How Do Protons Behave in a Particle Accelerator?

In summary: If you divide distance by velocity, you'll get an answer with units of seconds.In summary, protons are accelerated through a potential difference of 5.00 x 10^3 V in the gun of a particle accelerator. They pass between two parallel deflecting plates with a potential difference of 1.50 x 10^3 V and are deflected by an electric field strength of 30 V/m. The kinetic energy of the protons is 8.01 x 10^-16 J and their velocity is 9.79 x 10^5 m/s. The deflecting force on the protons is 4.80 x 10^-18 N and the acceleration is 2.87 x
  • #1

Homework Statement

Protons are bring accelerated through a potiential difference of 5.00 x 10^3 V in the gun of a particle accelerator. They must pass between two parallel deflecting plates that are 6.0 x 10^-2 m long and 2.0 x 10^-2 m apart with a potiential difference between them of 1.50 x 10^3 V?

Part 1 asks the kinetic energy of protons leaving the gun, I found it to be8.01 x 10^-16 J

Part 2 asks what is the velocity of the protons down the accelerator, I found that to be 9.79 x 10^5 m/s

Part 3 asks what is the electric field strength between the deflecting plates, i got 30 V / m

Part 4 asks what is the deflecting force on the protons between the plates, i got 4.80 x 10^-18 N

Part 5 asks what is the acceleration of the protons between the plates, i got 2.87 x 10^9 m/s^2

So the next part of the question asks: How much time is required for the protons to pass between the deflection plates?

Homework Equations

These questions, i wasnt able to identify the right formulas to use, help is appreciated!

1. By how much are the protons deflected while passing between the plates?

2. What is the component of the protons' velocity perpendicular to the plates when they leave the region between the plates?

3. The protons eventually strike a flourescent screen 0.20 m beyond the end of the charged plates. How long does it take the protons to travel this distance?

The Attempt at a Solution

So for the question in the first part and not in the revelant questions area i had used:

t = Ip * v, where Ip is the length of the plates and v is the velocity and i ended up with 5.87 x 10^4 s, using the v value found earlier which will be included as well. It sounded fishy since that's quite the wait so i was wondering if i had done something wrong. Other than that, the questions in the Revelant questions area, i wasn't able to pinpoint the correct logic and formulas to use, so if anyone could tell me what to do, it'll be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
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  • #2
You might want to check your calculation for the electric field strength in part 3. How did you calculate it?
  • #3
Electric field strength was found by using E = V / D

So e = (1.50 x 10^3 V) / (2.0 x 10^-2 m )

that gave me 30 V / m
  • #4
"/" means "divide" nut "multiply" .

  • #5
ehild has the right of it. You've multiplied rather than divided. The field strength should be considerably higher than 30 V/m.

Once you've fixed that, there will be a "trickle-down-effect" through the calculations that follow that depend on this value.
  • #6
Yeah i see what i did, dammit! So the method which I stated in finding the time, does it look right?
  • #7
Twoacross said:
Yeah i see what i did, dammit! So the method which I stated in finding the time, does it look right?

d = v * t. That means t = d/v.

I think you were multiplying distance by velocity (which would yield an answer with units of m2/s).

FAQ: How Do Protons Behave in a Particle Accelerator?

1. What is electrostatic theory?

Electrostatic theory is a branch of physics that studies the behavior and interaction of electrically charged particles. It explains the forces between charged particles and how these forces affect the behavior of matter.

2. What is the difference between electrostatics and electrodynamics?

Electrostatics deals with stationary electric charges, while electrodynamics deals with the movement and interaction of electric charges.

3. How is electrostatic force calculated?

Electrostatic force is calculated using Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

4. What are some real-life applications of electrostatic theory?

Electrostatic theory has various real-life applications, including the functioning of electronic devices such as computers and smartphones, air pollution control, and the operation of printers and photocopiers.

5. How does electrostatic theory relate to lightning?

Lightning is an example of electrostatic discharge, which occurs when there is a buildup of electric charge in the atmosphere. The electrostatic force between the charged particles in the atmosphere and the ground causes a sudden and powerful release of energy in the form of lightning.

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