Calculating Force of Falling Weight in Closed System

  • Thread starter jesuslovesu
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In summary, the conversation discusses a closed system with a cart and weights. The force of the falling weight can be determined by multiplying the mass and acceleration. The only forces acting on the falling weight are gravity and tension in the rope. When considering the entire system, the force of tension in the rope cancels out.
  • #1
I'm just wondering if I'm doing this correctly..

If I have something like this:

It's a closed system where the weights on the cart will get placed on the bottom holder for each trial... To find the 'force of the falling weight' I would take the mass*acceleration, where acceleration is determined by how fast the cart goes in a certain distance right? I wouldn't just take the mass*gravity when it's connected to a pulley like that would I?
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  • #2
The only forces acting on the falling weight are Fg1 (force of gravity) and FT (force of tension in the rope). For the falling weight alone, Fnet1 = ma = Fg1+FT.

Since FT is applied in both directions in the rope, it "cancels out" when you involve the entire system. For the entire system, Fnet = (m1+m2)a = Fg1+Ff2.

Hope that helps.
  • #3

As a scientist, you are on the right track with your approach to calculating the force of the falling weight in a closed system.

To determine the force of the falling weight, you would indeed use the formula force = mass * acceleration. However, the acceleration in this case would not be the acceleration of the cart itself, but rather the acceleration of the falling weight. This can be calculated using the equation a = (Fnet)/m, where Fnet is the net force acting on the weight (in this case, gravity) and m is the mass of the weight.

Additionally, when using a pulley system like the one shown in your image, the force acting on the weight is not just the force of gravity, but also the tension in the rope or string connecting the weight to the pulley. This tension can be calculated using the equation T = m * g, where T is the tension, m is the mass of the weight, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Therefore, to calculate the force of the falling weight in this closed system, you would add the force of gravity (m * g) and the tension in the rope (T) to get the net force acting on the weight. This net force can then be used in the formula force = mass * acceleration to find the force of the falling weight.

In short, your approach is correct but make sure to consider the tension in the rope when calculating the net force acting on the falling weight.

FAQ: Calculating Force of Falling Weight in Closed System

What is the formula for calculating force of falling weight in a closed system?

The formula for calculating force of falling weight in a closed system is force = mass x acceleration due to gravity. This is also known as Newton's Second Law of Motion.

What is the unit of measurement for force in this calculation?

The unit of measurement for force in this calculation is Newtons (N). This unit is named after Sir Isaac Newton, who first described the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.

How does the acceleration due to gravity affect the force of a falling weight in a closed system?

The acceleration due to gravity is a constant value of 9.8 m/s² on Earth and it determines how quickly the weight will accelerate as it falls. The greater the acceleration due to gravity, the greater the force of the falling weight will be.

Can the force of a falling weight in a closed system be negative?

No, the force of a falling weight in a closed system cannot be negative. Force is a vector quantity and can only have a positive value. However, the direction of the force can be negative if it is acting in the opposite direction of a chosen reference point.

How can the force of a falling weight in a closed system be calculated if the mass and acceleration due to gravity are known?

The force of a falling weight in a closed system can be calculated by multiplying the mass of the weight (in kilograms) by the acceleration due to gravity (in meters per second squared). The result will be the force in Newtons (N).
