How does the pressure in a steam header react to a sudden load change?

In summary: So, if the pressure in the header goes down, the turbine will have to work harder to generate the same power. Additionally, the speed of the turbine might also be affected.
  • #1
Hello People,
I have querry regarding the pressure variation in the steam header in the steam power plant.
if there is a sudden change in the load and the mass flow through the turbine has to be increased, i would like to know how it effects the pressure value? if yes how does this change influence the process?

could you also suggest me a nice resoure where I can study about the header and it operation.

thanks in advance


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  • #2
This is probably a drum type boiler.

A simplified model would be to think of pressure as the integral of the mismatch between energy in and energy out. Actually, energy storage depends on both temperature and pressure, but in a simplified model, imagine temperature to be constant.

So what happens when you make a step change in energy out?

How does the control system respond to change the energy in? How long does that take?
  • #3
anorlunda said:
This is probably a drum type boiler.

A simplified model would be to think of pressure as the integral of the mismatch between energy in and energy out. Actually, energy storage depends on both temperature and pressure, but in a simplified model, imagine temperature to be constant.

So what happens when you make a step change in energy out?

How does the control system respond to change the energy in? How long does that take?
so I understand from you response that the pressure is a function of energy in and out.
but if the pressure in the header varies, does it effect the process? I know that this variation is going to be for a very short time since the control system triggers the energy in based on the energy out value.

i am a bit curious to know what if the boiler takes a bit long to serve the energy in and the pressure in the header goes on reducing. mathematically is there any relation between pressure drop in the header and the output f turbine or torque or speed.

thanks in advance
  • #4
Chandrakanth_balusa said:
mathematically is there any relation between pressure drop in the header and the output f turbine or torque or speed.

Yes. Again speaking in very approximate numbers, turbine power is proportional to presssure times mass flow rate

FAQ: How does the pressure in a steam header react to a sudden load change?

1. How does the pressure in a steam header react to a sudden load change?

When a sudden load change occurs in a steam header, the pressure will initially increase due to the sudden increase in demand. This increase in pressure is caused by the steam being forced to flow at a higher rate to meet the sudden demand.

2. Will the pressure in a steam header eventually stabilize after a sudden load change?

Yes, the pressure in a steam header will eventually stabilize after a sudden load change. This is because the steam flow will adjust to meet the new demand and the pressure will decrease to a level that can be sustained by the steam system.

3. What factors can affect the pressure in a steam header during a sudden load change?

Several factors can affect the pressure in a steam header during a sudden load change, including the size and capacity of the steam header, the rate of steam flow, and the overall efficiency of the steam system.

4. Is it possible for the pressure in a steam header to drop below safe levels during a sudden load change?

Yes, it is possible for the pressure in a steam header to drop below safe levels during a sudden load change. This can happen if the steam system is not properly designed or if there is a malfunction in the system.

5. How can the pressure in a steam header be controlled during a sudden load change?

The pressure in a steam header can be controlled during a sudden load change by using pressure control valves, which regulate the flow of steam to maintain a consistent pressure. Additionally, proper system design and maintenance can help prevent drastic pressure changes during load changes.
