Compressed spring and Hooke's law

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the distance by which a compressed spring obeying Hooke's law is compressed given its potential energy of 18 J and spring constant of 400 N/m. One approach is to use the equation for elastic potential energy, PE = 0.5kx^2, and solve for x by setting the equation equal to 18 J. Another approach is to use the integral of force times distance, which in this case is 200x^2, to solve for x. Both methods will give the answer in meters.
  • #1
A compressed spring that obeys Hooke's law has a potential energy of 18 J . If the spring constant of the spring is 400 N/m, find the distance by which the sping is compressed.

Please correct me if I am wrong, I'm not sure how find the distace.
My work: k 400 N/m x=18J = 400 N/m/18 J = 0.045

But I think my answer has to be in cm, or m. please help.
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  • #2
For a constant force, work is force times distance. For a variable force, such as the spring force, here 400x where x is the distance compressed, work is the integral of force times distance: [tex]\int 400x dx[/tex]= 200x2. Solve the equation
200x2= 18.
(Since the spring constant is given as 400 N/m, your answer will be in meters.)
  • #3
If you are at a pre-calc level, then what you need to know is the expression for the elastic potential energy stored in a spring that is extended/compressed through a distance 'x' from equilibrium. This is given by, [itex]PE = 0.5~ kx^2 [/itex] , where 'k' is the spring constant.
  • #4
It is not pre-cal, the spring is compressed that obeys Hooke's law. Thanks for the quick responses. Goku I understand what you are saying. But Halls so Ivy I did not understand how you got 200x*2= 18
  • #5
Using the power law. The derivative of 200x^2 is:

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}200x^2 = 2 * 200x^{2-1} = 400x[/tex]

The integral, or anti-derivative, of 400x = [tex]200x^2[/tex]

I think Gokul was asking if you'd taken calculus or not.

FAQ: Compressed spring and Hooke's law

1. What is a compressed spring?

A compressed spring is a type of mechanical spring that is designed to store potential energy through the compression of its coils. This means that when the spring is compressed, it exerts a force in the opposite direction, which can be used to do work.

2. What is Hooke's law?

Hooke's law is a principle in physics that describes the relationship between the force applied to an elastic material, such as a spring, and the resulting displacement. It states that the force applied is directly proportional to the amount of displacement.

3. How is Hooke's law used in everyday life?

Hooke's law is used in many everyday objects, such as springs in mattresses, trampolines, and car suspensions. It is also used in tools like spring scales and shock absorbers. Essentially, anytime a force is applied to an elastic material, Hooke's law comes into play.

4. What is the formula for Hooke's law?

The formula for Hooke's law is F = -kx, where F is the force applied, k is the spring constant (a measure of the stiffness of the spring), and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

5. What is the significance of the spring constant in Hooke's law?

The spring constant is a measure of the stiffness of a spring and is an important factor in Hooke's law. It determines how much force is needed to compress or extend a spring a certain distance. A higher spring constant means a stiffer spring, while a lower spring constant means a less stiff spring.

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