What's the toughest ME undergrad course?

In summary, the hardest undergraduate level course I have taken was electrical and electronic circuits. It was difficult because my mind isn't wired to intuitively do that kind of work.
  • #1
Random question for all you MEs out there, but feel free if you also have engineering courses taken in other areas (EE, CE, ChemE, etc), just wondering what is the hardest undergrad level course you have taken. If you choose to post, I'm interested in why is was so difficult for you. I know it really depends on the person but just curious to hear some opinions! Thanks
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  • #2
The hardes class for me during my ME degree... electric and electronic circuits! My mind just isn't wired to intuitively do that stuff. I don't find any of the actual ME stuff to be too bad, perhaps because I actually enjoyed it.
  • #3
The most unfun thing I've done in class is to perform FEA aynalisis by hand! Yep, constructing and solving a 20x20 matrix from a seemingly simple truss is no fun at all! But the logic is that we should understand how CAD programs operate FEA simulations...
  • #4
Junior year elective, mechanical metallurgy which was about rolling, punching and extruding. The prof sucked and the theory was over my head, probably still is.
  • #5
Mmmmmm...strain energy and Von Mises max distorion energy prinicple...fun stuff...
  • #6
I think the most difficult course mathematically is easily fluid mechanics. It was the first course outside of the math department that relied pretty heavily on differential equations (including partial).
  • #7
Control Systems- it relied a lot on understaning of how to intuit transfer functions of components (such as electrical circuitry which I found counter-intuitive in most cases), not to mention the "fuzzy math" that is laplace transforms >:-)
  • #8
Mech_Engineer said:
Control Systems- it relied a lot on understaning of how to intuit transfer functions of components (such as electrical circuitry which I found counter-intuitive in most cases), not to mention the "fuzzy math" that is laplace transforms >:-)

That's weird, that was my best course. The hardest courses for me were advanced dynamics, engineering analysis, and aerospace propulsion. The latter mainly because the lecturer was lazy and gave us wrong information. The others because there just wasn't enough time to learn them properly.
  • #9
Great to hear some opinions! Pretty sad when I would say my worst class is physics, but haven't had enough ME courses yet to really get a feel. I've only had 4 engineering classes so far, so guess there is a lot of room to get harder.
  • #10
Same for me with the electric circuits!
  • #11
Vibrations or Fluid Mechanics
  • #12
I feel like I am taking it right now. Numerical Methods using MATLAB.
  • #13
at my university it was probably machine elements, not because its hard to understand or anything but because u needed to know all the equations for every mechanical component invented.
  • #14
btbam91 said:
I feel like I am taking it right now. Numerical Methods using MATLAB.

Yeah, see my post. We call it Engineering Analysis. We had to do an advanced version too for Aerospace, it was quite tricky.

FAQ: What's the toughest ME undergrad course?

What is the hardest ME undergrad course?

The hardest ME undergrad course can vary from person to person depending on individual strengths and weaknesses. However, some commonly cited challenging courses in ME include Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Mechanical Design.

Why is Thermodynamics considered one of the hardest ME undergrad courses?

Thermodynamics is considered challenging because it involves complex mathematical concepts and requires a strong understanding of physics. It also covers a broad range of topics, making it difficult to master all aspects of the subject.

How can I succeed in the hardest ME undergrad courses?

To succeed in challenging ME courses, it is important to have a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering principles. It is also helpful to develop good study habits, seek help from professors and peers, and practice problem-solving regularly.

Are there any tips for tackling Fluid Mechanics, one of the hardest ME undergrad courses?

Some tips for tackling Fluid Mechanics include practicing problems regularly, understanding the underlying concepts and equations, and breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. It is also helpful to seek clarification from the professor or teaching assistant when needed.

What are some resources for succeeding in the hardest ME undergrad courses?

Some resources that can aid in succeeding in challenging ME courses include textbooks, online lectures and tutorials, study groups, and office hours with professors or teaching assistants. It is also helpful to utilize resources provided by the university, such as tutoring services or study centers.

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