Related rates question, shadow

  • #1

Homework Statement

A man 6m tall walks away from a light 10m above the ground. If his shadow lengthens at a rate of 2m/s, how fast is he walking?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have nothing.
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  • #2
Using similar triangles you can find the relationship between the shadow length (B) and distance away from pole (A).

Keeping in mind that you are given dB/dt and asked to find dA/dt
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  • #3
but how can i use similar triangles if i only have one of the dimensions of the triangle?
  • #4
shanshan said:
but how can i use similar triangles if i only have one of the dimensions of the triangle?

Look at the picture I attached. The relationship between ratios is constant, therefore the relationship between speed of man and length of shadow is constant
  • #5
ahhhh and the light goes on. thankyou!