Circular arcs on net electric field

In summary: Read moreIn summary, the given problem involves finding the net electric field at the origin due to three circular arcs with uniformly distributed charge. Using the equation dE = Kλds/r^2 and integrating along 90° to 180°, the net electric field is found to be K5Q/π3(R)^2. However, in order to get the correct answer, which is 161903, it is necessary to multiply sin45 to the final result. This is because the axes used for the integration do not line up with the standard axes, and therefore, the integration range for theta changes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The figure above shows three circular arcs centered on the origin of a coordinate system. On each arc, the uniformly distributed charge is given in terms of Q= 2*10-6C. The radii are given in terms of R = 10cm. What is the magnitude of the net electric field at the origin due to the arcs?

Homework Equations

dE = Kλds / r2


λ= Charge / Length ⇒ Q/2πr ⇒ Q/(2πr/4) - since only quarter is shown ⇒ 2Q/(πr)

The Attempt at a Solution

So i think I got all the steps correct except i can't figure out why i have to multiply sin(45) to get to the right answer at the end.

1. dE = Kλds / r2 - used this formula b/c it's a ring

2. dEcosθ = Kλds / r2 (cosθ) - multiplied cosθ b/c perpendicular component (sinθ) cancels each other.

3. dEcosθ = Kλrdθ / r2 (cosθ) - replaced ds to rdθ b/c cosθ is present and thus want to integrate along 90° to 180°

4. ∫dEcosθ = ∫Kλrdθ / r2 (cosθ) ⇒ E = Kλ/r ∫(cosθ)dθ - r on the numerator and r2 on the denominator cancels to make denominator just r. since r is constant, took out of the integral and just integrate cosθdθ from 90° to 180°

5. E = Kλ/r [-sin(180°)-(-sin(90°)] ⇒ E = Kλ/r - integral just turns out to be 1 and we are left with E = Kλ/r

6. E = Kλ/r - This is 1st arc so to second and third, we just replace r with 2r and 3r respectively. Then we get

E1 = Kλ/r ; E2 = Kλ/2r ; E3 = Kλ/3r

7. Replace λ with 2Q/πr (relevant equation section)

E1 = K(2Q/πr)/r ; E2 = K(2Q/πr)/2r ; E3 = K(2Q/πr)/3r

E1 = K(2Q/πr2) ; E2 = K(Q/πr2) ; E3 = K(2Q/3πr2)

8. Replace Q and r with respective charge and radius

E1 = K(2Q(R)2) ; E2 = K(-4Q(2R)2) ; E3 = K(18Q/3π(3R)2)

E1 = K(2Q(R)2) ; E2 = K(-4Q4R2) ; E3 = K(6Q(9R2)

9. Simplify

E1 = K(2Q(R)2) ; E2 = K(-QR2) ; E3 = K(2Q(3R2)

E1 = K(6Q/π3(R)2) ; E2 = K(-3Q/π3R2) ; E3 = K(2Q(3R2)

※Multiplied E1 and E2 by 3 on both numerator and denominator to simplify

E1 + E2 + E3 = Enet

Enet = K5Q/π3(R)2


crap... i don't know where I messed up.

Originally i got E1 = 2Q/4πr2ε0 + E2 = -4Q/4πr2ε0 + E3 = 6Q/4πr2ε0

Which turned out to be

Enet = Q/π2r2ε0

which turned out to be 228974

but the answer is 161903 which is just sin(45) multiplied by 228974.

why do you need to multiply sin45?

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  • #2
You lost me at step 2, multiplying by cos theta. There is a valid method which does that, but does not relate to the explanation you offer. The corrsponding sin case does not cancel out (and that's where your root-2 factor would come from). Please elaborate on your explanation there.
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  • #3
haruspex said:
You lost me at step 2, multiplying by cos theta. There is a valid method which does that, but does not relate to the explanation you offer. The corrsponding sin case does not cancel out (and that's where your root-2 factor would come from). Please elaborate on your explanation there.

Yes, I pictured the arc along the axis so the corresponding cos theta would all line up and sin theta would cancel b/c i didnt know how to incorporate cos45 and sin45 into components and calcuate it separately.
  • #4
So i don't know if you guys can ready my terrible handwriting but here is what i worked on and at the last step i don't know why i had to multiply sin45 to get to the correct answer.


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  • #5
Anon.ilbe said:
So i don't know if you guys can ready my terrible handwriting but here is what i worked on and at the last step i don't know why i had to multiply sin45 to get to the correct answer.
Maybe you need to clarify your axes. If they are the obvious ones according to the original diagram, the sines do not cancel. If you are taking the axes at 45 degrees, so that the arcs are symmetric about the x axis, the the sines do cancel, but the integration range for the angle changes (and is not what you used).
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  • #6
haruspex said:
Maybe you need to clarify your axes. If they are the obvious ones according to the original diagram, the sines do not cancel. If you are taking the axes at 45 degrees, so that the arcs are symmetric about the x axis, the the sines do cancel, but the integration range for the angle changes (and is not what you used).
So if you do not line up with axis and solve it as it is, how would I have to attack the question from step 1? where you have dE = Kλds / r2
would i have to separate it into components where dE = [(Kλds / r2)(-cosθ)]i + [(Kλds / r2)(sinθ)]j
then change ds to rdθ and integrate it from 90 to 180?
  • #7
Anon.ilbe said:
So if you do not line up with axis and solve it as it is, how would I have to attack the question from step 1? where you have dE = Kλds / r2
would i have to separate it into components where dE = [(Kλds / r2)(-cosθ)]i + [(Kλds / r2)(sinθ)]j
then change ds to rdθ and integrate it from 90 to 180?
I'm still unsure what axes you were using in your first attempt. Please clarify. What do you mean by "line up with axis"?
Yes, if you take the standard axes according to the picture, so that theta runs from 90 to 180, that is the vector form of field you need to integrate.
But, as I posted, you could just as well choose to rotate the axes 45 degrees so that you know one of the axes will have no net field. The range for theta then changes (and produces the missing sqrt(2) factor).
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  • #8
haruspex said:
I'm still unsure what axes you were using in your first attempt. Please clarify. What do you mean by "line up with axis"?
Yes, if you take the standard axes according to the picture, so that theta runs from 90 to 180, that is the vector form of field you need to integrate.
But, as I posted, you could just as well choose to rotate the axes 45 degrees so that you know one of the axes will have no net field. The range for theta then changes (and produces the missing sqrt(2) factor).

on the first attempt I was tilting axis about 45 degrees so it sine would cancel.

and "line up with axis" on the comment where I separated into components, I tried solving it like the standard problem given

the attached picture on the comment, however, i tried to solve it by moving the all three arcs with their center lined up with x-axis.

so if i did titled the axis about 45 degrees and solved this problem, the range of integration would change to 45 and 135? since you are tilting to the right 45° thus
90°-45° = 45° and 180°-45° = 135°
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  • #9
Anon.ilbe said:
on the first attempt I was tilting axis about 45 degrees so it sine would cancel.

and "line up with axis" on the comment where I separated into components, I tried solving it like the standard problem given

the attached picture on the comment, however, i tried to solve it by moving the all three arcs with their center lined up with x-axis.

so if i did titled the axis about 45 degrees and solved this problem, the range of integration would change to 45 and 135? since you are tilting to the right 45° thus
90°-45° = 45° and 180°-45° = 135°
Yes, try that integration range.
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  • #10
haruspex said:
Yes, try that integration range.
Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! Thank you so much for your guidance! I finally figured it out. Physics starting to make sense now!


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FAQ: Circular arcs on net electric field

1. What is a circular arc on net electric field?

A circular arc on net electric field is a representation of the electric field generated by a point charge, shown as a curved line in a 2D plane. It depicts the direction and strength of the electric field at different points in space around the charge.

2. How is a circular arc on net electric field created?

A circular arc on net electric field is created by drawing a series of tangent lines from the point charge to the surrounding points in space. The direction of the tangent lines shows the direction of the electric field, while the length of the lines represents the strength of the field.

3. What is the significance of a circular arc on net electric field?

A circular arc on net electric field is significant because it helps us visualize and understand the behavior of electric fields. It allows us to see how the field changes in strength and direction as we move away from the point charge, and how it affects charged particles in its vicinity.

4. How does the distance from the point charge affect the circular arc on net electric field?

The distance from the point charge has a significant impact on the circular arc on net electric field. As the distance increases, the curvature of the arc decreases, indicating a weaker electric field. Additionally, the length of the tangent lines decreases, showing a decrease in field strength.

5. Are there any limitations to using circular arcs to represent electric fields?

Yes, there are limitations to using circular arcs to represent electric fields. Circular arcs can only depict the electric field in a 2D plane and cannot show the full 3D nature of the field. They also assume a point charge, which may not accurately represent real-life scenarios where charges have dimensions. Additionally, they do not account for the effects of other charges in the vicinity.

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