How Is Entropy Calculated for a Heating Copper Block?

OUNT OF ENTROPY GENERATED (\Delta S)= 386 J/kg * K * ln(\frac{T_f}{T_i})In summary, the energy absorbed as heat is 57900 J and the change in entropy is 386 J/kg * K * ln(\frac{T_f}{T_i}).
  • #1
Find a) the energy absorbed as heat and b) the change in entropy of a 2 kg block of copper whose temperature is increased reversibly from 25 degrees C to 100 degrees C. The specefic heat of copper is 386 J/kg * K.

a) Q = 386 J/kg *K * (373 K - 298 K) * 2 kg = 57900 J

b) the change in entropy = integral(dQ / T). I'm unsure of how to integrate to be able to have a usable formula?
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  • #2
Quipzley said:
Find a) the energy absorbed as heat and b) the change in entropy of a 2 kg block of copper whose temperature is increased reversibly from 25 degrees C to 100 degrees C. The specefic heat of copper is 386 J/kg * K.

b) the change in entropy = integral(dQ / T). I'm unsure of how to integrate to be able to have a usable formula?

Since [itex]\Delta Q = cm\Delta T[/itex]:

[tex] \Delta S = \int_{Ti}^{Tf }\frac{\delta Q}{T} = \int_{Ti}^{Tf } \frac{cm\delta T}{T} [/tex]

[tex]\int_{Ti}^{Tf }\frac{\delta T}{T} = ln(\frac{T_f}{T_i})[/tex]

  • #3

To solve this problem, we can use the formula for the change in entropy, ΔS = Q/T, where Q is the energy absorbed as heat and T is the temperature in Kelvin. We already know the value for Q from part a) of the problem, which is 57900 J. Now, we need to find the temperature in Kelvin at both the initial and final states.

Initial temperature, T1 = 25 + 273 = 298 K
Final temperature, T2 = 100 + 273 = 373 K

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

ΔS = 57900 J / (373 K) - 57900 J / (298 K) = 155.09 J/K

Therefore, the change in entropy for the 2 kg block of copper is 155.09 J/K. This means that the disorder or randomness of the system has increased by this amount as the temperature was increased from 25°C to 100°C.

FAQ: How Is Entropy Calculated for a Heating Copper Block?

1. What is entropy integration?

Entropy integration is the process of incorporating entropy, which is a measure of disorder or randomness, into a system or mathematical model. This is often used in statistical mechanics and thermodynamics to understand the behavior of complex systems.

2. Why is entropy integration important?

Entropy integration is important because it allows us to better understand and predict the behavior of complex systems. By incorporating entropy into our models, we can account for the natural tendency of systems to move towards a state of disorder, and make more accurate predictions about their behavior.

3. How is entropy integrated into mathematical models?

Entropy can be integrated into mathematical models using various methods, such as the Boltzmann distribution or the Gibbs free energy equation. These methods use entropy as a variable to calculate the probability of a given state or the energy available to do work in a system.

4. What are some real-world applications of entropy integration?

Entropy integration has numerous real-world applications, including in thermodynamics, information theory, and economics. It is used to study and understand processes such as heat transfer, chemical reactions, and the flow of information in communication systems.

5. What are some challenges in entropy integration?

One of the main challenges in entropy integration is accurately measuring and quantifying entropy in complex systems. This requires a deep understanding of statistical mechanics and the ability to account for all of the variables that can affect entropy. Additionally, the incorporation of entropy into mathematical models can be complex and require advanced mathematical techniques.
