How Does Angular Momentum Vary with Orbital Distance in Physics?

  • Thread starter SignaturePF
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In summary, the conversation discusses a question regarding the comparison of angular momentum between three objects in orbit. The solution involves using equations for circular and elliptical orbits and considering the conservation of angular momentum. Through this, it is determined that the relationship between the magnitudes is different at various instants in time. The conversation also touches on finding a more rigorous approach to the question.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

L = mrv
L = Iω

The Attempt at a Solution

For a circular orbit:
Fc = Fg
mv^2/r = Gmm/r^2
v = √(GM/R)
l = mR√(GM/R)
l = m√(GMR)

This means that LA > LC, eliminating choices B, C, and E.

Now, to compare B, C
I'm interested in finding a more rigorous approach, but here goes.
The point of intersection between the Circlular path that C orbits on and the elliptical path that B orbits.
We know that the velocity at the perihelion is greater than the aphelion, that is, the velocity of the intersection is the maximum velocity that B ever achieves. I then made an intelligent guess and postulated that thus B > C,
leading to LA > LB > LC

Could you suggest more rigor/principles to do this question?
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  • #2
If choices B,C & E are eliminated - what is left are:

(A) LA > LB > LC
(E) The relationship between the magnitudes is different at various instants in time.

Look at E.
Consider: conservation of angular momentum.
  • #3
SignaturePF said:
l = m√(GMR)
Could you suggest more rigor/principles to do this question?
You've already done that: for B, [itex]r[/itex] is never less than C's and never more than A's.
  • #4
Ya I see that but isn't it root(GM/a), where a is the semi major axis for object B. Doesn't that mean that the radius in the numerator won't cancel with the semi major axis on the denominator?
That's where I was worried.
  • #5

I would first clarify the question and make sure I understand what is being asked. The question is comparing the angular momentum of three different orbits, A, B, and C, around a central object. The equations provided are the equations for linear momentum and angular momentum. In order to compare the angular momentum of these orbits, we need to use the equation L = mrv, where m is the mass of the orbiting object, r is the distance from the central object, and v is the velocity of the orbiting object.

To compare the angular momentum of these orbits, we need to consider the variables that affect angular momentum. These include the mass of the orbiting object, the distance from the central object, and the velocity of the orbiting object. Looking at the equations provided, we can see that the only difference between the orbits is the distance from the central object, as all objects have the same mass and are orbiting at the same velocity.

Based on this, we can conclude that the angular momentum will be directly proportional to the distance from the central object. This means that the orbit with the greatest distance, A, will have the greatest angular momentum, followed by B, and then C. This is because the farther away an object is from the central object, the greater the distance it travels in a given time, resulting in a greater angular momentum.

To further support this conclusion, we can also use the equation L = Iω, where I is the moment of inertia and ω is the angular velocity. In this case, the moment of inertia for all three orbits will be the same, as they all have the same mass and are orbiting at the same velocity. This means that the only variable that affects angular momentum is the angular velocity, which is directly proportional to the distance from the central object.

In conclusion, based on the principles of angular momentum, we can determine that the angular momentum of orbit A will be greater than that of orbit B, which will be greater than that of orbit C. This is due to the fact that the distance from the central object is the only variable that affects angular momentum in this scenario.

FAQ: How Does Angular Momentum Vary with Orbital Distance in Physics?

1. What does "F=MA" mean in the context of gravitation?

In the context of gravitation, "F=MA" refers to Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force (F) acting on an object is equal to the mass (M) of the object multiplied by its acceleration (A).

2. How is "F=MA" related to the force of gravity?

The equation "F=MA" is related to the force of gravity because it explains how the force of gravity, which is the attraction between two objects due to their masses, affects the acceleration of those objects.

3. What is the significance of the constant "G" in the equation "F=GMm/r^2"?

The constant "G" in the equation "F=GMm/r^2" is known as the universal gravitational constant and represents the strength of the gravitational force between two objects. It is a fundamental constant of nature and helps determine the force of gravity between any two objects in the universe.

4. How does the distance between two objects affect the force of gravity between them?

The force of gravity between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the distance between two objects increases, the force of gravity between them decreases. This is known as the inverse square law.

5. Can "F=MA" be applied to objects in orbit?

Yes, "F=MA" can be applied to objects in orbit. In this case, the force of gravity is balanced by the centripetal force, which is the force that keeps an object in circular motion. The acceleration in this case is the centripetal acceleration, which is directed towards the center of the orbit.
