Manually integrating to find flux through hemisphere

In summary, the conversation is about calculating the electric flux through the top of a hemisphere centered on the z-axis using "brute force integration" of the surface area. The homework equations involved are Gauss' Law and the attempt at a solution involves using intuition and projecting a sphere onto the xy-plane. There is also discussion about using spherical coordinates and finding the normal to the tangent plane at each point. The final goal is to use the equation ##\Phi = \int_S \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{A}## and make the long calculation to solve for the electric flux.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Basically, I am being asked to calculate the electric flux through the top of a hemisphere centered on the z-axis using "brute force integration" of the surface area.

Homework Equations

Gauss' Law

The Attempt at a Solution

Using intuition and Gauss' law, I know that the flux is Φ=Eπr^2, but I'm not sure how to prove this using "brute force" integration as my teacher requires. If anyone could help me at least set up the integral, it would be much appreciated.
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  • #2
I'm not sure what you mean by "brute force". It can be readily shown that the projection of a sphere onto theal plane of said sphere is pi*r^2, and since phi=E(dot)dA or just E(dot)A for approximation, then you end up with that expression. Perhaps show that E(dot)A is E*pir*r^2
  • #3
I'm not sure exactly what he means either haha. Anyway, he said it'd be easier to do if we use the spherical coordinate system to represent the hemisphere, which sounds like a hint, but I'm still not too sure how to proceed.
  • #4
Hmmm... I'm not sure I agree with that, but it can definitely be done in spherical coordinates. You are familiar with the equation of a sphere, no?

Edit* Wait, I lied. It makes the limits way nicer.
  • #5
No, I'm afraid I don't know how to represent a hemisphere in spherical coordinates
  • #6
I see. Well a sphere takes the form ##<r,\phi,\theta>##. That is an arbitrary point on the surface of a sphere, and you need to find the normal to the tangent plane at each point, then dot it with the electric field, and integrate over the surface.
##\Phi = \int_S \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{A}##
  • #7
By brute force, he might have just meant make the long calculation.
  • #8
Alright, I'll see if I can work it out from here. Thanks!
  • #9
No problemo!

FAQ: Manually integrating to find flux through hemisphere

1. What is the purpose of manually integrating to find flux through a hemisphere?

The purpose of manually integrating is to calculate the total flux passing through a hemisphere, which is a measure of the amount of flow of a vector field over a surface. This can be useful in various scientific and engineering applications, such as predicting fluid flow or analyzing electromagnetic fields.

2. How do you manually integrate to find flux through a hemisphere?

To manually integrate, you must first define a surface over which you want to calculate the flux. In this case, the surface is a hemisphere. Then, you need to divide the surface into small elements and calculate the flux through each element using the appropriate mathematical formula. Finally, you can sum up all the flux values to get the total flux through the hemisphere.

3. What is the mathematical formula for calculating flux through a surface?

The mathematical formula for calculating flux through a surface is given by the dot product of the vector field and the unit normal vector of the surface. This dot product is then integrated over the surface to get the total flux. In the case of a hemisphere, the formula can be simplified to the product of the magnitude of the vector field and the area of the surface.

4. What are the units of flux?

The units of flux depend on the type of vector field being analyzed. For example, if the vector field represents fluid flow, the units of flux would be volume per unit time. If the vector field represents electric or magnetic fields, the units of flux would be electric or magnetic field strength multiplied by area. In general, the units of flux are given by the product of the units of the vector field and the area of the surface.

5. Can numerical methods be used to find flux through a hemisphere?

Yes, numerical methods such as Monte Carlo integration or Riemann sum can be used to approximate the flux through a hemisphere. These methods are particularly useful when the surface or vector field is complex and cannot be easily integrated using traditional mathematical techniques.

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