Learn Super Conductors: Focus on Band Theory?

  • Thread starter Silverious
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In summary, superconductors are materials that can conduct electricity with 100% efficiency due to their ability to flow without resistance. The band theory of superconductors explains how this occurs in certain materials. Superconductors have various applications, but they also face challenges such as the need for low temperatures and fragility.
  • #1

I was wondering, if I wanted to specialize in super conductors, would I have to focus on band theory?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes, at least to some extend (assuming you're familiar with quantum theory and basic solid state physics). Things like Bloch-waves, reciprocal space, Fermi-energy, band gap, Debye energy and electron-phonon interaction are quite important in understanding superconductors. However, I'd draw the line at [tex]k\cdot p[/tex] approximation: you won't really need that. Likewise for actually calculating complicated bandstructures in 3D.

Hope this helps!

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