Faraday's Law vs. V = vBl for determing potential difference of a conducting rod

In summary, the problem involves finding the potential difference between the two ends of a rotating rod due to a magnetic field. Two methods are used to solve for the induced emf, but they yield different answers. The first method uses the equation V = vlB, while the second method uses Faraday's law. The second method is believed to be the correct answer, but the reason why the first method is wrong is still unclear.
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Homework Statement

A rod rotates clockwise about a point as pivot with the constant frequency 5 rev/s. Find the potential difference between its two ends, which are 80 cm apart, due to the magnetic field B = 0.3T directed into the page.

Homework Equations

There are two methods to find the induced emf (V) in a conducting rod.

One is uses the equation V = vlB, which is derived from the fact that at equilibrium the magnetic force separating the charges within the bar must equal the opposing electric force of attraction between them (v is the tangential velocity of the bar, l is the length, and B is the strength of the magnetic field acting perpendicular to the bar).

The other uses Faraday's law, emf = -d(flux)/dt (flux = BA in this case since the magnetic field is always perpendicular to the area A the bar traces out as it moves)

The Attempt at a Solution

The two solution methods yield different answers, and I am trying to figure out which one is the correct answer and why.

When solving using the equation V = vlB, the tangential velocity is computed as 5rev/s * (2Pi * 0.80 m)/1rev = 25.1 m/s. Substituting the appropriate values from the problem into the equation yields V = (25.1 m/s)(0.80 m)(0.3T) = 6.02 V

Using Faraday's Law, we can determine the change in flux by assigning the flux when the bar is straight up and down above its pivot point to 0 Wb. After it rotates 30 degrees clockwise, it has traced out an area of 0.17 m^2 [30 degrees/360 degrees = x m^2/(Pi * (0.80m)^2)]; the flux at this point is (0.3T)(0.17m^2) = 0.051 Wb. The change in flux, therefore, is 0.051 Wb.
To determine the corresponding change in time required for this change in flux, we calculate the angular velocity of the bar from the frequency and divide the angular distance traveled by the angular velocity:
w = 5rev/1s * 360 degrees/1rev = 1800 degrees/s
delta t = 30 degrees * 1s/1800 degrees = 0.017s
Plugging these values for delta flux and delta t into the Faraday's Law equation, we arrive at a value for the induced emf in the bar:
abs(emf) = abs( - 0.051Wb/0.017s) = 3.06 V

Obviously, these two solution methods yield different answers. Since Faraday's Law is a fundamental law, I am inclined to believe that 3.06 V is the correct answer; however, can someone explain why the first method (using the equation V = vlB) is wrong?
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  • #2
sdcmma said:
V = vlB, which is derived from the fact that at equilibrium the magnetic force separating the charges within the bar must equal the opposing electric force of attraction between them
Yes, but the voltage gradient along the bar is nonuniform. On average it is only half what it is at the tip.

FAQ: Faraday's Law vs. V = vBl for determing potential difference of a conducting rod

What is Faraday's Law?

Faraday's Law, also known as Faraday's Law of Induction, states that a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current in a conductor.

What is V = vBl?

V = vBl is an equation derived from Faraday's Law that represents the potential difference, or voltage, induced in a conductor. In this equation, v is the velocity of the conductor, B is the magnetic field strength, and l is the length of the conductor.

How is Faraday's Law used to determine potential difference?

By using the equation V = vBl, we can calculate the potential difference induced in a conducting rod by a changing magnetic field. This can be useful in understanding the behavior of electrical generators and transformers.

What is the difference between Faraday's Law and V = vBl?

Faraday's Law is a general principle that describes the relationship between a changing magnetic field and an induced electric current. V = vBl is a specific equation derived from Faraday's Law that applies to a conducting rod in a magnetic field. So, V = vBl is a specific application of Faraday's Law.

What are some real-world applications of Faraday's Law and V = vBl?

Faraday's Law and V = vBl are used in a variety of technologies, such as electrical generators and transformers. They are also used in induction cooktops, magnetic levitation trains, and MRI machines. Additionally, these principles are important in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves and their applications in communication and technology.
