Differential equation- (haven't had any courses on diff. equations yet

In summary, the conversation is about solving a differential equation using the method of separation of variables and plotting the results to obtain a straight line. The initial conditions are taken into account and the Dutch holiday Queen's Day is also mentioned.
  • #1
Differential equation- please help (haven't had any courses on diff. equations yet :(


I need to solve this differential equation:

[tex]\frac{dC}{dt} = -k C ^n [/tex]
with C(0)= C0
for n= 0, 1, 2, ...,

Then I need to plot C(t) as a function of t in a way in order to obtain a straight line.

(This is used for reaction kinetics)

The only problem is that I haven't had a course on differential equations yet (it is planned for next month), yet I have to solve this problem before tomorrow...

Could anyone of you be able to help me? I'd be very very grateful!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Use the method of separation by parts, its usually the first topic taught in a Diff. Eqn. course. Try grouping C^n with dC and k with dT. Then integrate, not forgetting to add the constant of integration, this is where the intial conditions will come to play.
  • #3
Thanks, I find:

[tex]\frac{dC}{dt} = -k C ^n [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{dC}{C^n} = - k dt [/tex]

integrating gives:

[tex]\frac{1}{ln C} C^n = -kt + A [/tex]

with [tex] A = \frac{1}{ln C} C^n [/tex] so

[tex]\frac{1}{ln C} C^n = -kt + \frac{1}{ln C} C^n [/tex] ??

But how do I find C as a function of t ?!
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  • #4
[tex]\frac{1}{ln C} C^n[/tex]
is not correct.

[tex] \int \frac{dC}{C^n} [/tex] when [itex] n \neq 1[/itex].
  • #5
Oh I see... I've considered C n to be of the form g x (an exponential function).

Though it should be - 1/(n-1) Cn-1 if n is NOT 1 and if n=1 (cause n most certainly can be 1) it should be of the form: ln C
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  • #6
is that correct?
  • #7
-n/Cn+1 is not right

An easy way to check is to differentiate your answer. For example, if you differentiate -n/Cn+1, you get n(n+1)/Cn+2 which isn't what you need.
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  • #8
How about now?
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  • #9
I guess I'm mixing integration & differentiation up again ... just blame it on being tired :P
  • #10
Yes, it's right now. That's why I don't do my homework late in the night when I'm tired :smile:
  • #11
But now that I have

- 1/(n-1) Cn-1 = -kt + A if n is NOT 1
ln C = -kt +A if n =1

how on Earth would I get a function for C(t)?! + I don't get how I can put the initial condition C(0)= C0 into the equation... if I choose t=0, it gives me respectively:

- 1/(n-1) Cn-1 = A

ln C= A
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  • #12
You need to plot C(t) as a function of t in a way in order to obtain a straight line, right?

So your answer is right there! When you plot a graph of [tex] \frac{-1}{(n-1)C^{n-1}} [/tex] (on the y-axis) vs [itex]t[/itex] (on the x-axis) or ln C vs t when n=1, you have a straight line

To use the initial condition, put C(0) = C0, not C.
So, you relation will be - 1/(n-1)C0n-1 = A and ln C0 = A
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  • #13
OMG that's too easy :D Thanks a lot for helping me out!

Sorry for my poor planning btw, but yesterday was Queens Day, so I could not resist going to town ;)
  • #14
You're welcome. But, I thought the Dutch celebrate it on the 30th (ie, today)?
  • #15
Very good of you, that's true!
But the 30th (today) is on a Sunday and because the queen is Christian and there's a Christian holiday on this Sunday (it has something to do with thanking the Lord for having our crops or something like that) she decided to make an exception and celebrate it a day earlier.
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FAQ: Differential equation- (haven't had any courses on diff. equations yet

1. What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that relates a function with its derivatives. It describes the relationship between the rate of change of a variable and the variable itself.

2. How are differential equations used?

Differential equations are used to model and solve problems in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and biology. They are also used to describe natural phenomena and predict future outcomes.

3. What are the types of differential equations?

The two main types of differential equations are ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs). ODEs involve a single independent variable, while PDEs involve multiple independent variables.

4. What are the methods for solving differential equations?

There are various methods for solving differential equations, including separation of variables, substitution, integration, and numerical methods. The method used depends on the type and complexity of the differential equation.

5. Why are differential equations important in science?

Differential equations are important in science because they provide a way to model and understand the behavior of systems and phenomena in the natural world. They allow us to make predictions and analyze complex systems, which is essential in fields such as physics, engineering, and biology.
