Calculating Bending Moment & Torque from Mohr's Strain Circle

In summary, the conversation is about using Mohr's strain circle to determine the values of bending moment and torque for a shaft with a 45 degree rosette strain gauge. The gauges measure strains of a= -0.00015, b = 0.0003, c = 0.00005, and using Mohr's circle, the principal strains are found to be 0.00032 and -0.00042. The formula \sigma = \frac{M c}{I} and \tau = \frac{T c}{J} are used to calculate the bending moment and torque, respectively. The larger value of the principal stress is used, regardless of its sign.
  • #1
Hi, desperately need help with this assignment question as its in for 2moro!

"At a point on the surface of a shaft with diameter of 100mm, a 45deg rosette strain gauge is positioned with the middle gauge along the axis of the shaft. The gauges measure strains of a= -0.00015, b = 0.0003, c = 0.00005. Use Mohr's strain circle to determine the value of M(bending moment) and T(torque). E = 210GPa and u = 0.29."

I've drawn a mohr's circle to find principle strains of 0.00032 and -0.00042. From this i can get the principle stresses, but I do not know what formula to use to find the bending moment and torque?

Any help would be much appreciated thankyou!
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  • #2
I didn't go back to check your numbers for the principal strains. Assuming that you made the correct circle when dealing with strains and you have backed out the principal stresses, then the rest is basic mechanics.

[tex]\sigma = \frac{M c}{I}[/tex]

[tex]\tau = \frac{T c}{J}[/tex]
  • #3
Yeh sorry that was basic. But which principle stress value would you use to find the bending moment? Iv calculated 45x10^6 and -75x10^6. Do you just use the positive value even though it is smaller?
  • #4
You'll want to use the larger value. The negative sign simply denotes a direction.

FAQ: Calculating Bending Moment & Torque from Mohr's Strain Circle

What is Mohr's Strain Circle?

Mohr's Strain Circle is a graphical method used to visualize and calculate the stresses and strains in a material under various loading conditions.

How do you calculate bending moment from Mohr's Strain Circle?

To calculate the bending moment, first plot the strain components on the Mohr's Strain Circle. Then, draw a line from the center of the circle to the point representing the maximum strain value. The distance between this point and the center of the circle is the bending moment.

What is the importance of calculating bending moment and torque?

Calculating bending moment and torque is important in understanding the structural behavior of a material under different loading conditions. This information is crucial in designing and analyzing structures to ensure they can withstand the expected loads and forces.

Can Mohr's Strain Circle be used for any type of material?

Yes, Mohr's Strain Circle can be used for any type of material as long as the material exhibits linear elastic behavior. It is commonly used for metals, but can also be applied to other materials such as plastics and composites.

What are some limitations of using Mohr's Strain Circle?

One limitation of using Mohr's Strain Circle is that it assumes the material is homogeneous and isotropic, meaning it has the same properties in all directions. Additionally, it only applies to materials in the elastic range and cannot be used for materials that exhibit plastic deformation. It also does not take into account any non-linear behavior of the material.

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