Applet about special relativity

In summary, the applet demonstrates that the clocks at the front and rear mirrors of the light clock will show different times when viewed from a moving frame. This is because the signal takes longer to reach a stationary observer, or the clocks cannot start at the same time when moving. The reason for this difference is due to the longer path and time it takes for the light beam to reach the moving mirror. Therefore, the correct answer is that the front clock is not starting at 0 because both clocks cannot start at the same time when in motion.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the above applet, the clocks at the front and rear mirrors of the light clock do not show the same time when viewed from the moving frame.

Why is that? The clocks move with the same speed (same system of inertia), so I believe the reason why is that the signal takes a longer time to reacha stationary observer - but this answer was wrong.
Physics news on
  • #2
The other two possible answers are

1) The clock in the front is farther away from the clock in the back, so it must experience a greater time delation.

- I believe not, since they are both moving with the same speed - same system of inertia.

2) Since both clocks start at same time when in rest, they cannot start at same time when moving.

- I believe not (although the correct answer is either 1 or 2), because again - same inertial system, so why would they have to differ?
  • #3
If you're in the moving frame (e.g. if you're at the center of the bottom blue bar, moving along with the system, the clocks will be the same (for all purposes, it will be like you are in the top situation).

But if you are in the top situation and you see the bottom clock pass by, then they will show different times. The reason is exactly the one depicted in the applet: the light beam has to travel farther to overtake the mirror moving away, and when it is reflected it will have to travel less than l because the other mirror is moving toward it.

This all makes perfect sense to me (at least, presented this way): longer path = longer time.
So what exactly is the question ?
  • #4
The exact question is, why the front clock is not starting at 0.
  • #5
We are vieweing them fron the moving frame.

The correct answer is 2 - why is that?!

FAQ: Applet about special relativity

What is special relativity?

Special relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein that explains the relationship between space and time. It is based on two main principles - the principle of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and the principle of the constancy of the speed of light, which states that the speed of light is the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion.

How does special relativity differ from classical mechanics?

Special relativity differs from classical mechanics in several ways. Firstly, it takes into account the effects of high speeds and the constancy of the speed of light. Secondly, it introduces the concept of spacetime, where space and time are not separate entities but rather interconnected. Lastly, it predicts phenomena such as time dilation and length contraction, which are not observed in classical mechanics.

What is the famous equation E=mc^2 and how does it relate to special relativity?

The equation E=mc^2, also known as the mass-energy equivalence equation, is a key concept in special relativity. It states that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing and are related by the speed of light squared. This equation shows that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa, and it has been confirmed by numerous experiments, including the famous atomic bomb.

Can special relativity be observed in everyday life?

Yes, special relativity can be observed in everyday life. For example, the Global Positioning System (GPS) relies on special relativity to make accurate calculations for location and time. The satellites in the GPS system orbit the Earth at high speeds, and without taking into account the effects of special relativity, the system would not be as accurate as it is.

What are some common misconceptions about special relativity?

One common misconception about special relativity is that it only applies to objects moving at very high speeds. In reality, the theory can be applied to any speed, but its effects are only noticeable at speeds close to the speed of light. Another misconception is that special relativity only applies to objects in space. In fact, it applies to all objects and all observers, regardless of their location or movement.

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