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- TL;DR Summary
- What are the steps of designing a CW (cockcroft walton). As I understand I start finding number of stages and then choose a ripple voltage (not sure what is the range on it) from there I calculate capacitance and voltage drop
And what kind of designs in CW that have low ripple without requiring transformer. Like HSVD and where can I find the equations for these designs for ripple,stage,voltage drop.
Im trying to design a circuit that switch from 220V AC to 2kV DC using 1 voltage source (without use of transformers). So CW (Cockcroft-Walton) seemed like a good design to do that. Looking at the equations of halfwave CW it looked to me that the optimal number of stages is set if you know the input and output voltage (in my case it was 7 stages) however both the ripple and voltage drop equations seemed to have no limitation (increase the value of capacitors and the ripple voltage will drop for example) so I am wondering is there any equations that shows how low I can go? ( The book I am studying says that in the CW halfwave ripple voltage is between 3-5%). So based on that I picked 4% as my ripple voltage and calculated the capacitors and voltage drop values from there. Is this the right approach to design a CW multiplier circuit ? pick a voltage ripple and design your circuit based on that ?
In half wave the ripple seemed to be too high for my design(70 voltage in simulation) so i looked for other designs of CW and I managed to find HSVM (Hybrid symmetrical voltage multiplier) which doesn't use transformer but I can't seem to find the equations for it. Is there any other design of fullwave that uses one voltage source directly (without a transformer) ? if so where can I find the equations for ripple,drop, and number of stages?
In half wave the ripple seemed to be too high for my design(70 voltage in simulation) so i looked for other designs of CW and I managed to find HSVM (Hybrid symmetrical voltage multiplier) which doesn't use transformer but I can't seem to find the equations for it. Is there any other design of fullwave that uses one voltage source directly (without a transformer) ? if so where can I find the equations for ripple,drop, and number of stages?
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