - 93): Can someone please...
  38. B

    Programs Mathematics major for Microbiology

    Hello! I am a rising sophomore with a major in microbiology. I wrote this post to seek out the advice from you in terms of double majoring with the mathematics. Although my primary interest is on the microbiology (especially the virology), I am also deeply interested in the fields of number...
  39. P

    Studying Which is more important for understanding physics: math or physics?

    Hello everyone, I'm very tempted to learn more about physics but the problem occurs when I'm about to choose from two books, one regarding physics and the other maths only. What exactly should I do in order to become good at physics? Should I go through the maths book (which I think is...
  40. P

    Schools Mathematics (also Physics) and university life

    Hello. I would like to have some suggestion about how to make university life "more productive". I will make this clearer: 1. in the university I will attend (and pretty much in every university in my country) there are only 30-40 students of maths and 40-50 of physics; 2. it has been verified...
  41. J

    What branches of mathematics are used to create this pattern?

    This is my first post. Please pardon me if I am breaking any forum rules. While going through Wikipedia I came across this image. How is this image created?I mean what equations are generally used creating this charts? What mathematics knowledge would I require to comprehend this pattern or...
  42. B

    Do you recommend Schaum's Outlines (for Mathematics)

    Hello! I am currently using Apostol's Calculus volume 1 book, and going to take multivariable calculus-linear algebra-differential equations course on Fall semester that uses the volume 2 book of Apostol. Although the Apostol book is very outstanding, I feel like some of the topics are very...
  43. W

    Mathematics for a physics undergraduate

    Hello, I have just finished my second year of a theoretical physics degree (MPhys) at the University of Nottingham in the UK. I now have three months with relatively few commitments, and would like to learn some additional maths that would be useful, but am unsure what topics I should study...
  44. N

    Which careers actively require mathematics?

    Hi everyone, I am a third-year electrical & computer engineering student trying to find out what career is best suited to my interests. In the first two years of my degree, the courses I enjoyed the most were programming, linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, complex calculus, and...
  45. J

    How to study feedback? Which branch of Mathematics does it?

    Hello, I want to study a system, and I have realized that all variables in it are dependent. There is no independent variable. So everytime you modify the input, you get an output but at the same time that output modifies the input itself, there is an important feedback. So the system...
  46. P

    What mathematics do physics phd students learn?

    Hello again PF! I think I ask excessively often here so I tried my best to search in google. The result I got was this: Well, that appears as all the math there is (no offense to mathematicians)! Likely the field of super string theory is the most...
  47. B

    Should I Double Major in Mathematics and Physics?

    I'm going into second year next fall, but even after a whole year of college and after getting exam results I'm not completely sure about what major(s) I should do. I'm 90% sure I will do physics only but I'm afraid of regretting not sticking with pure maths. The reason I'm reluctant to double...
  48. V

    Engineering Is a MS in mathematics in anyway useful in the engineering industry?

    I am a junior doing a major in electrical engineering, with a minor in mathematics (maybe a double major). The university I am going to doesn't have a masters program for electrical engineering though. I am also a non-traditional student (in that I am in my late twenties, and didn't start...
  49. M

    Calculus problems for mathematics tournament NOTE: this is not homework problems. I am trying to understand how to prepare for these problems. I don't get how to do number 7. Can you please tell the at least 2 ways you could solve for C? And solve for number 6? It really...
  50. M

    What books or links are there that can teach me modern mathematics

    What can I do to learn modern mathematics? Calculus and discrete mathematics were made over a hundred years ago. They are ancient. So what books do I need to read to learn modern mathematics?