I have a really bad girl problem. me.

  • Thread starter Gothic_Freddy
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In summary, the speaker is a high school student who has developed a crush on a goth/punk girl named Haley. They have started to hang out and talk more, and the speaker decides to ask her out. However, they get nervous and accidentally ask her out on behalf of their friend, Zayne. The speaker is now seeking advice on what to do, and others are suggesting ways to make Zayne look like a loser in order to improve the speaker's chances. Some also suggest seeking fashion advice from others. The speaker is also criticized for seeking girl advice on a physics forum.
  • #1
I sort of have a girl problem.

I was at the mall with my old lady to buy the FPS game legendary when i ran into a girl named Haley. I Thought nothing of her at school, but when I saw her here something changed inside of me. I started to develop a crush on the 5'10 goth/punk. The next day I told my friend Zayne. He said he kinda liked her.

My relationship with Haley grew from there. We started to hang out and talk a lot more. So today I was going to ask her out. At lunch I got nervous and decided to wait till after school.

When I walked up to her, I got nervous again. I poked her shoulder many times like an immature child. I wanted to say "Haley, will you go out with me?" But instead i Said "Haley, Zayne wants to know if you will go out with him." "Sure." She said. Major screwup. What should I do? I need Help.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
$ell the $cript to Hollywood. They love thi$ $tuff.
  • #3
Who is "your old lady"? I've always heard that in reference to a man's wife. You're married?
  • #4
next time you see her, ask if she will go with tom, dick and harry, if she says yes you have your ansewer.
  • #5
Just tell the truth. Tell her that your friend does like her and wants to go out with her and then tell her you do too and you chickened out and asked her out for your friend instead of yourself.

Then run away before Cyrus sees this thread.
  • #6
Evo said:
Who is "your old lady"? I've always heard that in reference to a man's wife. You're married?

I think he means his mom.

I'm just sitting back and waiting for Cyrus to arrive. :biggrin:
  • #7
Your best chance now is to make Zayne look like a loser who is too shy to ask her himself. For ideas on how to do this read 'The Courtship of Miles Standish', by Longfellow and 'Cyrano De Bergerac' by Rostand.
  • #8
Stay away! Women are evil.

My advice is that if you get any urges you can't suppress with hard liquor, give yourself a hand.
  • #9
Moonbear said:
I think he means his mom.
I certainly hope so.

I'm just sitting back and waiting for Cyrus to arrive. :biggrin:
Cyrus does love these threads.
  • #10
I'll be 100% honest with you. There's a good chance she's already friend zoned you. However, you will hate yourself if you don't find out. Getting rejected doesn't even matter the next day. You may potentially never get over it if you never find out. Just do ittttttt. Tell her the truth.

You're in high school right? Are you usually good with women?
  • #11
If i had an old lady i would ask her to wear my colors and take her for a burn up on my Honda 50.
  • #12
Can you have a burn up on a Honda 50?
  • #13
moose said:
Are you usually good with women?

Judging by the thread, I'm going with no.
  • #14
It doesn't sound that bad...at all really. Just come out to her and correct your mistake...
  • #15
Kurdt said:
Can you have a burn up on a Honda 50?

Only if you hate them and have marshmallows.
  • #16
Buy her some really dark eye shadow. Goth girls love that stuff.
  • #17
jimmysnyder said:
Your best chance now is to make Zayne look like a loser who is too shy to ask her himself. For ideas on how to do this read 'The Courtship of Miles Standish', by Longfellow and 'Cyrano De Bergerac' by Rostand.

  • #18
You have zero post count. That means you came here for girl advice. This is a physics forum. Go away.

This is what I think of all these girl threads:

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  • #19
Gothic_Freddy said:
I sort of have a girl problem.

I was at the mall with my old lady to buy the FPS game legendary when i ran into a girl named Haley. I Thought nothing of her at school, but when I saw her here something changed inside of me. I started to develop a crush on the 5'10 goth/punk. The next day I told my friend Zayne. He said he kinda liked her.

My relationship with Haley grew from there. We started to hang out and talk a lot more. So today I was going to ask her out. At lunch I got nervous and decided to wait till after school.

When I walked up to her, I got nervous again. I poked her shoulder many times like an immature child. I wanted to say "Haley, will you go out with me?" But instead i Said "Haley, Zayne wants to know if you will go out with him." "Sure." She said. Major screwup. What should I do? I need Help.

jimmysnyder said:
Your best chance now is to make Zayne look like a loser who is too shy to ask her himself. For ideas on how to do this read 'The Courtship of Miles Standish', by Longfellow and 'Cyrano De Bergerac' by Rostand.

First thing to do is to follow jimmysnyder's advice.

Second thing is to ask Cyrus for fashion advice. He'll hook you right up.

Third thing is to find someone to give this poor girl some fashion advice. Goth/punk?
  • #20
BobG said:
someone to give this poor girl some fashion advice. Goth/punk?
Hey, you're from the older generation, quiet! lol I had a brief thing (as in a week, leading up to homecoming) with a girl nick named Stripes due to her black and white one inch stripes in her hair, she was fine.
  • #21
You're right, you do have a really bad girl problem.

Namely, that you need to stop acting like one and grow a pair. :)
  • #22
You have zero post count. That means you came here for girl advice. This is a physics forum. Go away.

I think it is a fine idea to ask for girl advice on a physics forum. A fine idea, indeed.
  • #23
Renge Ishyo said:
I think it is a fine idea to ask for girl advice on a physics forum. A fine idea, indeed.

I hope that is sarcasm.
  • #24
Put on some black nail polish and write her a really depressing and self deprecating poem about it. Goth chicks love that stuff. ;-p

But seriously, if your friend likes her and you have now set him up for a date with her then step out of it. Your mistake. Live with it. If you're in high school you have plenty of time to figure out how not to make an a** of yourself in front of girls.
  • #25
Accept your losses and move on. No point on dwelling on this. You'll meet other girls. It's not worth going through the trouble in making your friend look like a fool so she dumps him, especially if she then says she doesn't want to go out with your or worse, finds out you're the jerk who did all that stuff to his friend.

Next time you'll know not to do this. Haha, or you could have said "Zayne wants to know if you'll go out with me."
  • #26
SticksandStones said:
You're right, you do have a really bad girl problem.

Namely, that you need to stop acting like one and grow a pair. :)

That made me lol.

I'm not from this forum either, just stopping by randomly cause google images lead me here randomly.. yeah.. don't ask.. I'm bored on my night shift.

What you need to do.

1. Talk to her ASAP.
2. Don't sound panicky or scared or timid. What girl wants to date a guy like that?
3. Admit you made a mistake and ask her out to do something with you.. and have something in mind to do.. like.. ****... idk how old you are so that kind of limits stuff. If you are younger than 21, dinner/movie/mall/whatever. Older than 21, find some friends (not sure how many you have) and go to a bar or club.. preferably a goth one.. haha. shoot..
4. Then just play it cool. If she smokes, she pokes. If she's goth, she's probably a freak..ya know..

Don't worry man.. just man up, and get to it. Peace.
  • #27
Problem? I always liked really bad girls. But then I was Catholic.
  • #28
Renge Ishyo said:
I think it is a fine idea to ask for girl advice on a physics forum. A fine idea, indeed.


Just remember: Tell her she has beautiful eyes (if you can see them through all that eye shadow).
  • #29
And don't mention that her nose looks like an ice pick
  • #30
Make sure you talk about physics all the time, girls love that!
  • #31
BobG said:
First thing to do is to follow jimmysnyder's advice.

Second thing is to ask Cyrus for fashion advice. He'll hook you right up.

Third thing is to find someone to give this poor girl some fashion advice. Goth/punk?

binzing said:
Hey, you're from the older generation, quiet! lol I had a brief thing (as in a week, leading up to homecoming) with a girl nick named Stripes due to her black and white one inch stripes in her hair, she was fine.

The three worst fashion decisions:

3. Doramad toothpaste. Its radioactive radiation increases the defenses of teeth and gums. The cells are loaded with new life energy, the bacteria are hindered in their destroying effect. This explains the excellent prophylaxis and healing process with gingival diseases. It gently polishes the dental enamel so it turns white and shiny. Prevents dental calculus. Wonderful lather and a new, pleasant, mild and refreshing taste. Can be applied sparingly.

2. http://www.oobject.com/radioactive-products/tho-radia-radium-beauty-cream/1253/ facial cream. Gives the face such a healthy glow. Drawback: Turning the lights off won't improve her appearance.

1. Goth/punk

Actually, all three of these pale in comparison to the scrotal radiendoctrinator and the radium suppositories, but those products were the early 20th century version of Viagra, not fashion products. http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/offbeat-news/10-radioactive-products-that-people-actually-used/1388

Radium chocolate might help your chances. Women always love chocolate.
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  • #32
Ivan Seeking said:
Problem? I always liked really bad girls. But then I was Catholic.
When I went to college (from a really small town), one of the first girls I fell in with was VP of an SDS chapter in Maine's largest city. She was averse to underwear- pretty much jeans and T-shirts.

I loved that era.
  • #33
turbo-1 said:
When I went to college (from a really small town), one of the first girls I fell in with was VP of an SDS chapter in Maine's largest city. She was averse to underwear- pretty much jeans and T-shirts. I loved that era.
What's SDS? Googling turns up Student Disability Service or Students for a Democratic Society?? Not sure what either of them would have to do with her aversion to underwear though.
  • #34
Art said:
What's SDS? Googling turns up Student Disability Service or Students for a Democratic Society?? Not sure what either of them would have to do with her aversion to underwear though.
The latter. We would argue (or not) into the night about politics, war, etc, and generally find some common ground somewhere (but without underwear).
  • #35
Make sure you talk about physics all the time, girls love that!

Better yet, he can talk about physics with his friend. If his friend becomes interested he will become a nerd, and without even knowing it the friend will start excreting that natural "nerd repellent" that keeps girls away. After that, the girl will turn away from the friend and go for the original poster! Mwahaha

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