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Homework Statement
I'm a pharmacologist and I have a modern physics course to do. This is not my field and I'm completely lost... We were given this problem to do. Thanks a lot in advance.
Consider a potential where
U(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0
U(x) = -3E for x > 0
Consider a particle of energy E incident by the left. When the particle arrives at the potential step,
- What is the behavior of the particle from a classical point of view? How does vary its kinetic energy?
- From a quantum point of view, assuming that the incident wave function has the form Ψ(x) = 1eikx . Determine the complete wave function in the entire space.
- In the quantum case, what is the probability that the particle is reflected?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Here's what I have so far
1. I think that because E is greater than -3E, classically the particule would be transmitted completely without reflection because the difference between the energy E and the step potential would be positive, and would continue infinitely in x > 0... but I'm not sure. And its kinetic energy would not change.
2. I think that because the question ask the equation in three dimension, the forme should be:
Ψ(x, y, z) = 1 ( eikx + eiky + eikz )
but that can't be so simple...
3. from my research I came up with this:
The reflection ratio R would be
R = (k1 - k2)2 / (k1 + k2)2
k1 being √(2mE / ħ2)
k2 being √(2m(E - V0) / ħ2)
Please help me... it's been two days that I'm looking for this...Thanks !
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