Design Considerations - Simple Vector Class

In summary, the discussion revolved around the best way to design a vector class in C++ for handling vector operations, such as scalar/vector product and coordinate system conversions. The two main approaches were building a vector class with built-in functions and methods, or using a simple vector and handling operations separately. The group also discussed the use of OOP in this context and the importance of considering the context and performance requirements when making design decisions.
  • #1
I had a curious thought while writing a simple program that involved writing my own vector class (as in a mathematical representation of a displacement in n-dimensional space).

I was wondering which way would be best to design the vector class ( language is C++ ).

The first method was to build a vector class with functions/methods built into it for handling the required vector operations (such as the scalar/vector product and normalisation/scaling transformations). Then to also include operator overloading and polar/cartesian/other coordinate system conversions etc.

The other idea was to just to use a simple vector (possibly even a struct or the bare minimum) and have the vector maths and operations handled seperatley, as possibly global functions operating on the vectors.

The first method has advantages in that it follows OOP methods and doesn't break the encapsulation rules. It would seem to be a safer and more complete design. However it may also be restrictive in some way, in the future.
Whereas the latter method is more open.

So i was wondering, if anyone has any experience with kind of thing, could offer and insight or suggestions.
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  • #2
3trQN said:
I was wondering which way would be best to design the vector class ( language is C++ ).

For what application? If there was one vector class that could solve most problems well, it'd be in the standard library.

I distrust classes that try solve all problems. For example, a Cartesian vector might have some common interface elements (magnitude(), dot(), cross()) to a spherical vector, but a different implementation for all of those. That indicates that you may be dealing with more than one class, perhaps related by a common ancestor (inheritance) or specializations of a common template. In addition, each class may have uncommon interface elements (the Cart. vector might have x(), y(), z() accessors, the spher. might have r(), theta(), phi()). This makes me think of a mix-in base class, perhaps a policy class. But can I afford the cost of virtual functions?

You can't answer these questions independently of the context in which the class will be used: What in your code is using vectors? What interface do clients require? What performance is required? Do you need more exotic coordinate systems? And so on.

Just a few thoughts. Good luck,
  • #3
3trQN said:
I had a curious thought while writing a simple program that involved writing my own vector class (as in a mathematical representation of a displacement in n-dimensional space).

I was wondering which way would be best to design the vector class ( language is C++ ).

The first method was to build a vector class with functions/methods built into it for handling the required vector operations (such as the scalar/vector product and normalisation/scaling transformations). Then to also include operator overloading and polar/cartesian/other coordinate system conversions etc.

The other idea was to just to use a simple vector (possibly even a struct or the bare minimum) and have the vector maths and operations handled seperatley, as possibly global functions operating on the vectors.

The first method has advantages in that it follows OOP methods and doesn't break the encapsulation rules. It would seem to be a safer and more complete design. However it may also be restrictive in some way, in the future.
Whereas the latter method is more open.

So i was wondering, if anyone has any experience with kind of thing, could offer and insight or suggestions.
OOP is usually better but in this case you just want a function library for dealing with vectors. Vectors have a fixed number of dimensions so you can just use arrays instead of formally making a struct, and then make a library containing dot product, normalization, etc. operations on arrays.
  • #4
I would typically be inclined to think of a vector as a data type, not as an object.

3trQN said:
The first method has advantages in that it follows OOP methods and doesn't break the encapsulation rules.

But that doesn't mean you have to break the encapsulation "rules". I would expect all of the data in a vector to be private, and that it would just have the basic access functions... vector operations (including overloaded arithmetic operators) would be global.

nmtim said:
What in your code is using vectors? What interface do clients require? What performance is required?

But, of course, this is good advice. You really need to make sure you choose a solution that can accomplish your goals, and then worry about aesthetics.
  • #5
My knowledge comes from java so correct me if I am way off, but isn't a data type essentially an object?
  • #6
I'm speaking more in the conceptual sense, rather than the syntactic sense.
  • #7
0rthodontist said:
OOP is usually better but in this case you just want a function library for dealing with vectors. Vectors have a fixed number of dimensions so you can just use arrays instead of formally making a struct, and then make a library containing dot product, normalization, etc. operations on arrays.
The advantage of making vectors objects, though, is that arrays of vector objects look much simpler. If I have an ensemble of particles arranged in a 2D array in 3D space, then to contain all the data I'd either have to do
double position[][][] = new double[numXRow][numYRow][3]


Vector position[][] = new Vector[numXRow][numYRow].

I think the second way is less confusing. On the other hand, a few days ago I was making a Particle object in java which contained methods to calculate the force it felt from another Particle and to update the Particle's position and velocity (also contained in the object) to respond to this force. I did the vector calculations by creating a separate VectorMethods class which contained methods for manipulating double arrays, doing just what you suggested. In that case, I didn't need the extra simplicity of a Vector method because the vector calculations were all done inside of the Particle classes, so that accessing the x-component of a certain particle's position meant doing something like

Particle[][] particle = new Particle[numXRow][numYRow];
(initialize particle data here)
System.out.println( particle[2][4].getXPosition() );

rather than

double[][][] position = new double[numXRow][numYRow][3];
(initialize positions)
System.out.println( position[2][4][0] );

3trQN said:
I had a curious thought while writing a simple program that involved writing my own vector class (as in a mathematical representation of a displacement in n-dimensional space).

I was wondering which way would be best to design the vector class ( language is C++ ).

The first method was to build a vector class with functions/methods built into it for handling the required vector operations (such as the scalar/vector product and normalisation/scaling transformations). Then to also include operator overloading and polar/cartesian/other coordinate system conversions etc.

The other idea was to just to use a simple vector (possibly even a struct or the bare minimum) and have the vector maths and operations handled seperatley, as possibly global functions operating on the vectors.

The first method has advantages in that it follows OOP methods and doesn't break the encapsulation rules. It would seem to be a safer and more complete design. However it may also be restrictive in some way, in the future.
Whereas the latter method is more open.

So i was wondering, if anyone has any experience with kind of thing, could offer and insight or suggestions.
As mentioned above, I used a separate class to contain the vector methods because I didn't use a custom Vector class. I suppose, though, that if I were more interested in dealing with the individual vectors rather than doing operations on Particle objects, I'd create a Vector class with the methods contained inside. That way you wouldn't have to worry about compiling a second class whenever you're compiling your Vector class. You might want to make those methods static, though I'm not sure what difference it'd make memory-wise.

One final consideration would be whether to have separate variables in your Vector class for spherical, cylindrical, etc. coordinates. If you use these alternate representations often (without changing the vector) it might save on calculation time, but then again if you change this data often you'd have to change twice or three times as much data as you would for a simple cartesian vector object. I opted for having just the cartesian position info in my Particle class because I planned on changing the positions and velocities often.

FAQ: Design Considerations - Simple Vector Class

1. What is a Simple Vector Class?

A Simple Vector Class is a programming concept that allows for the creation and manipulation of vector objects, which are mathematical entities that have both magnitude and direction. In terms of programming, a Simple Vector Class is a data type that stores a set of coordinates, typically in two or three dimensions, and provides methods for performing operations on those coordinates.

2. Why is a Simple Vector Class important in design considerations?

Simple Vector Classes are important in design considerations because they allow for efficient and accurate mathematical calculations. They also help to organize and structure data, which can make code more readable and maintainable. Additionally, Simple Vector Classes are often used in graphics and game development, making them a crucial component of many design projects.

3. What factors should be considered when designing a Simple Vector Class?

When designing a Simple Vector Class, there are several factors to consider. These may include the desired precision and range of the vector coordinates, the data types and methods needed to perform vector operations, and how the class will interact with other classes or data structures in the program. It is also important to consider potential edge cases and how the class will handle them.

4. How can a Simple Vector Class improve the efficiency of a program?

A Simple Vector Class can improve the efficiency of a program in several ways. Firstly, it allows for optimized and streamlined mathematical calculations, reducing the amount of code needed and potential for errors. Additionally, by organizing and structuring data, a Simple Vector Class can help improve the overall performance and speed of a program.

5. Can a Simple Vector Class be used in any programming language?

Yes, a Simple Vector Class can be implemented in any programming language. However, the specific syntax and implementation may vary depending on the language. Some languages may also have built-in vector data types and methods, while others may require the creation of a custom Simple Vector Class.

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