2 Forces problems (Halliday/Resnick/Walker, 7th Ed. book)

In summary, the conversation involved two problems in Chapter 5. The first problem discussed an overhead view of a lemon half on a frictionless table with two horizontal forces acting on it. The third force was calculated in different scenarios, with the final answer being -8.37 N i - 9.41 N j. The second problem involved an elevator cab being pulled upward by a cable, with the tension in the cable being calculated as 3600 N. The use of Newton's second law and Galilean relativity were also mentioned in the conversation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In chapter 5, problems 26:
A provided figure shows an overhead view of a 0.0250 kg lemon half and two of the three horizontal forces that act on it as it is on a frictionless table. Force F_1 has a magnitude of 6.00 N and is at θ_1 = 30.0° (and, btw, is in quadrant II). Force F_2 has a magnitude of 7.00 N and is at θ_2 = 30.0° (in quadrant IV). In unit-vector notation, what is the third force if the lemon half (a) is stationary, (b) has constant velocity v= (13.0 i- 14.0 j) m/s, and (c) has varying velocity v= (13.0t i- 14.0t j) m/s^2, where t is time?

Homework Equations

F_net = m*a
F_net = F_1 + F_2 + F_3
F_3 = ?
F_3 = F_net- F_1 - F_2
needed: F_3x = m*a_x - F_1*cosθ_1 - F_2sinθ_2
F_3y = m*a_y - F_1*sinθ_1 - F_2cosθ_2

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) acceleration = 0, therefore:
F_3 = 9.00 N i- 9.06 N j

(b) acceleration is still zero. so i assume part (a) = part (b)

F_net= m*a
m = 0.0250 kg
a = (sqrt) [13.0^2 + (-14.0)^2] = 19.1 m/s^2
F_net=0.4776 N
F_3= -8.37 N i- 9.41 N j

Homework Statement

(Second problem) Chapter 5, problem 36:
An elevator cab is pulled upward by a cable. The cab and its single occupant have a combined mass of 2000 kg. When that occupant drops a coin, its acceleration relative to the cab is 8.00 m/s^2 downward. What is the tension in the cable?

Homework Equations

I used:
T= mg-ma

The Attempt at a Solution

T= 2000 kg (9.80 m/s^2)- 2000 kg (8.00 m/s^2)
= 3600 N

---please HELP! :eek: :bugeye: :cry:
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  • #2
I can't really visualize your first problem from your description, but from what I picked up I think you did it right.

Did you derive your tension equation from Newton's second law? What does galilean relativity say about acceleration?
  • #3
Thank you Mindscrape.

Yes the tension equation is from Newton's second law. I had to research the Galilean relativity...ermmm. I'll just ask my professor later. Thank you though!

FAQ: 2 Forces problems (Halliday/Resnick/Walker, 7th Ed. book)

1. What is a 2 forces problem?

A 2 forces problem is a type of physics problem that involves the interaction of two forces on an object. These forces can be either in the same direction or in opposite directions, and they can have different magnitudes and directions.

2. How do I solve a 2 forces problem?

To solve a 2 forces problem, you first need to identify the two forces acting on the object and their magnitudes and directions. Then, you can use Newton's second law (F=ma) to find the acceleration of the object. Finally, you can use the kinematic equations to find the object's displacement, velocity, or time.

3. What is the difference between a 2 forces problem and a 3 forces problem?

The main difference between a 2 forces problem and a 3 forces problem is the number of forces involved. In a 2 forces problem, there are only two forces acting on the object, while in a 3 forces problem, there are three forces. This can make the calculations and problem-solving process more complex.

4. Can a 2 forces problem have more than two forces?

No, a 2 forces problem, by definition, only involves two forces. If there are more than two forces acting on the object, it is considered a different type of problem, such as a 3 forces problem or a multiple forces problem.

5. How is a 2 forces problem applied in real life?

A 2 forces problem can be applied in many real-life situations, such as calculating the acceleration of a car when two opposing forces (friction and engine force) are acting on it, or determining the displacement of an object being pulled by two people in different directions. It is a fundamental concept in understanding the motion of objects in the physical world.

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