Investigation of resistance of Lightbulb

In summary, the speaker is conducting an investigation on the factors affecting resistance of a lightbulb. They are unsure whether to plot voltage against resistance or current against voltage, and are questioning the relevance of watts in this investigation. They are also concerned about obtaining precise and reliable data with the limited equipment they have. A suggested lecture on the topic is provided as a potential resource.
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Homework Statement

I am currently carrying out an investigation into all the factors that affect the resistance of a lightbulb. Firstly, I have done a graph to show voltage against resistance for a 24W Lightbulb to see if Watts affect resistance, however my friends and teacher all told me to do it as current against voltage, but what is the point when the investigation is asking me to find out the factors that affect resistance? Also, how does watts affect resistance and what is watts exactly.
Another problem is that I need to have precise and reliable data in order to get the high grades, but I don't know how I can get precision and reliability with just a "power pack, filament lightbulb, wire, variable resistor, two multimeters..."?
Please help, thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF.

This lecture might be useful at about 17:20 in, though actually the whole lecture might be helpful.:
  • #3

I can provide some guidance and clarification on your investigation. First, it is important to understand that resistance is a physical property of a material and is affected by several factors, including the material's composition, length, cross-sectional area, and temperature. In the case of a lightbulb, the filament is the material that determines the resistance.

In order to accurately investigate the factors that affect resistance, it is important to use a consistent and reliable method. Your friends and teacher are correct in suggesting to plot current against voltage instead of watts against resistance. This is because watts is a unit of power, which is the product of current and voltage. By plotting current against voltage, you can directly observe the relationship between these two variables and how they affect resistance.

To address your concern about precision and reliability, it is important to carefully design your experiment and use appropriate equipment. The use of a power pack, filament lightbulb, wire, variable resistor, and multimeters is a good starting point. However, it is important to ensure that your equipment is calibrated and functioning properly. Additionally, it may be helpful to repeat your measurements multiple times and take an average to improve precision and reliability.

Lastly, watts is a unit of power and is defined as the rate at which energy is transferred or work is done. In the case of a lightbulb, it is a measure of how much electrical energy is converted into light and heat. It is related to resistance through the equation P=I^2R, where P is power, I is current, and R is resistance. This means that as resistance increases, the power dissipated by the lightbulb also increases.

I hope this helps clarify some of your questions and provides some direction for your investigation. Remember to carefully plan and execute your experiment, and use appropriate methods and equipment for accurate and reliable results. Good luck with your investigation!

FAQ: Investigation of resistance of Lightbulb

1. What is the purpose of investigating the resistance of a lightbulb?

The purpose of investigating the resistance of a lightbulb is to understand how the electrical current flows through the bulb and how it affects its brightness and lifespan. This information can help in selecting the right bulb for a specific use and to improve energy efficiency.

2. How is the resistance of a lightbulb measured?

The resistance of a lightbulb can be measured using an ohmmeter, which is a device that measures the electrical resistance of a circuit. The ohmmeter is connected to the two terminals of the lightbulb, and the resistance value is then displayed on the device.

3. What factors affect the resistance of a lightbulb?

The resistance of a lightbulb can be affected by several factors, including the length and thickness of the filament, the material used for the filament, and the temperature of the bulb. Other factors such as the voltage and current flowing through the bulb can also impact its resistance.

4. How does the resistance of a lightbulb affect its brightness?

The resistance of a lightbulb is directly proportional to its brightness. This means that as the resistance increases, the brightness of the bulb decreases, and vice versa. This is because a higher resistance reduces the flow of electricity, resulting in a dimmer bulb.

5. Why is it important to investigate the resistance of a lightbulb?

Investigating the resistance of a lightbulb is important because it helps in understanding the behavior of the bulb and how it can be used efficiently. It also allows for the comparison of different types of bulbs and their resistance values, which can aid in making informed choices about lighting options.
