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Jesse Keeper
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Isn't a Brillouin zone a Wigner Seitz cell in reciprocal space? Is it just a collection of wave vectors?
Will you have Brillouin zone boundaries in many different places in your real space crystal, and hence standing waves there? What causes the standing waves at the zone boundaries? Isn't a standing wave a superposition of two identical waves traveling in opposite directions? What are the waves that are superposed at the boundary? And is the boundary a physical point?
What is the connection between a Bloch wave and Brillouin zone?
Why does Bragg scattering happen at the Brillouin zone boundary, and what is it?
Is it possible to view Brillouin zone in another physical way?
Thanks in advance!
Will you have Brillouin zone boundaries in many different places in your real space crystal, and hence standing waves there? What causes the standing waves at the zone boundaries? Isn't a standing wave a superposition of two identical waves traveling in opposite directions? What are the waves that are superposed at the boundary? And is the boundary a physical point?
What is the connection between a Bloch wave and Brillouin zone?
Why does Bragg scattering happen at the Brillouin zone boundary, and what is it?
Is it possible to view Brillouin zone in another physical way?
Thanks in advance!