First Law of Thermodynamics and temperature

In summary, to find the change in internal energy of a gas in a balloon, we use the equation ΔU = 2.5PVΔT/T, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, and T is the temperature. In this example, the initial conditions were a temperature of 20°C and a volume of 0.0042 m3, and the final temperature was found to be 52.23°C. By plugging in these values and using the ideal gas law, we can calculate the change in internal energy, which is approximately 0.117 joules.
  • #1
Gee Wiz

Homework Statement

A toy balloon is initially at a temperature of T = 20°C. Its initial volume is 0.0042 m3 (It is a 10 cm radius sphere). Assume that the pressure in the balloon always equals atmospheric pressure, 101.3 kPa.
The new temp was found to be 52.23°C
By how many Joules did the internal energy of the gas in the balloon increase? Air is almost entirely diatomic gas.
ΔU =?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution



I keep getting 1.17e-4, and it says i am off by a power of 10. I am not sure where I am messing up
Physics news on
  • #2
What is your equation for change in internal energy. I am trying to work this problem but I get a much different answer so I am probably using the wrong equation.

What did you get for n, the number of moles?
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  • #3
Gee Wiz said:

Homework Statement

A toy balloon is initially at a temperature of T = 20°C. Its initial volume is 0.0042 m3 (It is a 10 cm radius sphere). Assume that the pressure in the balloon always equals atmospheric pressure, 101.3 kPa.
The new temp was found to be 52.23°C
By how many Joules did the internal energy of the gas in the balloon increase? Air is almost entirely diatomic gas.
ΔU =?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution



I keep getting 1.17e-4, and it says i am off by a power of 10. I am not sure where I am messing up

What did you get for N?

  • #4
it is the degrees of freedom (5/2 for diatomic)*(Temperature)*(K which is a constant 1.381e-23)*(# of molecules)
  • #5
So, what did you get for N or n?
  • #6
n= 1.746e-7
  • #7
I think your value for n is incorrect. Did you get it from the equation

PV = nRT

  • #8
Yes. I did 1*.0042e-3/(.08206*293)..converting the kPa's to atms and Celsius to k
  • #9
Using PV = nRT I have always used P in Pascals, V in meters^3 n in moles R = 8.32 and T = 293.

If you use P in atm, then is the constant 0.082 correct?
  • #10
yes i think so
  • #11
My previous post is incorrect. I should have said the volume is in liters, not meter^3
  • #12
right, and I think that m^3=mL=.001L
  • #13
So when I change my calculation from m^3 to liters I get an answer closer to yours but not exact.

so, to find n, we use pressure in Pascals, volume in liters, R = 8.3, and K = 293.
so what do you get for n?
  • #14
  • #15
I agree. Now, change in internal energy is (5/2)Rn(delta T)?
  • #16
I believe so
  • #17
I get (5/2)(8.31)(1.74E-4)(32.2) = I can't give the answer
  • #18
I get the same message with that answer that I do with my previous one. "It appears you have made a power of ten error"
  • #19
In PV = nRT, [P] = N/m2, [n] = mol, [T] = K and with R = 8.31, [R] = J K-1mol-1 => [V] = J m2/N = m3, no?
  • #20
Are you using Quest? sometimes their answers are wrong. I get .116 if I use the equation above or if I use your original equation. I think you made a math error when you got 1.17 E-4.
  • #21
I am not 100% sure about your units for P and V (it may just be notation i am not familiar with)
I usually see [P]=atm or pascals, [V]=L (m^3=mL)
  • #22
It's smart physics
  • #23
I think we agree on n = -1.74E-4, the units of p and v are done with.

This means that N = (1.74E-4)(6.022E23) =1.04E20

Just recalculate your first answer. I think you made a math error.

1.17E-4 is not correct didn't you get .117?
  • #24
Here is everything I am doing

=(5/2)*(1.381e-23)*(32.23)*( (1*.0042)/(.08206*293) )* (6.022e23)
  • #25
I don't recognize some of your constants and conversions but...

Take your equation from post #1, 5/2*(52.23-20)*1.381e-23*N and plug in the value for N

N = (1.74E-4)(6.02E23) = 1.04E20 and what do you get? .116 or .117 I think this is the correct answer.

Check your math and we will agree even though smart Physics says we are off. I don't believe it.
  • #26
I get .117
  • #27
.117 is not what you reported in post #1. I think .117 is correct.
  • #28
1m^3 is 1000 liters. So the balloon volume is 4.2 liters. From the ideal gas law, the number of gram moles n = 0.175. So ΔU=2.5nRΔT=1.156 liter-atm. How many Joules is that?
  • #29
Ahh, I see my mistake. I was using from units for the volume. Thank you! I got the correct answer now. I appreciate everyone's help
  • #30
I feel like an idiot :-(
  • #31
Why do you not use SI units? And you do not need to evaluate n or N.

PV=nRT. ΔU=5/2 (nR) ΔT. -->

nR=PV/T , ΔU=2.5 PV ΔT/T.

P=101.3 kPa=1.013 e5 Pa. V=4.2 e-3 m3. T=293 K, ΔT=32.23 K.

The result is in joules.

FAQ: First Law of Thermodynamics and temperature

What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?

The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed from one form to another.

How does the First Law of Thermodynamics relate to temperature?

The First Law of Thermodynamics is closely related to temperature as it states that energy is conserved in any thermodynamic process. This means that the total amount of energy in a system remains constant, but it can change form, such as from heat energy to mechanical energy. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system, so changes in temperature reflect changes in the amount of energy present in the system.

What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Heat and temperature are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Heat is a form of energy that is transferred from one object to another due to a difference in temperature. Temperature, on the other hand, is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system. In other words, heat is the transfer of energy, while temperature is a measure of the amount of energy present in a system.

How does the First Law of Thermodynamics apply to everyday life?

The First Law of Thermodynamics applies to everyday life in many ways. For example, it explains why a cup of hot coffee cools down over time, as the heat energy from the coffee is transferred to the cooler surrounding environment. It also explains why it takes more energy to heat up a large pot of water compared to a small pot, as the larger pot has more particles and thus more energy to increase the temperature.

Can the First Law of Thermodynamics be violated?

No, the First Law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental law of physics and cannot be violated. It has been extensively tested and proven to hold true in all physical processes. However, it should be noted that the First Law only applies to closed systems, where no energy is exchanged with the surroundings. In open systems, such as living organisms, energy can be exchanged with the surroundings and the First Law may appear to be violated, but this is due to the inclusion of external energy sources.
