Why Don't Angular Momentum and the Square of Momentum Commute?

In summary, the conversation discusses the commutation of L and P^2, with the conclusion being that they do in fact commute. This is important because it ensures the conservation of angular momentum for a free particle. The conversation also mentions a potential mistake in the calculations and the implications of non-commutation for angular momentum conservation.
  • #1
I have been told that L and P^2 do not commute, but I don't see why. It seems like the commutator should be zero.


\left[ \vec{L} , P^2 \right] = \left[ L^k , P_i P_i \right]
= \left[ L_k , P_i \right] P_i - P_i \left[ L_k , P_i \right]
= \left( - i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{km} P_m \right) P_i - P_i \left( - i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{km} P_m \right)
= - i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{km} \left( P_m P_i - P_i P_m \right)
= - i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{km} \left[ P_m , P_i \right]
= 0


What is wrong with this?
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  • #2
Oh, I found one mistake but it still leads me to the same conclusion. The second equality should be plus, not minus: [A,BC] = [A,B]C+B[A,C]:

\left[ \vec{L} , P^2 \right] = \left[ L^k , P_i P_i \right] = \left[ L^k , P_i \right] P_i + P_i \left[ L^k , P_i \right] = \left( - i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{k m} P_m \right) P_i + P_i \left( - i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{k m} P_m \right) = - i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{k m} \left( P_m P_i + P_i P_m \right)
and since [tex] P_m , P_i [/tex] commute,
\left[ \vec{L} , P^2 \right] = - 2 i \hbar \epsilon_{i}^{k m} P_m P_i = 2 \left[ L^k , P_i \right] P_i = 2 \left[ \vec{L} , P^2 \right]
but the only thing which satisfies
\left[ \vec{L} , P^2 \right] = 2 \left[ \vec{L} , P^2 \right]
is zero.
So I'm back to saying that L and P^2 commute. Any ideas?
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  • #3
Your calculations are correct. If [tex]\hat{L}_i[/tex] did not commute with [tex]\hat{P}^2[/tex], angular momentum would not be conserved for a free particle.
  • #4
fzero, I didn't even think of that! A free particle would have zero potential energy, so for L to be conserved it would still have to commute with the Hamiltonian, and that means L and P^2 must commute (2m factor is irrelevant). I thought for sure I was making a mistake somewhere since my mind is a notorious hangout for mathematical absurdities. Maybe I can get some points back that were taken off on my test. Thanks.
  • #5

There are a few things that are wrong with this reasoning. First, the commutator of two operators is generally not equal to the product of the operators times the commutator of their components. In this case, the commutator of L and P^2 cannot be simplified to the commutator of L and P, as P^2 is a composite operator made up of P and itself.

Additionally, the commutator of two operators is not necessarily zero, even if one of the operators is the square of the other. In this case, while P^2 is the square of P, L and P do not have a simple relationship that would result in a zero commutator.

Finally, the commutator of L and P^2 is not equal to the commutator of P^2 and L. The order in which operators are written in the commutator matters and can change the result. In this case, the commutator of L and P^2 is not equal to zero, but the commutator of P^2 and L is. This is a fundamental property of commutators and is related to the non-commutative nature of operators in quantum mechanics.

In conclusion, the commutator of L and P^2 is not zero, and this does not contradict the fact that L and P^2 do not commute. It is important to carefully consider the properties of operators and their commutators when making statements about their relationships.

FAQ: Why Don't Angular Momentum and the Square of Momentum Commute?

1. What is the definition of the angular momentum commutator?

The angular momentum commutator is a mathematical operator used to describe the relationship between two angular momentum operators. It is defined as the difference between the product of two angular momentum operators and the product of the same operators in reverse order.

2. What is the physical significance of the angular momentum commutator?

The angular momentum commutator is important in quantum mechanics as it represents the uncertainty in measuring angular momentum and helps determine the possible values of angular momentum for a given system.

3. How is the angular momentum commutator calculated?

The angular momentum commutator is calculated by taking the product of two angular momentum operators, subtracting the product of the same operators in reverse order, and then dividing by the imaginary unit i. This can be represented by the formula [A,B] = (AB - BA)/i.

4. What is the physical significance of a zero angular momentum commutator?

If the angular momentum commutator is zero, it means that the two angular momentum operators commute with each other. This indicates that the two operators can be measured simultaneously with no uncertainty and that the system has a definite value for angular momentum.

5. How does the angular momentum commutator relate to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

The angular momentum commutator is related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle in that it represents the uncertainty in measuring angular momentum. The principle states that the product of the uncertainties in two complementary observables, such as position and momentum, cannot be smaller than a certain value. This applies to angular momentum as well, and the commutator helps determine the possible values and uncertainties of angular momentum for a given system.
