Here is my situation:
I am currently finishing my undergraduate physics program and thinking of doing graduate studies. My only concern is that the knowledge of mathematics is fairly weak. My program offers little mathematics, its very general physica. I am interested in doing theoretical...
Homework Statement
I have not been doing Lyapunov for a while and when doing an ordinary Lyapunov problem the other day, I ran into a funny situation.
The correct way of doing it:
\dot{e} &= \frac{1}{L}(u - R(e + x_{ref})) \\
V(e) &= \frac{1}{2}Le^2 \\
\dot{V} &= Le\dot{e} = Le...
Hi everyone, I've set up my schedule through the next three years so that I will be able to graduate with a double major in mathematics, and economics (both bachelor of science). I was just wondering if anyone knew the job outlook on these two degrees. I have a strong interest in both...
For a mathematician, how is rotation defined in the most general sense?
Question arose to me because it occurred to me that an essential property of the rotation matrix is that it preserves lengths. Is this the only mapping (if not please give me a counterexample) that has this property...
Author: Ronald Graham, Donald Knuth, Oren Patashnik
Title: Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
Amazon link:
Prerequisities: Calculus
Level: Undergrad
Iam a High school Student starting grade 11 this year . I want to learn all undergrad physics chapters like Classical Mechanics , Optics , Statistical Mechanics , Thermodynamics , Electromagnetism , Quantum Mechanics , Solid State physics , Nuclear Physics , Plasma Physics , Relativity etc .
As I've been looking at universities this year, a lot of them offer a joint bachelors and masters in math for undergrads, and I'm unsure if this is a good idea. I'm afraid that I won't get a thorough, well-rounded education if I rush through things, but on the other hand it could be helpful get...
Author: Chris Tsokos
Title: Probability for Engineering, Mathematics, and Sciences
Amazon Link:
Author: Douglas Smith, Maurice Eggen, Richard St. Andre
Title: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics
Amazon Link:
Level: Undergrad
Table of Contents:
Preface to the Student
Logic and Proofs
Propositions and Connectives...
In (Shannon) information theory, information is said to be the log of the inverse of the probability - what is the information content of 1+1=2? Or for that matter any fundamental axiom.
Can one tell me about the Mathematical Equivalent to Landau & Lifgarbagez. or any other set that deal with all Graduate Level Mathematics.
There is a Series by Springer, Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics but they contains too many books. It would be great if they contain Max. 20 books...
Author: What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods
Title: Richard Courant
Amazon Link:
Table of Contents:
How to use the book
What is mathematics?
The natural numbers
Calculations with...
There is a book out there called Mathematics and Go (or the other way around, I am not sure). This book talks about an ancient game called Go (or in Chinese 围棋*wéiqì*) and the application of math to it, I think it can be done better since it does deal with surreal numbers and those do not really...
Author: Serge Lang
Title: Basic Mathematics
Amazon Link:
Prerequisities: Mathematics before high school
Level: Motivated high-school students, college students
Contents: Real numbers, solving equations, logic, geometry, trigonometry...
Say, I make some modifications to the basic assumptions and concepts to the existing Mathematics framework.
How would the Mathematics community decides if it makes sense or not.
Say, in my variation of Mathematics, I allow arithmetics between infinity. I understand infinity is a concept...
The following question was asked in a Soviet Union mathematics Olympiad about 2-3 decades ago. A friend brought it up a few days ago and it has been bugging us since then.
The problem goes along the lines of:
"There are 10 ammo boxes each containing 10 bullets, and each bullet...
I've come to these forums a lot, but I don't think I've ever really posted--so here goes number one.
I am a freshman in a large public university, and I just recently switched over to mathematics/economics as my majors. I was originally an engineering major, but I abandoned ship because it...
Throughout mathematics, we see the appearance of pi and e, they are integral to every part of mathematics. could this be because the reason all or at least most mathematical problems arise because of the tension between multiplication and addition (pi and e) itself?. certainly the deepest...
Hi guys,
I recently graduated from uni with an honours degree in mathematics and now it's time to hit the real world (which is pretty daunting). I'm hoping to head over to London, UK, in late Feb or early March to meet up with a friend and would like to have a job sorted out by that time...
I have in engineering physics from Indian institute technology. I want to pursue masters in mathematics from europe. What are the chances of Physics student to get one. I am finding it difficult to write a SOP for applied mathematics/statistics/financial mathematics.
Can anyone help me...
First, a definition of what I mean by socializing Mathematics
A platform whereby people can either learn, teach, or advance Math/Physics/etc. either as individuals or groups by directly using, modifying, or expanding others work under the same platform. Think MIT OpenCourseWare meets...
Around fifteen percent of people with a BS degree in mathematics or physics get a job in IT sector, but I was wondering why IT companies would sometimes hire people without a formal computer science degree. Is taking one or two C++ programming courses sufficient to get a job as a C++ developer...
Question is :
If m,k,n are natural numbers and n>1, prove that we cannot have m(m+1)=kn.
My attempt :
Using induction:
If m follows this rule... m+1 must follow it ..
(m+1)(m+2) = kn
Since every natural number can be expressed as the product of primes, it follows that (m+1) and (m+2) are...
I thought I'd make a topic about this here and see what everybody else thinks about it. Just so you know before reading the entire post, I am fourteen years old and I know math topics up to and including complex analysis. I wrote some of what I have been going through as well, so I thought I...
For Academia jobs, I used, and it's quite good.
I will have a degree in Applied-Mathematics (Numerical Optimization and Operation research).
I am trying to apply for Industry jobs. However I am not sure how or where to apply. I heard the application process can be quite...
Lang's "Basic Mathematics" for General GRE Prep
From what I've gathered, the math on the General GRE is made up of material primarily covered in high school mathematics. With that said, would working through Serge Lang's "Basic Mathematics" text be beneficial to prepping for the math portion...
Alright. So, internet gives me the idea that any serious research in Theoretical Physics will require me to have atleast some knowledge of the following topics in math:
Groups (Group Theory)
Differential Geometry
Calculus of Variations
Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
I was...
Hello. Quick introduction, I'm 12th grade and in my country we have this end exam in mathematics which I have to pass with +85% so I can fulfill my passion(Computer Science and Engineering). I'm studying hardcore these two years but I missed out a lot from 7th to 10th grade cause I didn't have...
I am going to graduate school for math and i think i am interested in computational mathematics (I say think because i don't fully know what computational math is). I have taken a numerical analysis class in my undergraduate program and i can program in a few different languages.
I'm just...
Well, I'll be going to college soon and I'm currently choosing my major. I know I would like a degree in Mathematics because I've always liked figuring out problems or making things simpler.
I do need some help though. My college offers two Mathematics majors. I think I'll probably go to Grad...
Let's say I see a parked car, the tire of the car is resting against the curb. Would you actually have to go with a tape measure and measure the curb, measure the wheel and then you'd be able to find the area underneath the curb and the tire?
It's just confusing. Soooo many math equations...
Hi ! I've been reading on here for a long time through google and decided to join !
I started learning physics material mostly through general layman books from Hawking,Greene,Asimov etc and while I do not aim to become a physicist in occupation (luckily for physics), I do want to progress to...
I've been googling all over for a solutions manual to the book Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang, but I've only been able to find one for his book on geometry. It's not a terrible problem, but I'm using the book for self-study. At first it seemed that any exercise with multiple parts had at least...
I am doing A levels and in my first year (equivalent to a junior in american system). I am very passionate about mathematics and physics but I get bored in my a level studies especially maths though I am a topper of my class. I therefore watch online university lectures like those of mit and...
Hi All,
After floating around here for a few hours reading some extremely good content, it seems this is a great place to ask my question :) I'm currently a Project Manager and have had great success in the past six years, mostly due to my love of logic; however, I absolutely hate what I do...
Hey there , I am a 14 year old teaching myself mathematics and I was wondering what comes next.. I have completed everything uptil Precalculus(That includes Algebra 1,2 Geometry and Triginometry) .. Id appreciate it if one you could list the order of learning mathematics , I know that math is...
I will be attempting to self-study mathematics and I need some advice. I made a D in Calculus II this past semester. I will be retaking it along with Diff Equations and Mathematical statistics. I will also be sitting in Calculus I class with an instructor, although I don't need to take it since...
Does anyone have an opinion of this book? Have you studied from it? Does it cover anything even fairly in depth or is it's purpose mainly for a general overview of concepts?
In your opinion, what is the hardest topic in math? I don't really know many high high levels of math, maybe differential topology, or K theory, idk, what is it in your opinion? Oh, and don't say "some people think Calculus is hard" or other stuff like that, think of a high level math topic.
I have heard that music is very mathematical and was wondering if there is a place I could watch lectures on a topic like this? Or maybe a textbook I could read through? Thanks for any help!
Last year I got volume 1-3 of the Feynman lectures but as a soon mathematics major I think it'd be appropriate to read more mathematics lectures (and more enjoyable). Is there anything similar I could ask for for my upcoming birthday?
When did you first encounter "proof based" mathematics?
I've been reading a few forums and have seen many posters say "methods based" mathematics like calculus is easy. The posters would then state that "proof based" mathematics is so hard and calculus isn't high level.
So when did you...