Calculating Series Capacitance for 1.0 Power Factor in Electrical Substation

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Homework Statement

You're the operator of a 1.80×104 V rms, 60 Hz electrical substation. When you get to work one day, you see that the station is delivering 6.10 MW of power with a power factor of 0.850. How much series capacitance should you add to bring the power factor up to 1.0?

Homework Equations

When Xc-XL=0 the power factor is 1 or when 1/C=L
Ive also already found that the rms current with .850 is 399A and that the power with 1 power factor is 8.44 * 10^6

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I've tried using the current at 1 power factor which is 469.411A as my IL and then 25455 for my VL value (square root of 2 * Vrms) and solved for L using the equation above. Then using 1/C=L but this says my answer is wrong. I've also tried just using the rms values and using just one of the rms values and one max but none of those work either. Perhaps someone knows of a different relationship that I don't know of our another way to calculate C without using L.