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I've been doing some reading about Friedmann's three types of GR solution that yield closed, open and flat universes. I think I can grasp the closed solution best. As far as I understand it a closed universe is finite in both time and space. It begins, grows and then collapses in upon itself, taking time to do these things. I also realize that the volume of space is represented, not by the interior of the sphere below, but by it's surface area. That area grows, reaches a maximum size and then shrinks. I think I also see how such a universe is unbounded. Just as an ant would never come to any kind of edge when crawling over the surface of a sphere, so a spaceship would never come to any kind of edge of a closed universe. It could (theoretically) travel forever, with it's occupants never realizing that the volume they are traversing is actually finite. So far (I hope) so good.
But the open and flat universes are where I need some help. Please!
The books and internet articles I've read tell me that these two types of universe are considered to be infinite. I've also read that our universe has been found to be flat, to a reasonable degree of confidence. That being so, in my mind I picture the rectangular grid representing a (our?) flat universe extending forever, without any kind of boundary or edge. Infinite meaning without end.
However, I'm still struggling on a number of points and would appreciate some help - preferably in a non-technical and easy-to-grasp way. I'll list them below, but please be patient with me if I phrase them awkwardly, wrongly or naively. Thank you.
As explained above I think I can visualize how a closed Friedmann universe evolves over time. But am I right in thinking that all three solutions have something like a definite moment of origin? If not can what is theorized to happen be be explained to me please?
If there is a moment of origin (T = 0?) that applies to all three solutions, then do the open and flat universes become infinitely-large over time or are they considered to be infinitely-large from get go?
I've seen the above diagram used to represent how inflation might 'flatten' our universe and give it the appearance of being flat. It's my understanding that this process happens over time. But wouldn't that mean that the volume of space is actually finite - not unlike the finite but unbounded volume of a Friedmann closed universe?
If I'm barking up the wrong tree here (i.e., flat and open universes are infinite from get go) then could somebody please explain this to me in a way that I can understand? I ask because I just don't get how the evolution of these two types of universe satisfy what seem to me to be two, mutually-exclusive conditions. How can our infinitely-large and flat universe originate from something infinitely-small (the initial singularity) without transitioning from one condition to the other over time?
I can see how a closed universe does this, because the volumes involved are finite and they evolve over time.
But infinitely large from infinitely small in zero time?
Thanks for any help (on my basic level) given.
Yes, I have read that there are some kinds of infinities that are larger than others and that infinities can also grow. (Hilbert's Hotel?) So I do get that. But this growth would, as far as I naively understand it, happen over time. It's the jump from zero size to infinite size in zero time that's throwing me!
I've been doing some reading about Friedmann's three types of GR solution that yield closed, open and flat universes. I think I can grasp the closed solution best. As far as I understand it a closed universe is finite in both time and space. It begins, grows and then collapses in upon itself, taking time to do these things. I also realize that the volume of space is represented, not by the interior of the sphere below, but by it's surface area. That area grows, reaches a maximum size and then shrinks. I think I also see how such a universe is unbounded. Just as an ant would never come to any kind of edge when crawling over the surface of a sphere, so a spaceship would never come to any kind of edge of a closed universe. It could (theoretically) travel forever, with it's occupants never realizing that the volume they are traversing is actually finite. So far (I hope) so good.
But the open and flat universes are where I need some help. Please!
The books and internet articles I've read tell me that these two types of universe are considered to be infinite. I've also read that our universe has been found to be flat, to a reasonable degree of confidence. That being so, in my mind I picture the rectangular grid representing a (our?) flat universe extending forever, without any kind of boundary or edge. Infinite meaning without end.
However, I'm still struggling on a number of points and would appreciate some help - preferably in a non-technical and easy-to-grasp way. I'll list them below, but please be patient with me if I phrase them awkwardly, wrongly or naively. Thank you.
As explained above I think I can visualize how a closed Friedmann universe evolves over time. But am I right in thinking that all three solutions have something like a definite moment of origin? If not can what is theorized to happen be be explained to me please?
If there is a moment of origin (T = 0?) that applies to all three solutions, then do the open and flat universes become infinitely-large over time or are they considered to be infinitely-large from get go?
I've seen the above diagram used to represent how inflation might 'flatten' our universe and give it the appearance of being flat. It's my understanding that this process happens over time. But wouldn't that mean that the volume of space is actually finite - not unlike the finite but unbounded volume of a Friedmann closed universe?
If I'm barking up the wrong tree here (i.e., flat and open universes are infinite from get go) then could somebody please explain this to me in a way that I can understand? I ask because I just don't get how the evolution of these two types of universe satisfy what seem to me to be two, mutually-exclusive conditions. How can our infinitely-large and flat universe originate from something infinitely-small (the initial singularity) without transitioning from one condition to the other over time?
I can see how a closed universe does this, because the volumes involved are finite and they evolve over time.
But infinitely large from infinitely small in zero time?

Thanks for any help (on my basic level) given.
Yes, I have read that there are some kinds of infinities that are larger than others and that infinities can also grow. (Hilbert's Hotel?) So I do get that. But this growth would, as far as I naively understand it, happen over time. It's the jump from zero size to infinite size in zero time that's throwing me!