Angular Momentum and Kepler's Second Law

In summary: The knowledge of the position vector function and force is enough to determine the form of L, which is dependent on the position vector function's derivative and the force acting on the particle. This can be generalized to any two particles if we replace the force function with the force between the two objects. Now, for part (c), we can use Kepler's second law to show that the area swept out by the particle is equal for equal time intervals, since the velocity is constant and the distance from the origin is constant. So, the two triangles in the figure have equal area. In summary, the particle possesses a constant angular momentum about the origin due to its constant velocity and distance from the x-axis. This is in agreement with the fact that the sum
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m moves along a straight line with constant velocity v in the x direction, a distance b from the x axis. (a) Does the particle possesses any angular momentum about the origin? (b) Explain why the amount of its angular momentum should change or should stay constant. (c) Show that Kepler's second law is satisfied by showing that the two shaded triangles in the figure have the same area when t_D - t_C = t_B - t_A

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Here are my answers to part (a) and (b):

(a) Examining one of the forms of angular momentum, [itex]\vec{L} = \vec{r} \times m \vec{v}[/itex], we can easily see that neither the position vector function, nor the velocity, is the zero vector at any time, meaning that angular momentum is some nonzero value. For [itex]\vec{r}[/itex], we see that the y-distance (projection of the [itex]\vec{r}[/itex] on the [itex]\hat{j}[/itex] will remain constant; however, because the object with a velocity in the x-direction, the x-component of the position vector function is varying as some function of time. So, the position vector function will have the form [itex]\vec{r}(t) = f(t) \hat{i} + b \hat{j} [/itex] Now, the derivative of [itex]\vec{r}(t)[/itex] should equal [itex]\vec{v}_0[/itex].

[itex]\vec{r}'(t) = f'(t) \hat{i}= \vec{v}_0[/itex] Since the velocity does not vary with time (it is constant) [itex]f'(t) = a[/itex]

That the three quantities in the expression for angular momentum are never zero implies that angular momentum will never be zero.

(b) Since [itex]\vec{r}[/itex] varies with its x-component, which varies with time, and since [itex]\vec{L}[/itex] depends upon [itex]\vec{r}[/itex], then [itex]\vec{L}[/itex] must vary.

Does this appear correct? Even if it is correct, I would be interested in knowing other ways of answering this particular question.

For part (c), I am not sure of how to employ kepler's law. I feel as the object travels farther and farther, it will take longer to sweep out certain angles.
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  • #2
To answer (a) and (b), you just need to find out what L is exactly. For (b), it might also b useful to think whether conservation of angular momentum applies here.

For (c), you don't need to employ Kepler's law, you need to do what it says: show that the areas are equal.
  • #3
Voko, has the way I answered the question not in fact answer it? Also, what do you mean by, "...find out what L is exactly;" haven't I described what L is sufficiently?
  • #4
I might accept the answer to (a), but it is very lengthy and leaves the impression of hand waving (I mean no offence). The answer to (b) is not good at all, a vector product of varying entities can be constant.
  • #5
What Voko means is calculate L explicitly. In fact it would do to just calculate the modulus of L With the info you have you can easily calculate this: v is constant in direction and magnitud, you can obtain r vía the pythagoras theorem. All you need is now is the sine of the angle these two vectors form. Once you have done this, (a) and (b) are solved and all that's left to do is explain the result ( that's the important part: anyone can string out a load of equations, but knowing how to tell someone what they mean makes the difference between simple calculations and PHYSICS).
  • #6
As per your suggestion, Joey21, I believe I have properly solved part (b). I found the modulus of angular momentum, [itex]\vec{L} = mv(r \sin \theta)[/itex]. I then drew a few triangles and took note of the fact that, even though that the angle, [itex]\theta[/itex] and the magnitude of the position vector function, [itex]r[/itex], were varying, the quantity [itex]r \sin \theta[/[/itex] as a whole was not varying; for this is the distance between the object and the x-axis, which is known to be "b". So, angular momentum is in fact constant, and it is [itex]L = mvb [/itex]. Does this seem correct?
  • #7
Exactly. It all cancels out. The form of L's magnitude is in agreement with that angular momentum with respet to a point depends on the particle's perpendicular position with respect to the point. Also, the fact that it is constant is in agreement with the fact that the particle moves with constant velocity: the sum of forces acting on it is 0, and therefore the torque acting on it, which turns out to be the time derivative of L, is 0. So the angular momentum is constant.

FAQ: Angular Momentum and Kepler's Second Law

1. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that measures the rotational motion of an object. It is defined as the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

2. How is angular momentum related to an object's mass and velocity?

Angular momentum is directly proportional to an object's mass and velocity. This means that as an object's mass or velocity increases, its angular momentum also increases.

3. What is Kepler's second law and how does it relate to angular momentum?

Kepler's second law states that the line connecting a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times. This means that as a planet moves closer to the sun, it moves faster, resulting in an increase in its angular momentum.

4. How does angular momentum affect the orbit of a planet?

Angular momentum is conserved in a system, meaning it remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. In the case of a planet orbiting the sun, this means that as the planet moves closer to the sun, its angular velocity increases, which causes it to move faster. This results in a change in the shape of its orbit, becoming more elliptical.

5. Can angular momentum be changed?

In a closed system, angular momentum cannot be changed. However, external forces such as gravity can alter the motion of an object, causing a change in its angular momentum. This is why planets can have elliptical orbits instead of perfectly circular ones.
