Relativity, time difference from two planets

In summary, two planets, A and B, have a relative velocity of 0.7c. They both observe the birth of two stars, C and D. Planet A sees that star D was born 10 years before star C, while planet B sees that star C was born 20 light years farther than star D. To find the time difference in the reference frame of planet B, the equation Δt' = γ(Δt - βΔx) can be used, where β=0.7 and γ=1.4. However, without specific numbers, the calculation cannot be accurately performed and the result may be negative, which may indicate an incorrect calculation. Further clarification or assistance with relativity may be
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two planets A and B have relative velocities 0.7c.
They can observe the birth of two stars, C and D.
According to planet A, star D was born 10 years before star C was born.
According to planet B, star C was born 20 lightyears farther than star D.
What is the time difference between the birth of the stars in the reference frame of planet B.

The attempt at a solution
S: Planet A
S': Planet B

β=0.7 → γ=1.4


I assume this is incorrect.
I am really struggling with relativity, and my textbook only has a short section which doesn't explain too much. Any help will be appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
I assume this is incorrect.
Because the time period ended up negative?
Apart from that I cannot see what you did - you appear to have plugged some unspecified numbers into an equation.

FAQ: Relativity, time difference from two planets

1. What is the concept of relativity?

The concept of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of General Relativity, is the idea that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. This means that the laws of physics do not change regardless of the observer's frame of reference or speed.

2. How does relativity affect time difference between two planets?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time is relative and can be affected by factors such as gravity and velocity. This means that the time on a planet with more gravity, such as Earth, will pass slower compared to a planet with less gravity. Similarly, time on a planet with faster velocity will pass slower compared to a planet with slower velocity.

3. How is time difference between two planets measured?

The time difference between two planets can be measured using a variety of methods, including atomic clocks and the observation of celestial events such as eclipses. Scientists also use the principles of relativity and the known gravitational pull of each planet to calculate the time difference between them.

4. Is the time difference between two planets constant?

No, the time difference between two planets is not constant. As mentioned before, time is relative and can be affected by various factors. The time difference between two planets can change depending on their relative velocities and the strength of their gravitational fields.

5. How does relativity impact space travel and communication between planets?

Relativity plays a crucial role in space travel and communication between planets. As spacecrafts travel at high speeds and encounter different gravitational fields, the time on board can be affected, leading to discrepancies in time measurement. This needs to be taken into account for accurate navigation and communication between spacecrafts and planets.
