Double Integral Plus Integration by Parts with Natural Log Problem

Then, you can use a substitution to solve the integral. In summary, the conversation is about solving a double integral of y/1+xy using integration by parts and a substitution method. The final step involves using polynomial division and a substitution to solve the integral.
  • #1

Homework Statement

My homework problem is the double integral of y/1+xy dxdy. It is a definite double integral and both integrands have the values of a = 0 and b = 1.

Homework Equations

Integration by parts: uv - int(vdu)

The Attempt at a Solution

My first step of the double integral is I set:

u = 1+xy (with respect to x)
du = y

Then that gave me the integral of int(du/u) which equaled to ln(1+xy) ] b=1, a=0

I plug in the integrand values which gives me:


Now this is where I'm having trouble. I do recognize this becomes integration by parts. So this is what I did:

u = ln(1+y) v = y
du = 1/(1+y) dv = dy

= y*ln(1+y) - int[y/(1+y)]dy

Then I set:

u = y v = ln(1+y)
du = dy dv = 1/(1+y)

= y*ln(1+y) - {y*ln(1+y) - int[ln(1+y)dy]}

***This is where I'm stumped

Appreciate any feedback! :)
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  • #2
You are going in circles with the integration by parts. To integrate y/(1+y) first use polynomial division to write it as 1-1/(1+y).

FAQ: Double Integral Plus Integration by Parts with Natural Log Problem

What is a double integral?

A double integral is a type of integration where the function being integrated has two independent variables. This means that the integration is performed over a two-dimensional region instead of a one-dimensional interval.

What is integration by parts?

Integration by parts is a method used to evaluate integrals that involve the product of two functions. It involves choosing one function to differentiate and the other to integrate, and then using the product rule to simplify the integral.

What is the natural log?

The natural log, or ln, is a mathematical function that is the inverse of the exponential function. It is commonly used to solve exponential equations or to represent the growth or decay of a quantity over time.

How do you solve a double integral using integration by parts?

To solve a double integral using integration by parts, you first need to choose which function to differentiate and which to integrate. Then, you can use the product rule to simplify the integral and continue the integration process until you reach a solution.

Why is the double integral plus integration by parts with natural log problem useful in science?

The double integral plus integration by parts with natural log problem is useful in science because it allows us to solve complex integrals involving multiple variables and functions. This can be applied in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics to model and analyze real-world problems.
