Comparing the pH of H2CO3 and H2SO4 Solutions

  • Thread starter Orion78
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Stronger acid has lower pH.In summary, when fireworks release gases like carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the environment, they react in the atmosphere to produce weak and strong acids. If dissolved in equal volumes of water, the solution of sulfuric acid would have a lower pH than carbonic acid due to its stronger acid properties. This can be seen from their respective dissociation equations, where sulfuric acid has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions compared to carbonic acid. When dissolved in water, both compounds change into aqueous states and their equilibrium state remains dynamic, with molecules continuously breaking down and recombining. This is balanced by the dissociation and reverse reactions shown in their equations.
  • #1
Pollution from fireworks occurs in a number of ways, one of which is the release of gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the environment. These gases react further in the atmosphere to produce carbonic acid (H2CO3), a weak acid, and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) a strong acid. If the same number of moles of each of these acids were dissolved in equal volumes of water, how can I state and explain which of the resulting solutions would have the higher pH. Has this to do with the fact in weak acids the equilibrium lies well over to the left-hand side of the equation? But what does it means?
Furthermore, which changes take place when each compound is dissolved in water? What are the two equations? Is the equilibrium state dynamic?

This is what I was thinking but I feel like something is missing:

The acid concentration of both compounds dissolved in water is the same, but sulfuric acid will have a higher pH and is therefore a stronger acid than carbonic acid. This is because the concentration of the ions for carbonic acid is lower compared with that of the sulfuric acid, which dissolves in water better. In the dissociation of sulfuric acid, more molecules dissociate into hydrogen ions than in the carbonic acid. In both acids the concentration of hydrogen ions exceeds the concentration of hydroxide ions, but in sulfuric acid is greater than in carbonic acid. When each compound is dissolved in water, their molecules are separated from one another and they change their original state into aqueous. Their equilibrium state is dynamic, in fact for both acids molecules are continuously breaking down into Bicarbonate/Sulfate ions and Hydronium ions and this is balanced by the reverse reaction where Bicarbonate/Sulfate ions and Hydronium ions recombining to give acetic and carbonic acid molecules.

H2CO3 (aq) + H2O (l) ⇌ H3O+ (aq) + HCO3− (aq)
H2SO4 (aq) + H2O (l) ⇌ H3O+ (aq) + HSO4− (aq)

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  • #2
Orion78 said:
sulfuric acid will have a higher pH and is therefore a stronger acid

First, pH will be lower, not higher.

Second, it the other way around - sulfuric acid is stronger, therefore its solution has a lower pH.

You wrote a lot, mostly of what you wrote is true, but irrelevant. Stronger acids dissociate more easily, so their solutions (assuming identical concentration) have lower pH. That's all that is needed here.
  • #3
Thank you Borek for your corrections. But HOW, taking in consideration my two solutions, I can state which of the resulting solutions would have the higher pH? Can I might see it from their equations? What does it means that in weak acids the equilibrium lies well over to the left-hand side of their equation? Furthermore, which changes take place when each compound is dissolved in water? It is correct what I wrote about their equilibrium state?
  • #4
Orion78 said:

Depends on the level of your education. On the lowest level you can describe it only qualitatively, stronger acid dissociates more producing lower pH. On the more advanced level it can be shown by calculating exact pH using concentrations and dissociation constants.

Not that the results will be different.
  • #5

Your understanding is correct. The pH of a solution is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) present. In the case of acids, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, the lower the pH. Therefore, sulfuric acid, which has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions due to its strong dissociation in water, will have a lower pH compared to carbonic acid.

In terms of changes that take place when each compound is dissolved in water, both compounds undergo dissociation into ions. In the case of sulfuric acid, which is a strong acid, a large number of molecules dissociate into hydrogen ions and sulfate ions. This results in a high concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution, leading to a lower pH. On the other hand, carbonic acid, being a weak acid, has a lower dissociation rate, resulting in a lower concentration of hydrogen ions and a higher pH.

The equilibrium state of these reactions is dynamic, meaning that both the forward and reverse reactions are occurring simultaneously. In the case of sulfuric acid, the dissociation of molecules into ions is favored due to its strong nature, while in the case of carbonic acid, the equilibrium lies more towards the undissociated molecules. This is due to the fact that in weak acids, the equilibrium lies towards the left-hand side of the equation, as you mentioned. This means that more molecules of carbonic acid remain in their original state compared to sulfuric acid.

In summary, the higher pH of carbonic acid compared to sulfuric acid is due to the weaker dissociation of carbonic acid in water, resulting in a lower concentration of hydrogen ions. This difference in dissociation can also be seen in the equilibrium equations for each acid.

Related to Comparing the pH of H2CO3 and H2SO4 Solutions

What is the difference between the pH of H2CO3 and H2SO4 solutions?

The main difference between the pH of H2CO3 and H2SO4 solutions is their acidity. H2CO3, or carbonic acid, is a weak acid with a pH of around 5. H2SO4, or sulfuric acid, is a strong acid with a pH of around 1. This means that H2SO4 is significantly more acidic than H2CO3.

Which solution has a lower pH, H2CO3 or H2SO4?

H2SO4 has a lower pH than H2CO3. This is because H2SO4 is a strong acid, meaning it completely dissociates in water to release more hydrogen ions, resulting in a lower pH. H2CO3, on the other hand, is a weak acid and does not fully dissociate, resulting in a higher pH.

How do the pH values of H2CO3 and H2SO4 solutions affect their properties?

The lower pH of H2SO4 makes it a more corrosive and reactive substance compared to H2CO3. It can also cause more severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Additionally, the lower pH of H2SO4 makes it a stronger acid, able to react with and neutralize bases more effectively than H2CO3.

Why is it important to compare the pH of H2CO3 and H2SO4 solutions?

Comparing the pH of different solutions allows us to understand their level of acidity and reactivity. This information is important in many scientific and industrial processes, such as water treatment, chemical reactions, and food production. It also helps us understand the potential impacts of these substances on the environment and our health.

Can the pH of H2CO3 and H2SO4 solutions change over time?

Yes, the pH of both H2CO3 and H2SO4 solutions can change over time. This can be due to various factors, such as exposure to air, temperature, and the addition of other substances. These changes can affect the properties and reactivity of the solutions, making it important to regularly monitor and adjust their pH levels.

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